This research investigates the consequences of the increase in corporate use of short-term debt in China over the past decades. Using a sample of Chinese firms from 2007 to 2018, we empirically explore the effect of corporate use of short-term debt for long-term investment (SFLI) on audit pricing. We first examine the relationship between SFLI and audit pricing for different groups of firms. Then, we investigate the role of the increase in short-term debt in alleviating principal-agent conflicts and reducing agency costs. We have four primary empirical findings. First, auditors tend to charge SFLI clients higher fees. Second, the negative relationship between SFLI and audit fee is found in private firms, firms audited by Chinese domestic auditors, and firms with higher information asymmetry. Third, the time auditors spent on SFLI clients is significantly more than that spent on non-SFLI clients, suggesting that the decrease in audit fee is not due to the decrease in cost. Fourth, SFLI significantly reduces the agency costs of the firm, which auditors regard as a low risk signal and grant an audit fee discount. Our findings suggest that the decrease in debt maturity, not only influences managerial behaviors, but also influences auditors’ risk assessment and pricing decisions.
Purpose: This research aims to empirically investigate the motivation of corporate voluntary disclosure by exploring the impact of historical loss on corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSRD). Research design, data, and methodology: This paper takes Chinese A-share listed firms that issued standalone social responsibility reports during the period of 2009-2017 as a sample. Drawing on extant literature, this paper defines historical loss firms as firms with net profit greater than or equal to 0 and undistributed profit less than 0. The tendency score matching method (PSM) is used to find matching samples for historical loss firms. Then OLS regression is conducted to investigate the relationship between historical loss and corporate social disclosure. Results: The results show that historical loss has a significant positive impact on the quality of corporate social responsibility disclosure. After changing the measurement of independent and dependent variables as well as adopting different matching methods to screen the control group, the results still hold. Further research indicates that the relationship between historical loss and CSRD is influenced by corporate financing constraints and industry competition. Conclusions: This research supports the resource motivation hypothesis of corporate social responsibility disclosure, and provides empirical evidence for regulators to strengthen supervision on corporate disclosure.
Purpose: This research aims to investigate the impact of corporate integrity on stock price crash risk. Research design, data, and methodology: Taking 1419 firms listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange in China as a sample, this paper empirically analyzed the relationship between corporate integrity and stock price crash risk. The main integrity data was hand-collected from Shenzhen Stock Exchange Website. Other financial data was collected from CSMAR Database. Results: Findings show that corporate integrity can significantly decrease stock price crash risk. After changing the selection of samples, model estimation methods and the proxy variable of stock price crash risk, the conclusion is still valid. Further research shows that the relationship between corporate integrity and stock price crash risk is only found in firms with weak internal control and firms in poor legal system areas. Conclusions: Results of the study suggest that corporate integrity has a significant influence on behaviors of managers. Business ethics reduces the likelihood of managers to overstate financial performance and hide bad news, which leads to the low likelihood of future stock price crashes. Meanwhile, corporate integrity can supplement internal control and legal system in decreasing stock price crash risks.