The Ozone Dynamics Investigation Nano-Satellite (ODIN) is a CubeSat design proposed by Chungnam National University as contribution to the CubeSat Competition 2019 sponsored by the Korean Aerospace Research Institute (KARI). The main objectives of ODIN are (1) to observe the polar ozone column density (latitude range of 60 to 80 in both hemispheres) and (2) to investigate the chemical dynamics between stratospheric ozone and ozone depleting substances (ODSs) through spectroscopy of the terrestrial atmosphere. For the operation of ODIN, a highly ecient power system designed for the specic orbit is required. We present the conceptual structural design of ODIN and an analysis of power generation in a sun synchronous orbit (SSO) using two dierent congurations of 3U solar panels (a deployed model and a non-deployed model). The deployed solar panel model generates 189.7 W through one day which consists of 14 orbit cycles, while the non-deployed solar panel model generates 152.6 W. Both models generate enough power for ODIN and the calculation suggests that the deployed solar panel model can generate slightly more power than the non-deployed solar panel model in a single orbit cycle. We eventually selected the non-deployed solar panel model for our design because of its robustness against vibration during the launch sequence and the capability of stable power generation through a whole day cycle.
The small-scale magnetospheric and ionospheric plasma experiment (SNIPE) is a mission initiated by the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) in 2017 and comprises four 6U-sized nano-satellites (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Satellite-1, KASISat-1) flying in formations. The main goal of the SNIPE mission is to investigate the space environment in low Earth orbit at 500-km. Because Iridium & GPS Board (IGB) is installed on the KASISat-1, a communication simulation is required to analyze the contact number and the duration. In this study, communication simulations between the Iridium satellite network and KASISat-1 are performed using STK Pro (System Tool Kit Pro Ver 11.2) from the AGI (Analytical Graphics, Inc.). The contact number and durations were analyzed by each orbit and date. The analysis shows that the average access number per day is 38.714 times, with an average of 2.533 times per orbit for a week. Furthermore, on average, the Iridium satellite communication is linked for 70.597 min daily. Moreover, 4.625 min is the average duration of an individual orbit.
We describe a method for the in-orbit calibration of body-mounted magnetometers based on the CHAOS-7 geomagnetic field model. The code is designed to find the true calibration parameters autonomously by using only the onboard magnetometer data and the corresponding CHAOS outputs. As the model output and satellite data have different coordinate systems, they are first transformed to a Star Tracker Coordinate (STC). Then, non-linear optimization processes are run to minimize the differences between the CHAOS-7 model and satellite data in the STC. The process finally searches out a suite of calibration parameters that can maximize the model-data agreement. These parameters include the instrument gain, offset, axis orthogonality, and Euler rotation matrices between the magnetometer frame and the STC. To validate the performance of the Python code, we first produce pseudo satellite data by convoluting CHAOS-7 model outputs with a prescribed set of the ‘true’ calibration parameters. Then, we let the code autonomously undistort the pseudo satellite data through optimization processes, which ultimately track down the initially prescribed calibration parameters. The reconstructed parameters are in good agreement with the prescribed (true) ones, which demonstrates that the code can be used for actual instrument data calibration. This study is performed using Python 3.8.5, NumPy 1.19.2, SciPy 1.6, AstroPy 4.2, SpacePy 0.2.1, and ChaosmagPy 0.5 including the CHAOS-7.6 geomagnetic field model. This code will be utilized for processing NextSat-1 and Small scale magNetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma Experiment (SNIPE) data in the future.