Background: If there is a difference in leg length, the center of gravity shifts unilaterally toward the short leg, causing loss of balance and secondary postural imbalance, trunk muscle tone changes, gait abnormalities and pelvic imbalance.
Objectives: To investigate effects of self exercise program on leg length, balance in adults with leg-length discrepancy.
Design: Single blind randomized controlled trial.
Methods: Twenty-eight participants were selected and divided into resistance exercise, flexibility exercise, and core exercise. Each exercise was performed for 40 minutes, 3 times a week for 6 weeks. Leg length and balance before and after exercise were measured and analyzed.
Results: Following the interventions, resistance exercise group showed significant improvement in balance, but leg length difference did not show significant results. Flexibility exercise group showed significant improvement in leg length difference, but balance did not show significant results. Core exercise group showed significant improvement in leg length difference and balance. There was no significant difference in the comparison between the three groups.
Conclusion: This study suggests that customized exercise according to the patient's level is beneficial to the patients.
Background: The alignment of the neck and shoulder is important in people with forward head posture. However, previous studies have mainly conducted fragmentary studies on the neck and shoulders, and studies on the combined movement of the neck and shoulders are incomplete.
Objective: To investigate the effects of 6 week dynamic exercise program using Thera-band on craniovertebral angle (CVA) in adults with forward head posture.
Design: Quasi-experimental study.
Methods: The study was conducted on 24 adults with forward head posture and experimented with neck and shoulder exercises and divided them into groups of neck exercises, shoulder exercises, and neck and shoulder exercises to measure CVA values before and after the experiment. The neck exercise program included flexion and extension muscles of the neck and shoulder exercises included dynamic exercise of the upper extremities such as the trapezius muscles and serratus anterior muscle. The CVA results were measured using PA200.
Results: Following the interventions, neck exercise group showed significant improvement in CVA (P<.05), but shoulder exercise group and combined exercise group did not show any significant results (P>.05). However, both groups showed some positive results. Significant differences were seen in the comparisons between the three groups (P<.05), and the results of the posthoc test showed significant differences in neck exercise group and shoulder exercise, neck exercise and combine exercise group.
Conclusion: This study suggested that the Thera-band neck exercise is beneficial for foward head posture patients and is expected to be used in clinical trials.