The current situation of the nanopowders production technology based on the process of electrical explosion of wires is described. The advantages and disadvantages of the electroexplosive technology are indicated. The results of studies characterizing the effect of the electrical explosion conditions on the nanopowders properties are presented, including latest results: conditions of nanopowders passivation, conditions of nanopowders production having narrow size distribution, the methods of nanopowders diagnostic and standartization. In addition, the application and area of future research on this technology are proposed.
The phenomenon of electrical explosion of conductors is considered in the context of the changes in the energy and structural states of the metal at the stages of energy delivery and relaxation of the primary products of EEC. It is shown that these changes are related to the forced interaction of an intense energy flux with matter and to the subsequent spontaneous relaxation processes. The characteristics of nano-sized metal powders are also discussed.
The feasibility of obtaining highly dispersed aluminum oxide powders by the electrical explosion of aluminum conductors in an inert gas atmosphere and the subsequent oxidation of aluminum particles by water prior to their contact with air is demonstrated. For a specific surface area of the initial aluminum powder of 6.5/g, the corresponding specific surface area of the resultant aluminum oxide nanopowder was as large as 300/g.