We report a spatial uctuation analysis of the sky brightness in the near-infrared from observations towards the north ecliptic pole (NEP) by AKARI at 2.4 and 3.2 μm. As a follow up study of our previous work on the Monitor eld of AKARI, we used NEP deep survey data, which covered a circular area of about 0.4 square degrees, in order to extend uctuation analysis at angular scales up to 1000". After pre-processing, additional correction procedures were done to correct time varying components and instrumental effects such as MUXbleed. To remove resolved objects, we applied 2α clipping and point spread function (PSF) subtraction. We finally obtained mosaicked images which can be used for the study of various diffuse emissions in the near-infrared sky and found that there are spatial structures in the mosaicked images using a power spectrum analysis.
First light galaxies have predictable linear clustering, and are expected to produce fluctuations with a characteristic spatial power spectrum, which peaks at an angular scale of ~ 10 arcminutes and in the 1―2 μm spectral regions. The Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment 2 (CIBER2) is a dedicated sounding rocket mission for measuring the fluctuations in the extragalactic infrared background light, following up the previous successful measurements of CIBER1. With a 28.5 cm telescope accompanied with three arms of camera barrels and a dual broadband filter on each H2RG (λc = 2.5 μm) array, CIBER2 can measure 6 bands of wide field (1.1 × 2.2 degrees) up to 3 AB magnitudes deeper than CIBER1. This project is leaded by California Institute of Technology/Jet Propulsion Laboratory, collaborating internationally with Institute of Space and Astronautical Science in Japan, Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea Basic Science Institute, and Seoul National University. The Korean team is in charge of 1) one H2RG scientific array, 2) ground station hardware and software, 3) telescope lenses, and 4) flight and test bed electronics fabrication. In this paper, we describe the detailed activities of the Korean participation as well as the current status of the CIBER2 project.
We report a search for fluctuations of the sky brightness toward the North Ecliptic Pole with AKARI, at 2.4, 3.2, and 4.1 μm . The stacked images with a diameter of 10 arcminutes of the AKARI-Monitor Field show a spatial structure on the scale of a few hundred arcseconds. A power spectrum analysis shows that there is a significant excess fluctuation at angular scales larger than 100 arcseconds that cannot be explained by zodiacal light, diffuse Galactic light, shot noise of faint galaxies, or clustering of low-redshift galaxies. These findings indicate that the detected fluctuation could be attributed to the first stars of the universe, i.e., Population III stars.
This is a proposal to probe local part of the interplanetary dust (IPD) cloud complex and retrieve mean volume emissivity of the local IPDs at mid-infrared wavelengths. This will be done by monitoring, with Infrared Camera (IRC) aboard the ASTRO-F, the annual modulation of the zodiacal emission. In pointing mode of the ASTRO-F mission the spacecraft can make attitude maneuvering over approximately ±1 ̊ range centered at solar elongation 90 ̊ in the ecliptic plane. The attitude maneuvering combined with high sensitivity of the IRC will provide us with a unique opportunity observationally to take derivatives of the zodiacal emission brightness with respect to the solar elongation. From the resulting differential of the brightness over the ±1̊ range, one can directly determine the mean volume emissivity of the local IPDs with a sufficient accuracy to de-modulate the annual emissivity variations due to the Earth's elliptical motion and the dis-alignment of the maximum IPD density plane with respect to the ecliptic. The non-zero eccentricity (e⊕= 0.0167) of the Earth's orbit combined with the sensitive temperature dependence of the Planck function would bring modulations of amplitude at least 3.34% to the zodiacal emission brightness at mid-infrared wavelengths, with which one may determine the IPD temperature T(r) and mean number density n(r) as functions of heliocentric distance r. This will in turn fix the power-law exponent δ in the relation T(r) = T_o(r/r_o)-δ for the dust temperature and v in n(r) = n_o(r/r_o)-v for the density. We discuss how one may de-couple the notorious degeneracy of cross-section, density, reference temperature To and exponent δ.