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        검색결과 20

        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        광택집나방과의 국내 미기록 2종인 큰광택집나방(Argyresthia subrimosa Meyrick)과 황갈광택집나방(Argyresthia umbrina Liu, Wang et Li)을 보고한다. 큰광택집나방은 서로 멀리 떨어진 울릉도와 제주도 두 곳에서 발견되었다. 두 지역에서의 큰광택집나방 개체군을 외형 및 생식기 특징으로 비교하였다. 황갈광택집나방이 모식산지인 중국 이외 지역에서 발견된 것은 처음이다. 두 종의 외형 및 생식기 특징을 사진과 함께 기술하 였다.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        창날개뿔나방과의 모래창날개뿔나방(Alloclita mongolica Sinev)을 국내에서 처음으로 보고한다. 본 보고는 모래창날개뿔나방속(Alloclita) 의 국내 첫 기록이며, 모래창날개뿔나방의 세계 분포 상 최남단 기록이기도 하다. 국내 채집기록으로 보아 모래창날개뿔나방은 주로 해안사구에 서 식하는 것으로 보인다. 이 희귀종의 외부 형태 및 수컷 생식기의 특징을 기술하고 사진을 도시하였다.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        풀명나방과의 Patania brevipennis (Inoue, 1982); Herpetogramma tominagai Yamanaka, 2003; Aethaloessa calidalis (Guenée, 1854); Anania subfumalis (Munroe et Mutuura, 1971) 등 4종을 국내 처음으로 기록한다. Aethaloessa속은 국내에서 처음으로 기록된다. 여기 기록한 종의 외형과 생식기 사진을 제공한다. 필요한 경우, 해당 종의 아종 관계와 국내 발생 상황에 대해 논한다.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내 미기록종인 Saridoscelis sphenias Meyrick을 보고한다. 이 종은 상제집나방아과의 두번째 종으로 기록된다. 정확한 동정을 위해 외부 형질과 수컷 생식기를 그림과 함께 기술한다. Saridoscelis sphenias Meyrick은 블루베리의 잠재 해충으로 국내 농가에 주의를 요한다.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국산 제비나방과 쌍꼬리나방아과의 3미기록종인Europlema nubifasciaria (Leech), Dysaethria meridiana (Inoue), Phazaca theclata (Guenée)을 보고한다. Europlema leleji는 Epiplema nubifasciaria의 동종이명으로 판명되었고, 후자는 Europlema속으로 새롭게 편입된다. Europlema nubifasciaria의 암컷생식기를 처음으로 기재한다. 채집된 종의 성충과 생식기의 사진을 제공한다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Limacodidae, also known as slug moths, comprise about 1,000 species worldwide (Epstein et al., 1998). This moth group is characterized by two adult characteristics: the presence of the female legs with the recessed pad of sensilla trichodea underneath and the entire, disk-shaped papillae anales, and four characteristics in immature stages: the absence of the crochets in all instars of larvae; the presence of the extended pupal maxilla, contiguous with the labial palpus; the hard, ovoid cocoons, lid invisible when uneclosed; and the flat, thin eggs (Epstein, 1996). Since Fixsen (1887), a total of 19 genera and 26 species of Limacodidae have been recorded from Korea. In the present paper, we reported three species of Limacodidae new to the Korean fauna: Ceratonema butleri Kawada, 1930, Microleon decolatus Sasaki, 2016, and Isopenthocrates japona Yoshimoto, 2004.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A nepticulid leaf-mine ichnofossil is described on the basis of a fossil leaf of Fagus from the early Miocene Geumgwangdong Formation (ca. 21–14 million years ago) in Pohang basin. This mine trace is characterized by a linear-blotch type with clear centric frass trail of closely and randomly dispersed pellets filling the mine width in early stage. We found traces of possible egg case and exit slit from the fossil. These features are most consistent with those produced by Nepticulidae. Our record represents the only reliably-identified nepticulid leaf-mine on Fagus in Miocene. Nepticulid leaf-mines in Miocene and the leaf-mine fossils from the Geumgwangdong Formation are briefly reviewed.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recently the distribution of two tortricid moths, Hendecaneura impar (Walsingham, 1900) and Rhopobota orbiculata (Zhang, Li, et Wang, 2005) was reported from Korea (Kim et al. 2014; Kim et al 2015). Here, we discuss the external morphology including the male and female genitalia, life history including host plants and mitochondrial DNA data (CO1) of these two species.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국산 뿔나방과의 2미기록종인Helcystogramma compositaepictum (Omelko et Omelko)와Paralida triannulata Clarke을 보고한다. Paralida Clarke속은 국내에서 처음 기록된다. 성충과 생식기의 사진을 제공하는 한편, 분포 정보를 논하였다.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Epipleminae is the most species-rich lineage within Uraniidae and can be characterized by its unusual resting posture.Since Leech (1897) first reported two species, Epiplema moza (Butler, 1878) and Gathynia fasciaria Leech, 1897, therehave been 5 genera and 9 species of Epipleminae recorded from Korea (Sohn & Yen, 2005). We reported three speciesof Epipleminae new to Korea: Dysaethria meridiana (Inoue, 1982), Phazaca theclata (Guenee, 1857), and Europlemaleleji Sinev, 2016. Taxonomic status of Europlema leleji Sinev is revised. A revised checklist of the Korean Epipleminaeis provided.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Lepidoptera, one of the major herbivore groups on terrestrial ecosystems, have evolved various feeding habits on theirhostplants. Diversification of feeding habits has led to their success in the extant fauna. However, there have been limitedstudies scrutinizing evolutionary patterns of such diversification (Kaila et al., 2011; Regier et al., 2015; Sohn et al., 2016).Leaf-mining is the major form of lepidopteran endophagy, occurring in at least 34 families (Hering, 1951). Leaf miningis considered a primitive trait in Lepidoptera because it characterizes the basal (non-ditrysian) lineages, while the derivedDitrysia and Macrolepidoptera trend strongly toward external feeding (Connor & Taverner, 1997). In contrast, internalfeeding is restricted to relatively derived lineages in other insect orders. This contrasting pattern may be a key for understandingthe evolutionary history of Lepidoptera. We discuss this issue based on two lepidopteran leaf-mine fossils discovered lately.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        집나방과의 상제집나방(신칭, Saridoscelis kodamai Moriuti)을 한국과 중국에서 처음으로 기록한다. 또한, 상제집나방아과(신칭, Saridoscelinae)를 한국에서 처음으로 보고한다. 상제집나방의 성충 외형과 생식기의 사진을 제공한다. 국내에서 상제집나방의 발생에 관해 채집 기기 및 기존의 기주식물 기록과 비교해 논의한다
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Divergence time estimation over a robust phylogeny is a prerequisite for understanding their evolutionary biology. Recent empirical studies have found that molecular dating analyses are critically affected by the number and temporal distribution of fossil calibration points (Yang & Yoder, 2003; Hug & Roger, 2007), the interpretation of relationships between fossil and extant taxa (Benton & Ayala, 2003; Donoghue & Benton, 2007), and how fossil constraints are treated (Magallón, 2004; Ho & Phillips, 2009). Confident dating thus requires multiple fossils that are securely identified and of sufficient age. We provide a list of lepidopteran fossils potentially useful for calibration points, and end on the perspective for dating the currently working phylogeny of Lepidoptera (Regier et al., 2013), using these fossils. In addition, we show microtomographic images for some lepidopteran fossils that we are currently working on.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Plant-feeding insects are a ubiquitous feature of terrestrial life. It follows that understanding the evolution of insect herbivory and its diversity is fundamental to understanding the evolution of terrestrial ecosystems. During my Ph. D. study, I found phylogenetic conservatism in the feeding mode (internal vs. external feeding) of Yponomeutoidea, one of the primitive lepidopteran superfamilies, as well as in their diet breadth and in the growth form and taxonomic affinities of host plants they used. In spite of their importance in terrestrial ecosystems, the evolutionary history of Lepidoptera has been poorly known. This mostly is attributable to their poor fossil record. My Ph. D. study provided better understanding to the lepidopteran fossils. Fossils are an essential resource in divergence time estimation using molecular clock methods. Once reliably resolved, dating data can be used in tracing the evolutionary history of Lepidoptera/plant associations. I introduce my works to take such advantages from fossils and phylogenetic studies.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We describe an early angiosperm and a leaf mine ichnofossil from the Lower Cretaceous Potomac Group of Virginia, USA. The descriptions are based on a fossil leaf that was first reported in 1895 but identified as a fragment of a fossil fern. Leaf architectural features and sedimentological context indicate that this leaf was produced by an herbaceous eudicot angiosperm, possibly associated with Ranunculales. The leaf mine is a full depth linear-blotch mine with frass, a trace of puparium inside the blotch mine section, and feeding/oviposition-related puncture marks. The features of the mine are most consistent with those produced by agromyzid flies. This fossil extends the record of agromyzid flies by about 40 million years ago. This fossil provides evidence that agromyzid flies or their ancestors were feeding on herbaceous basal eudicots similar to modern herbaceous ranunculids during the Early Cretaceous, prior to the appearance and diversification of asterids. Our finding contradicts the previous hypotheses on the dipteran radiations associated with the past environmental changes. Insect feeding damages remained in fossilized leaves are currently considered as an important source for climate change studies. We review progresses in the study of the insect feeding trace fossils and their usefulness for monitoring environmental changes.