본 연구는 음성 인식기에서 일반적으로 사용되는 음향적 특징인 MFCC, LPC, 에너지, 피치 관련 파라미터들을 이용하여 자연스러운 음성의 정서를 범주 및 차원으로 얼마나 잘 인식할 수 있는지 살펴보았다. 자연스러운 정서 반응 데이터를 얻기 위해 선행 연구에서 이미 타당도와 효과성이 밝혀진 정서 유발 자극을 사용하였고, 110명의 대학생들에게 7가지 정서 유발 자극을 제시한 후 유발된 음성 반응을 녹음하여 분석에 사용하였다. 각 음성 데이터에서 추출한 파라미터들을 독립변인으로 하여 선형 판별 분석(LDA)으로 7가지 정서 범주를 분류하였고, 범주 분류의 한계를 극복하기 위해 단계별 다중회귀(stepwise multiple regression) 모형을 도출하여 4가지 정서 차원(valence, arousal, intensity, potency)을 가장 잘 예측하는 음성 특징 파라미터를 산출하였다. 7가지 정서 범주 판별율은 평균 62.7%이었고, 4 차원 예측 회귀모형들도 p<.001수준에서 통계적으로 유의하였다. 결론적으로, 본 연구 결과는 자연스러운 감정의 음성 반응을 분류하는데 유용한 파라미터들을 선정하여 정서의 범주와 차원적 접근으로 정서 분류 가능성을 보였으며 논의에 본 연구의 개선방향에 대해 기술하였다.
3The goal of this study was to develop high value mushroom foods possessing functionality. The effect of the Pholiota adiposa on the alcohol fermentation and its antihypertensive angiotensin I-converting(ACE) inhibitory activity of Korean traditional rice wine, Yakju was investigated. The ACE inhibitory activity of traditional rice wine was increased about 8% by the addition of 0.1% of the edible mushroom Pholiota adiposa ASI 24012 fruiting bodies into the mash containing 1% Lycii fructus, cooked rice, koji and antihypertensive S. cerevisiae and its Pholiota adiposa PAD-022 which showed anticholesteromia HMGCoA reductase inhibitory activity. Its quality characteristics and stability were investigated during the storage of room temperature and 40℃ for 3 months. It showed very high acceptability and also was very stable at 40℃ for 3 months[This study was supported by a grant from ARPC, 2005-2007].
3The goal of this study was to develop high value mushroom foods possessing functionality. The effect of the Pholiota adiposa on the alcohol fermentation and its antihypertensive angiotensin I-converting(ACE) inhibitory activity of Korean traditional rice wine, Yakju was investigated. The ACE inhibitory activity of traditional rice wine was increased about 8% by the addition of 0.1% of the edible mushroom Pholiota adiposa ASI 24012 fruiting bodies into the mash containing 1% Lycii fructus, cooked rice, koji and antihypertensive S. cerevisiae and its Pholiota adiposa PAD-022 which showed anticholesteromia HMG-CoA reductase inhibitory activity. Its quality characteristics and stability were investigated during the storage of room temperature and 40℃ for 3 months. It showed very high acceptability and also was very stable at 40℃ for 3 months[This study was supported by a grant from ARPC, 2005-2007].
Recently,mushrooms have received attention because they are material of nutritious food health-stimulating properties and medicinal effects. For the purpose of application the antihypertensive Pholiota adiposa and S. cerevisiae into development of new functional traditional rice wine, optimal fermentation condition and sensory evaluation of functional traditional rice wines were investigated and further its angiotensin-I converting enzyme(ACE) inhibitory activities were determined. Addition of antihypertensive Pholiota adiposa ASI 24012 into the mash was unaffected to ethanol production. The best acceptability showed in the PS-1 traditional rice wines which was brewed byaddition of 0.1% Pholiota adiposa ASI 24012 fruiting body into mash containing antihypertensive S. cerevisiae and cooked and also showed high ACE inhibitory activity of 78.3%.
Labor required for managing and harvesting the oyster mushroom bed was evaluated. Although vinyl mulching cultivation method needs more hours for spawning, it saves more than 50% of labor for harvesting and managing of the mushroom bed. Harvesting hour of 1st-3rd flush in vinyl mulching method was 48~50% for Plerutus ostreatus and 36~41% for P. sajor-caju. Labor for bed management after harvesting in vinyl mulching method was also 38~50% for P. ostreatus compared to conventional method, and 20~35% for P. sajor-caju. Vinyl mulching is believed to be a very efficient method for saving labor in oyster mushroom cultivation.
This study was conducted to investigate the relationships between yearly variations of meteorological elements and yearly variations of productivity in rice. In addition, correlation coefficients among yield and yield components were used to find out the relationships between meteorological elements and productivity. Yearly variation of the mean air temperature in May was large with coefficients of variation(C.V.) of 25.0%, but the variation of the duration of sunshine in May were relative small. No. of panicles per hill and 1,000 grains wt. of brown rice were great with C.V. of 21.1, 19.7%, respectively, brown rice yield show more or less C.V. of 5.5% and milled rice show still less variation. Correlation coefficients between temperatures in period of cultivation from May and yield were positive correlations. Correlation Coefficients between precipitation in period of cultivation from Sep. to Oct. and yield are positive correlations. Correlation coefficients amount the panicle length, no. of panicles, no. of spikelets, ratio of ripened grains, 1,000 grains wt. of brown rice, milled rice yield, brown rice yield and milled rice yield were positively significant at the level of 1 %, respectively.