
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Great positive has big lungs and weak liver, great negative has strong liver and small lungs, small positive has large spleen and small kidney and small negative has big kidney and small spleen. The formation of DNA at initial conception of human cell is equivalent to atomic bonding while the formation of proteins of the cell growth in a human body is equivalent to molecular bonding. Rotational electro-magnetic wave photo-synthetic starch has no molecular bonding but only gluco pyranoses. The atomic bonding are equivalent to right constitutions while the molecular bondings are equivalent to left constitutions. Five Uns and six Gis are rotational electro-magnetic waves from heaven and land. Jang (lung, liver, spleen, kidney, heart) becomes strong or weak by Uns while Bu(colon, gall, stomach, urinary bladder, small intestine, samcho) becomes strong or weak by Gis. In view of modern physics of life energies four phase constitutions are generated due to more four kinds of life energies than the others. Korean four phase constitutions considered apriority and postreriority at the same time while Chinese Un-Gi constitutions considered only apriority and are the same as the four phase constitutions in apriority. The energy-synthesis from land and heaven is an abnormal phenomenon, that is to say, a kind of energy diseases. The four phase constitutions is very effective for medical curing therefore. The theory of meridian flow in a body is the same as the electric-battery. The constitution are the results from chaotic process.