One hundred forty two digital spectra of 110 standard stars with 1 A resolution in λλ3000A∼4150A λλ3000A∼4150A region were analyzed to determine the spectral indices sensitive to the atmospheric parameters. The standard stars cover the temperature in the range of Teff Teff from ∼4000∘ ∼4000∘ to ∼7000∘K ∼7000∘K and the surface gravity in the range of log g from 0 to 5 and the metal abundance [Fe/H] from -2.7 to 0.4. We have derived physical parameters, theta(=T/5040), log g, and [Fe/H] for the standard stars using indices, P(38/93), Fe I(A), Fe I(B), SrII, and Hδ Hδ , with overall accuracies of 0.067, 0.617, and 0.466, respectively. However for some region of spectral type and metallicity, those can be obtained with better accuracies. Those indices are found to be useful especially for stellar gravity determination.