DNA methylation is involved in epigenetic processes such as X-chromosome inactivation, imprinting and silencing of transposons. DNA methylation is a highly plastic and critical component of mammalian development The DNA methyltransferases (Dnmts) are responsible for the generation of genomic methylation patterns, which lead to transcriptional silencing. The maintenance DNA methyltransferase enzyme, Dnmt 1, and the de novo methyltransferase, Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b, are indispensable for development because mice homozygous for the targeted disruption of any of these genes are not viable. The occurrence of DNA methylation is not random, and it can result in gene silencing The mechanisms underlying these processes are poorly understood. It is well established that DNA methylation and histone deacetylation operate along a common mechanistic pathway to repress transcription through the action of methyl-binding domain proteins (MBDs), which are components of, or recruit, histone deacetylase (HDAC) complexes to methylated DNA. As a basis for future studies on the role of the DNA-methyl-transferase in porcine development, we have isolated and characterized a partial cDNA coding for the porcine Dnmt1. Total RNA of testis, lung and ovary was isolated with TRlzol according to the manufacture's specifications. 5 ug of total RNA was reverse transcribed with Super Script II in the presence of porcine Dnmt 1 specific primers. Standard PCRs were performed in a total volume of 50 ul with cDNA as template. Two DNA fragmenets in different position were produced about 700bp, 1500bp and were cloned into pCR II-TOPO according to the manufacture's specification. Assembly of all sequences resulted in a cDNA from 158bp of 5'to 4861bp of 3'compare with the known human maintenance methyltransferase. Now, we are cloning the unknown Dnmt 1 region by 5'-RACE method and expression of Dnmt 1 in tissues from adult porcine animals.
The lutropin/choriogonadotropin receptor (LHR) is a member of the rhodopsin-like subfamily of G protein coupled receptor (GPCRs), that has been shown to mediate the internalization of its two naturally occurring agonist, lutropin and choriogonadotropin (CG). The clustered agonist-receptor complex is internalized by a dynamin-dependent pathway and traverses the endosomal compartment without agonist dissociation Dissociation of the agonist-receptor complex occurs in the lysosomes, where both the agonist and receptor are degrade. Recently, constitutively activating mutations of the receptor have been identified that are associated with familial male-precocious puberty (FMPP). A FMPP is a form of sexual precocious puberty in boys in which testosterone levels are elevated independent of changes in luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone and serum luteinizing hormone levels, We have now analyzed two naturally occurring, constitutively active mutants of the human LHR. These mutations were introduced into the rat LHR (rLHR) and are designated L435R and D556Y. Cells expressing rLHR-D556Y bind human choriogonadotropin (hCG) with normal affinity, exhibit a 25-fold increase in basal cAMP and respond to hCG with a normal increase in cAMP accumulation. Cells expressing rLHR-L435R also bind hCG with normal affinity, exhibit a 47-fold increase in basal cAMP, and do not respond to hCG with a further increase in cAMP accumulation. This mutation enhances the internalization of the free and agonist-occupied receptors ~2- and ~17- fold, respectively We conclude that the state of activation of the rLHR can modulate its basal and/or agonist-stimulated internalization. Since the internalization of hCG is involved in the termination of hCG actions, we suggest that the lack of responsiveness detected in cells expressing rLHR-L435R is due to the fast rate of internalization of the bound hCG. The finding that membranes expressing rLHR-L435R respond to hCG with an increase in adenylyl cyclase activity supports this suggestion. Autonomous Leydig cell activity in FMPP is caused by a constitutively activating LH/CGR.
Offspring have been produced from somatic cells in a number of species. This biotechnology introduced a new phenomenon in reprogramming and differentiation of somatic cell, namely totipotency. However, birth of oversized calves and perinatal abnormalities such as increased gestation length, lack of spontaneous parturition, higher incidence of dystocia, and reduced perinatal viability of offspring are frequently observed in pregnancies of cloned bovine fetuses. Disturbance of feto-placenta has been proposed as likely causes for abnomal growth. However. Little is known the mechanism responsible for the perinatal problems. Therefore, we focused on gestation length in somatic cell nuclear recipient cows. To solve this issues, placental tissues of control and cloned bovine were obtained by a cesarean section (C-section) before 5 days of paturition. Total RNA from control and cloned bovine placenta was extractd by TRIzol reagent. GeneFishing DEG kits (Seegene) were used to identify differentially expression genes. Total RNA (3 ug) were synthesized by M-MLV reverse transcriptase (200 u/ul) with 10 uM dT-annealing control primer (ACP1) at 42C for 90 min. Then, first-strand cDNA (50 ng) was amplified using the 5 uM arbitary ACP (1-20) and 10 uM dT-ACP2 primers. Some specific expression genes were amplified, Now, we are cloning and sequencing. These finding strongly can be support to solve the problems for parturition delay in nuclear transfer cows, suggest that placenta specific proteins are key indicators for the aberration of gestation and placental function in cows.