Eleven wrasse species inhabit the coastal waters of Jeju Island, Korea. They are the target of leisure fishing and are considered good eating. We investigated the distribution of standard length (SL) by sex of wrasse in Jeju coastal waters for Halichores poecilopterus, H. tenuispinis, Pseudolabrus japonicus, and Pteragogus flagellifera. A cross-section of the ovary showed the ovarian cavity and ovarian lamellae containing oocytes. A cross-section of the testis showed many lobules containing spermatogonia and spermatocytes. A cross-section of a gonad undergoing sex reversal showed the regression or reduction of oocytes and some spermatocytes located in the ovarian lamellae. A cross-section of a sex-reversed testis showed the primary structure of the ovary, with spermatocytes distributed in the epithelium of the lamellae, and reformed seminiferous ducts in the basement lamellae. (중략)
The sex differentiation of fishes occurs under the control of genetic and various environmental factors. DM-domain containing genes are novel zinc finger transcription factors and play key roles in sex determination. In order to isolate the wrasse DMRT (wDMRT) cDNA from the protogynous wrasse (Halichoeres tenuispinnis), the wrasse testis cDNA library was screened using the P-labeled PCR products, which were amplified with the degenerate primers from conserved DM-domain regions of several DMRT genes. Among a few positives obtained through screening, the full length wDMRT cDNA of 2.9kb size encoding a predicted 300 amino acid residues was isolated. The sequence analysis exhibited 60%, 43% sequence identity with rainbow trout and tilapia DMRT1, respectively. RT-PCR assay showed that wDMRT was expressed specifically in male testis. Also, wDMRT gene was strongly expressed in May during reproductive season, when the reproductivity of wrasse is most active. This results suggested that wDMRT gene function in testis differentiation The conserved DM-domain regions were amplified using PCR from DMRT genes of several species among Labridae, and their sequences were determined. The sequence of DM-domain region of Halichoeres. tenuispinis was identical to those of Pseudolabrus japonicus, Pteragogus flagellifera, and showed 94% identity with that of Halichoeres poecioptrerus.
초파리 발생과정에서 세포사멸에 관여하는 유전자인 reaper(rpr), grim, dcp-1, diap1, diap1, diap2의 발현양상을 경제적 RT-PCR 방법으로 분석하였다. 세포사멸 유도 유전자인 rpr, grim의 발현양상은 발생단계에 따른 ecdysone titer 변화 양상과 매우 유사하였다. Effector caspase인 dcp-1 전사체는 초기 배와 암컷 성체에서 높은 발현을 보였다. 반면에 세포사멸 억제인자인 diap1과 diap