본 연구는 달팽이육질을 2차 발효공정을 통하여 얻어진 추출물을 개발하여, 피부미용학적 항 노화 활성에 관한 것이다. 1차 발효물을 얻기 위하여 노루궁뎅이버섯균사체로 배양하였으며, 2차 유산균 발효공정을 통하여 2차 발효달팽이 추출물을 얻는 과정에 대하여 상세히 기술하였다. 이 연구에 적용된 균사체는 노루궁뎅이버섯균사체 (Hericium erinaceum Mycelium)와 유산균 (Leuconostoc mesenteroides) 발효균을 사용하여 추출하였다. 추출물의 최종 수율은 62wt%이었다. 2차 발효된 달팽이 추출물의 수분 32wt%, 아미노산 단백질류 31.5wt%, 다당체 15.7wt%, 지방산 12.3wt%, 기타성분이 8.5wt%가 함유하였다. 또한 피부미용학적 이론과 피부의 항노화에 관여하는지를 알아보기 위하여 DPPH에의한 항산화 활성, 엘라스틴의 효소(elastase)감소효과, tyrosinase저해율, fibroblast의 성장율, 콜 라겐합성률에 대하여 평가한 결과를 하기와 같이 보고한다. 첫째; 2차 발효달팽이 추출물의 항산화 효과 (DPPH, IC50%)는 7.27 mg/mL로, 비교군인 녹차추출물 11.8 mg/mL, 일반달팽이추출물 15.7 mg/mL, DL-a-토코페롤 9.25 mg/mL가 소요되었다. 둘째; 2차발효달팽이추출물의 엘라스틴 효소(elastase)의 발 현억제능(IC50%)은 32.5 mg/mL로 비교군인 녹차추출물 45.9 mg/mL, 일반 달팽이추출물 67.7 mg/mL가 소요되었다. 셋째; 2차 발효달팽이 추출물의 tyrosinase의 발현억제능(IC50%)은 140.3 mg/mL로 비교군인 녹차추출물 250.7 mg/mL, 일반달팽이추출물 389.5 mg/mL, 니아신아마이드 125.9 mg/mL가 소요되었다. 넷째; 2차 발효달팽이 추출물의 fibroblast의 성장률은 125.6%로 비교군인 녹차 추출물 98.9%, 일반 달팽이추출물 109.5%, DL-a-토코페롤 96.2%의 활성력을 보였다. 다섯째; 2차 발 효달팽이 추출물의 collagen생합성률은 118%로 비교군인 녹차추출물 87.3%, 일반달팽이추출물 93.2%, 아데노신 127.9%의 성장률을 보였다. 결론적으로 이 연구를 바탕으로 하여 미래에는 피부미용학적 활용 과 더불어 한국적 스킨케어 화장료 개발에 응용이 가능할 것으로 기대한다.
본 연구는 2단계 발효된 달팽이 추출물을 5% 사용한 시트 마스크 팩 (2F-SEM)을 개발하였 다. 이에 대한 피부미용학적 연구를 수행하기 위하여 순면 100%의 시트를 사용하여 얼굴모양으로 커팅 하여 사용하였다. 플라세보 마스크 팩 (placebo mask pack; PM)과 일반 용매추출에 의한 달팽이 추출 물을 사용한 마스크 팩 (Gene-SEM)에 대하여 피부 개선효과를 측정한 결과를 보고한다. 첫째; 2F-SEM의 보습효과는 PM 보다 11%, Gene-SEM는 PM 보다 4.7%가 상승되었다. 둘째; 2차 발효달 팽이 추출물이 함유된 마스크 팩의 탄력도는 PM 보다 13.8%, Gene-SEM PM 보다 6.7% 이상 개선하 는 효과를 보였다. 셋째; 2F-SEM의 피부 거칠기는 PM 보다 6.80%, Gene-SEM는 PM 보다 2.3%가 개선되었다. 넷째; 2F-SEM의 멜라닌감소효과는 PM 보다 15.0%, Gene-SEM는 PM 보다 8.7%이상 개선되었다. 다섯째; 2F-SEM의 잔주름개선효과는 PM보다 8.0%정도 우수하였다. Gene-SEM는 PM 보다 5.1%이상 개선되었다. 여섯째; 2차 발효 물을 이용한 2F-SEM의 관능 평가는 부드러움(softness), 보습 감(moisture), 주름개선효과(fine wrinkle improvement)에서 유의 차 있는 사용감촉을 보였다.
We investigated the effects of cadmium exposure and various stress on the transcription of heat shock protein 70 and 82 (HSP70 and HSP82) from Pardosa astrigera wolf spider. To do this, P. astrigera HSP70 and HSP82 genes were cloned and its full-length sequence determined. Female spiders were long-term exposed to cadmium or to polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) for 2, 4 and 6 weeks and short-term exposed to endosulfan by dietary uptake. Female spiders were also exposed to various temperatures. HSP82 did not show a clear tendency of transcription induction following exposure to cadmium. On the contrary, HSP70 transcription gradually increased during the exposure to 2, 20 and 40 mM of cadmium for 2, 4 and 6 weeks. Transcript level of HSP70 was not significantly changed by endosulfan and PCB exposure. In the short-term (3 hr) temperature exposure, an increased expression of HSP70 was observed under the heat shock to 30°C and then slightly decreased at 35°C. However, induction of HSP70 transcription was not observed during the long-term (7 days) temperature exposure. Taken together, HSP70 gene appears to be up-regulated by cadmium in a time-dependent manner but little affected by other potential contaminants. Analysis of HSP70 transcript levels in P. astrigera collected from various fields revealed that levels of cadmium concentration were well correlated with HSP70 transcript levels (r2 = 0.76). Taken together, it was suggested that transcript level of HSP70 could be useful as a biomarker for the long-term cadmium exposure of P. astrigera.
We examined the effects of cadmium exposure and various temperature stress on the expression of Pardosa astrigera heat shock protein 70 (HSP70). To do this, P. astrigera HSP70 gene was cloned and its sequence determined. Female spiders collected from non-contaminated region were exposed to 40mM CdCl2 for 2, 4 and 6 weeks by dietary uptake. At the end of every 2, 4 and 6 weeks of exposure, a batch of 5 spiders was collected and total RNA was extracted from each batch of whole bodies. Female spiders were also exposed to different temperatures (20, 25, 30 and 35℃) for 3h and RNA extracted likewise. Transcription profiles of HSP70 in response to cadmium and temperature were determined by quantitative real-time PCR using 18S rRNA as reference gene for data normalization. HSP70 transcription gradually increased during 2,4 and 6 weeks of exposure to cadmium. In particular, the expression level at 6-week exposure was 3.4-fold higher than that of untreated control. In the temperature response, an increased expression of HSP70 was also observed as temperature increased up to 30℃ and then slightly decreased at 35℃. The expression level at 30℃ was 2.3-fold higher than that of 25℃. Taken together, HSP70 gene appears to be up-regulated by general stress factors including cadmium exposure and temperature increase.
Ionizing radiation causes many alterations in photosynthetic machineries. However, there is no information about effects of ionizing radiation on the development of photosynthetic machineries in plants. We investigated the greening of etiolated mung bean
In this study, plant regeneration through in vitro culture from plantlet stems of Yooja (C. junos Sieb.) and trifoliate orange (P. trifoliata Rafin.) was attempted to make mass-production system of virus-free plants having the same genotype with mother plant. In order to investigate physiological change depending on the developmental stage of plant regeneration, the changes of total protein, peroxidase and esterase activity and their isozyme patterns as well were examined in 1/2 MS medium. The results are as follows : 1. The MS medium for the optimal callus induction and shoot formation was utilized. The medium was supplemented either with 2,4-D and Kinetin or with BA and NAA. The optimal concentrations were the combination of 1.0mg/ 2,4-D +0.3mg/ Kinetin and 1.0mg BA +0.3mg NAA in callus induction and shoot formation, respectively. 2. For the plant regeneration from somatic embryos, 1/2 MS medium was used with supplements of growth regulators (free, 1.0mg/ IBA +1.0mg/ BA ,0.5mg/ IBA +0.5mg/ BA). Shooting and rooting were the best in the treatment of 0.5mg/ IBA and 0.5mg/ BA combination. 3. The total protein content has a tendency of increase with the developmental stage of embryo, but it was decreased at the plantlet. Also it was the highest at 8 and 6 weeks stage in C. junos Sieb. and P. trioliata Rafin, respectively. In the SDS-PAGE pattern of protein, C. junos Sieb. showed bands of 29.0 and 40kDa at 10 weeks. The 45,66 and 97.4 kDa bands at 10 weeks of culture were shown in P. trifoliata Rafin. 4. The highest esterase activity was shown at the 6 and 8 weeks of culture in C.junos Sieb. and P. trifoliata Rafin.., respectively. 5. Esterase isozyme patterns were shown difference according to the developmental stage. In C. junos Sieb. a new band was observed at pl 7.7 following 4 weeks culture. On the other hand, new bands in P. trifoliata Rafin. were observed at pl 7.5~6.5 following 4 and 6 weeks culture, respectively.
We compared microstructural features of the ordered cell and disordered leaves in Citrus junos Sieb. by electron microscopy. In the cell of the ordered leaves, many chloroplasts and large vacuoles were particularly observed. Also a lot of vessel, companion cell and big nucleus were presented in vascular bundle regions. The mitochondria and the other organelles were interspersed among the chloroplasts in a thin, peripheral layer of cytoplasm. The chloroplast possessed typical grana and intergranal lamellae, numerous starch grains and a few small osmophilic globules. Besides, microbodies were closely associated with the mitochondria and the chloroplast. The process of the formation of the secondary cell wall from primary cell wall was observed the vessel elements, the tonoplast wall and the secondary cell wall. It was observed that the oil sac with the unique perfume distributed the adjacent cell wall. In the cell of disordered leaves, the all of the organelles were thrust toward the cell wall due to the fusion of vacuoles in the cells. It was observed that a lot of the very small particles spreaded in the cytoplasm. The loss of unique perfume of the leaves was resulted in the destruction of the oil sac. Also, there was not observed grana, lamellae, starch and osmophillic globules in the chloroplast. The small distributed organelles was not observed but the elongation of the cell wall was proceed no longer. Therefore, the plasma membrane diverged from the cell wall. All of organelles in the cell had poor function and deformation. A massive vacuole was fulfilled in single cell and the vacuole contains a lot of large and small particles. The organelles were presented on the side of the cell wall according to the enlargement of vacuole and they were observed to be breakdown.