
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        1996.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We have solved the radiative transfer problem using a Sobolev approximation with an escape probability method in case of the supersonic expansion of a stellar envelope to an ambient medium. The radiation from the expanding envelope turns out to produce a P-Cygni type profile. In order to investigate the morphology of the theoretical P-Cygni type profile, we have treated V∞,Vsto,β (parameter for the velocity field), M and є (parameter for collisional effect) as model parametrs. We have found that the velocity field and the mass loss rate affect the shapes of the P-Cygni type profiles most effectively. The secondarily important factors are V∞, Vsto. The collisional effect tends to make the total flux increase but not so .much in magnitude. We have infered some physical parameters of 68 Cyg, HD24912, and ℇ persei such as V∞, M from the model calculation, which shows a good agreement with the observational results.