
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2010.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As e-Learning is now widely used in many countries and for many purposes, universities have also utilized e-Learning for effective teaching and learning, including Thai universities. Effective delivery of e-Learning is therefore an ultimate goal for teaching and learning in an e-Learning environment. More importantly, the impact of Mobility on e-Learning should not be overlooked, as it may provide possibilities for learners to learn without the limitation of presence and time. This study surveys teachers of the e-Learning Professional Certificate Program, one of Thailand Cyber University (TCU)’s flagship e-Learning courses, for their perspectives in Mobility and e-Learning Delivery Methodologies, particularly in the Integrative method as described by the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. Results have divided the Delivery modes with the application of Mobility into two groups. As a result of this study, the Integrative Delivery modes of twenty-two choices that have been preferences among fourteen TCU experts include a Discussion Group, Forum, Brainstorming, Conference, and Buzz Group. In the TCU experts’ point of view, to carry out e-Learning classes, it is important to motivate the passive learner to participate actively and to have the learners more interact more and have more mobility in sharing opinions and participating. While mobility may improve e-Learning delivery in many aspects, physical contact may still be needed for some modes, such as Personal and Office visits.