The ploid level of 46 germplasms of Elytrigia Desv. were observed and determined with the microscope, which are from 21 countries and areas that United States of America offered. The results showed these accessions were grouped into three distinct ploid levels including diploidy, tetraploidy and hexaploidy in E. intermedia, E. repens, E. elongata, E. pontica, E. caespitosa, E. juncea, E. alatavica. There were 24 diploid accessions, 1 tetraploidy and 1 hexaploidy in E. intermedia; 4 diploid accessions and 3 tetraploidy in E. repens, 6 texaploidy and 1 hexaploidy in E. elongata, 1 diploidy and 2 tetraploidy in E. pontica, all of E. caespitosa, E. juncea and E. alatavica were diploidy.