
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 129

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 한탄강 세계지질공원 연천 지역의 “자기-안내식 해설” 매체가 방문객이 이해하기 쉽고 배경 지식수준에 맞춰 작성되어 있는지 탐색하는 것이다. 이를 위해, 2022년 9월과 11월 2차례에 걸쳐 한탄강 세계지질공원 을 현장 조사하고, 지질명소의 형성 시대와 지질 특성이 다양한 연천 지역을 분석 대상으로 선정하였다. 연천 지역에 존재하는 총 36개의 자기-안내식 해설 매체를 대상으로 지질명소별 해설 매체의 현황, 이독성 수준, 그래픽의 특성, 과 학과 교육과정 반영 정도를 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 연천 지역 해설 매체 종류는 안내판이 가장 많고, 지질명소를 안내 한 내용이 주를 이루었다. 해설 매체 텍스트의 분량은 12학년 과학 교과서보다 많고, 평균 어휘 등급은 11-12학년군 과 학 교과서 수준과 유사하고, 복문의 비율이 높아 이독성이 다소 낮았다. 해설 매체에 포함된 그래픽의 종류는 사진이 가장 많고, 대부분 예시적 기능이며, 다중 구조 그래픽이 사용되어, 지질 형성 과정을 이해하는 데 도움을 주었다. 해설 매체에서 사용하는 과학 용어 중 86.3%가 2015 개정 교육과정의 “고체지구” 영역에 포함된 용어를 사용하였으며, 교육 과정에 포함된 과학 용어는 4학년 수준의 용어가 가장 많았다. 선택 교육과정인 11학년 수준의 용어가 두 번째로 많고, 전체 과학 용어 중 13.7%는 교육과정에 포함되어 있지 않은 용어였다. 또한, 지질명소에 따라 해설 매체에 사용된 과 학 용어 수준 차이가 나타났으며, 특히 안내판보다 홈페이지에 사용된 용어 수준이 일반적으로 높은 경향을 보였다. 본 연구 결과를 통해 연천 지역의 지질명소별 해설 매체에 따라 방문객 스스로 이해하는 데 어려움을 주는 요인을 구체적 으로 파악할 수 있었다. 일반 관람객의 지질자원 교육을 활성화하고 지질학 분야의 발전을 기대할 수 있는 자기-안내식 해설 매체의 개선 방향에 대한 후속 연구를 제언하였다.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was aimed to isolate bacterial inoculants producing chitinase and evaluate their application effects on corn silage. Four corn silages were collected from four beef cattle farms to serve as the sources of bacterial inoculants. All isolates were tested against Fusarium graminearum head blight fungus MHGNU F132 to confirm their antifungal effects. The enzyme activities (carboxylesterase and chitinase) were also measured to isolate the bacterial inoculant. Based on the activities of anti-head blight fungus, carboxylesterase, and chitinase, L. buchneri L11-1 and L. paracasei L9-3 were subjected to silage production. Corn forage (cv. Gwangpyeongok) was ensiled into a 10 L mini silo (5 kg) in quadruplication for 90 days. A 2 × 2 factorial design consists of F. graminearum contamination at 1.0104 cfu/g (UCT (no contamination) vs. CT (contamination)) and inoculant application at 2.1 × 105 cfu/g (CON (no inoculant) vs. INO (inoculant)) used in this study. After 90 days of ensiling, the contents of CP, NDF, and ADF increased (p<0.05) by F. graminearum contamination, while IVDMD, acetate, and aerobic stability decreased (p<0.05). Meanwhile, aerobic stability decreased (p<0.05) by inoculant application. There were interaction effects (p<0.05) on IVNDFD, NH3-N, LAB, and yeast, which were highest in UCT-INO, UCT-CON, CT-INO, and CT-CON & INO, respectively. In conclusion, this study found that mold contamination could negatively impact silage quality, but isolated inoculants had limited effects on IVNDFD and yeast.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Canine parvovirus-2 (CPV-2) has been reported worldwide as a major pathogen associated with acute hemorrhagic enteritis. The disease is a major infectious cause of death, particularly in young dogs. The earliest type of CPV-2 was replaced with three main subspecies, CPV-2a, CPV-2b, and CPV-2c, within a few years. Vaccination is carried out regularly, but the emergence of antigenic variants and the influence of maternal antibodies have limited the efficacy of commercial vaccines. New vaccines, such as the subunit vaccine, have been developed for alternative, safe, and effective vaccination. The baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS) is an excellent eukaryotic expression system with a high-level expression of foreign proteins and the ability of post-translational modification. Therefore, it is used widely to produce recombinant protein and subunit vaccines. In this study, the VP2 protein of CPV-2b cloned in the gateway vector system was generated using a baculovirus expression system in Spodoptera frugiperda (SF9) insect cells. Hemagglutination assay (HA) titers (24) were obtained, and the expression was detected in 6-His tagged VP2 and monoclonal antibody (mAb) against CPV-2 by western blotting. The VP2 protein of CPV-2b expressed in this study may provide a basis for a clinical diagnosis and vaccination applications for CPV-2.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내 현대정원의 조성 디자인 경향성을 확인하고자 우수 경 관 정원 80개소 대상으로 적용 양식 및 정원 식물을 조사하였 다. 조사 대상 80개소 정원 중 53.7%는 서울 및 수도권, 46.3%는 그 외 지역에 소재하고 있다. 또한, 관리 유형에 따 라 공동 정원, 상업시설 정원, 개인 정원으로 구분 되었으며, 각 62.5%, 21.3%, 16.2%로 나타났다. 19~20세기 해외 정원 사조에 따라 조성 양식은 12유형(정형식, 비정형식, 정형 및 비정형 복합식, 건축식, 자연, 신풍경, 뉴저먼 스타일, 모더니 즘, 프레리 스타일, 뉴웨이브 스타일, 낭만주의, 예술작품 정 원)으로 분류되었다. 우리나라 현대 정원은 단일 및 복합 양식 활용이 각 55.0%와 45.0%로 유사하였다. 주로 정형 및 비정 형 복합식 정원이 활용되는 반면, 정형 및 비정형 복합식 정원 대비 낭만주의, 모더니즘, 프레리 및 뉴웨이브 스타일 이용 빈 도는 0.02~0.06배 수준이었다. 조성 양식 활용에 따라 이용 되는 식물 소재 유형에는 큰 차이가 없었으나, 특정 디자인에 서 식재 빈도가 높은 분류군을 확인했다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Influenza A viruses (IAVs) are members of the family Orthomyxoviridae and genus Orthomyxovirus. Avian and mammalian species are the host of IAVs, which includes humans and dogs. Canine influenza virus (CIV) is an emerging pathogen that causes severe and acute respiratory diseases in dogs. This study monitored the antigen and antibody against CIV in dogs in the Republic of Korea (ROK) from 2016 to 2021. One thousand and seventy-two nasal swabs and 1,545 blood samples were collected from animal hospitals and animal shelters. Five nasal swabs in 2017 and seven in 2018 from stray dogs were positive for CIV according to RT-PCR. The prevalence of H3N2 CIV ranged from 9.5% to 24.8%, according to the hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay. On the other hand, none of the serum samples from 2018 to 2021 showed seropositivity against the avian H5, H7, and H9 viruses. The HI titers for H3N2 ranged from 16 to 512. The distribution of HI titer 16–32 was 57.6% in seropositive samples. The pet dogs were vaccinated against CIV, but the stray and military dogs were unvaccinated. In 2017 and 2018, the seroprevalence of CIV in stray dogs was higher than in the other years, and viral RNA was detected in nasal swabs. It may mean previous exposure of stray dogs to CIV. With the increasing number of pet dogs and the close contact between humans and dogs, canines could serve as an intermediate host for transmitting IAVs to humans. Therefore, continuous surveillance of CIV is needed for public health and the potential emergence of novel zoonotic viruses.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In general, after the decommissioning of nuclear facilities, buildings on the site can be demolished or reused. The NSSC (Nuclear Safety and Security Commission) Notice No. 2021-11 suggests that when reusing the building on the decommissioning site, a safety assessment should be performed to confirm the effect of residual radioactivity. However, in Korea, there are currently no decommissioning experiences of nuclear power plants, and the experiences of building reuse safety assessment are also insufficient. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed the foreign cases of building reuse safety assessment after decommissioning of nuclear facilities. In this study, we investigated the Yankee Rowe nuclear power plant, Rancho Seco nuclear power plant, and Hematite fuel cycle facility. For each case, the source term, exposure scenario, exposure pathway, input parameter, and building DCGLs were analyzed. In the case of source term, each facility selected 9~26 radionuclides according to the characteristics of facilities. In the case of exposure scenario, building occupancy scenario which individuals occupy in reusing buildings was selected for all cases. Additionally, Rancho Seco also selected building renovation scenario for maintenance of building. All facilities selected 5 exposure pathways, 1) external exposure directly from a source, 2) external exposure by air submersion, 3) external exposure by deposited on the floor and wall, 4) internal exposure by inhalation, and 5) internal exposure by inadvertent ingestion. For the assessment, we used RESRAD-BUILD code for deriving building DCGLs. Input parameters are classified into building parameter, receptor parameter, and source parameter. Building parameter includes compartment height and area, receptor parameter includes indoor occupancy fraction, ingestion rate, and inhalation rate, and source parameter includes source thickness and density. The input parameters were differently selected according to the characteristics of each nuclear facility. Finally, they derived building DCGLs based on the selected source term, exposure scenario, exposure pathway, and input parameters. As a result, it was found that the maximum DCGL was 1.40×108 dpm/100 cm2, 1.30×107 dpm/100 cm2, and 1.41×109 dpm/100 cm2 for Yankee Rowe nuclear power plant, Rancho Seco nuclear power plant, and Hematite fuel cycle facility, respectively. In this study, we investigated the case of building reuse safety assessment after decommissioning of the Yankee Rowe nuclear power Plant, Rancho Seco nuclear power plant, and Hematite fuel cycle facility. Source terms, exposure scenarios, exposure pathways, input parameters, and building DCGLs were analyzed, and they were found to be different depending on the characteristics of the building. This study is expected to be used in the future building reuse safety assessment after decommissioning of domestic nuclear power plants. This work was
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of isolated lactic acid bacteria (LAB) on the quality of high moisture rye silage. Rye forage (Secale cereale L.) was harvested at the heading stage (27.3% of dry matter (DM)) and cut into approximately 3-5 cm lengths. Then, the forage divided into 4 treatments with different inoculants: 1) No additives (CON); 2) Lactobacillus brevis strain 100D8 at a 1.2 x 105 colony-forming unit (cfu)/g of fresh forage (LBR); 3) Leuconostoc holzapfelii strain 5H4 at a 1.0 x 105 cfu/g of fresh forage (LHO); and 4) Mixture of LBR and LHO (1:1 ratio) applied at a 1.0 x 105 cfu/g of fresh forage (MIX). About 3 kg of forage from each treatment was ensiled into a 20 L mini-bucket silo in quadruplicate for 100 days. After silo opening, silage was collected for analyses of chemical compositions, in vitro nutrient digestibilities, fermentation characteristics, and microbial enumerations. The CON silage had the highest concentrations of neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber (p = 0.006; p = 0.008) and a lowest in vitro DM digestibility (p < 0.001). The pH was highest in CON silage, while lowest in LBR and MIX silages (p < 0.001). The concentrations of ammonia-N, lactate, and acetate were highest in LBR silage (p = 0.008; p < 0.001; p < 0.001). Propionate and butyrate concentrations were highest in CON silage (p = 0.004; p < 0.001). The LAB and yeast counts were higher in CON and LHO silages compare to LBR and MIX silages (p < 0.001). However, the mold did not detect in all treatments. Therefore, this study could conclude that L. brevis 100D8 and Leu. holzapfelii strain 5H4 can improve the digestibility and anti-fungal activity of high moisture rye silage.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 수확 후 저장 기간에 따른 절화 장미의 수명 변화를 알아보았다. 절화장미 ‘Antique Curl’을 수확 직후 4℃ 암조건의 저장고에서 0일(무처리), 1일, 3일, 5일, 7일간 보존 용액 처리 후 습식 저장하였다. 저장이 끝난 절화는 24℃ 실 내 광환경으로 옮겨 절화 보존제 유무 조건에서 절화수명을 조사하였다. 그 결과, 절화수명은 저장기간 3일차까지는 20일 전후로 높았으나, 5일차 이후 유의적으로 감소했다. 절화 보 존제는 절화수명 연장에 효과적이지는 않았으나 절화의 꽃목 굽음 현상을 완화시켰다. 엽록소 형광(Fv/Fm)은 저장 기간과 관계없이 0.78~0.82 수준으로 나타났으며 저장기간에 의한 광 생리 기능저하는 확인되지 않았다. 결과적으로 절화장미 ‘Antique Curl’의 상업적 저장 기한은 최대 5일로 확인되었다.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        계절에 따른 정원의 경관 변화 특성을 알아보고자, 우수 정 원 4개소를 대상으로 계절별 식재 특성과 색채 변화를 분석하 였다. 대상 정원에서 계절별로 조사된 식재 종수 합은 346분 류군이었고, 교목:관목:초본의 식재 백분율(%)은 8:21:71로 나 타났다. 초본은 봄을 기준으로 여름과 가을에 각각 6%와 15% 증가하였다. 관목은 봄에서 가을까지 계절 변화에 따라 64-100% 증가하였다. 계절에 따라 정원의 포인트 식물이 달라 졌으나, 꽃이 만발하는 초본과 관목으로 나타났다. 색채 분석 결과, 정원의 주조색은 식물 생육이 왕성한 봄과 여름에는 녹 색에서 짙은 녹색으로 나타났고, 가을에는 갈색으로 확인되었 다. 강조색은 계절에 따라 분명하게 달라졌으며, 주로 계절별 특징적인 화색이나 잎무늬로 결정되었다.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the biological activity of fucoidan, a sulfur-containing polysaccharide, on cytotoxicity and apoptosis in the human HT-29 colorectal cancer cell line using cell viability, Flow cytometry, Western blot, and RT-PCR analyses. Fucoidan inhibited the proliferation of HT-29 cells by 39.6% at a concentration of 100 μg/mL for 72 h. The inhibition was dose-dependent and accompanied by apoptosis. Flow cytometric analysis showed that fucoidan increased early apoptosis and late apoptosis by 65.84% and 72.09% at concentrations of 25 and 100 μg/mL, respectively. Analysis of the mechanism of these events indicated that fucoidan-treated cells exhibited increases in the activation of caspase-3, caspase-8, and PARP in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that fucoidan may inhibit the growth of human colorectal cancer cells by various apoptosis-promoting effects, as well as by apoptosis itself.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The canine parvovirus (CPV) causes clinical signs, such as severe enteritis, dehydration, diarrhea, vomiting, leukopenia, and hair loss, which may lead to death. Vaccination is still the most important approach, as no specific treatment exists to prevent CPV. Monoclonal antibodies are valuable tools to study the pathogenic mechanisms of CPV and develop effective diagnostic reagents and pharmaceuticals. In this study, two monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against CPV-2a were obtained through hybridoma technology by fusing myeloma cells and B cells from the spleens of mice immunized with CPV type 2a (CPV-2a). Two MAbs (CPV-330 and CPV-620) were studied on the reactivity of vaccine (CPV-2a) and field strains (CPV-new 2a, -2b, and -2c) by indirect immunofluorescence (IFA), hemagglutination inhibition test (HI), virus neutralization test (VN), and inhibition of virus growth test. Two MAbs showed similar antibody titers for HI and VN. On the other hand, CPV-330 inhibited the viral replication in Crandell-Rees Feline Kidney (CRFK) cells better than CPV-620. These CPV MAbs may provide valuable biological reagents to study the CPV pathogenic mechanisms and work as therapeutic antibodies.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Functional dyspepsia (FD) is a gastrointestinal disorder with diverse symptoms but no structural or organic manifestations. Benachio-F® (herein named ‘BF-1’) is an over-the-counter liquid digestive formulated with multiple herbal extracts, which has been reported to improve symptoms of FD. A total two experiments were conducted. First, we examined whether BF-1 can modulate the progression of FD through two experimental rat models. A total of three doses (0.3x, 1x, 3x of the human equivalent dose) were used. In the gastric emptying model, both 1x (standard) or 3x (3-fold-concentrated) BF-1 enhanced gastric emptying was compared with that of vehicle-treated animals. In a feeding inhibition model induced by acute restraint stress, treatment with 1x or 3x BF-1 led to a similar degree of restoration in food intake that was comparable to that of acotiamide-treated animals. Among the constituents of BF, fennel is known for its choleretic effect. Thus, we next investigated whether a novel BF-based formula (named ‘BF-2’) that contains an increased amount of fennel extract (3.5-fold over BF-1), has greater potency in increasing bile flow. BF-2 showed a superior choleretic effect compared to BF-1. Furthermore, the postprandial concentration of serum secretin was higher in animals pretreated with BF-2 than in those pretreated with BF-1, suggesting that the increased choleretic effect of BF-2 is related to secretin production. Our results demonstrate that BF-1 can modulate the pathophysiological mechanisms of FD by exerting prokinetic and stress-relieving effects, and that BF-2 has a better choleretic effect than BF-1.
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