
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        According to ISO 4037, the thickness of the inherent filtration for the radiation qualities L-40 to L- 240, N-40 to N-400, W-60 to W-300 and H-80 to H-400 shall be equivalent to 4 mm Al for matched reference radiation fields or adjusted as far as possible to 4 mm Al for characterized reference radiation fields. And for matched reference fields, the tube window must be made of beryllium and its thickness should not exceed 10 mm. In the case of characterized reference fields, the thickness of the beryllium window should not exceed 10 mm, but it is acceptable to use an aluminum window with a maximum thickness of 1.5 mm. 320 KV X-ray tube installed at KHNP-CRI has been designed to equipped with a 3 mm Be for tube window and an additional 4 mm Al to obtain a total inherent filtration equivalent to that of 4 mm Al. In the previous study, the inherent filtration of 320 kV X-ray tube at KHNP-CRI has been verified by MCNP simulation. However, the ISO standards suggest a method for determining the thickness of the inherent filtration by half-value layer (HVL) measurement and spectrometry. In this regard, the inherent filtration was reassessed using HVL measurement. To determine the inherent filtration, 1st HVL of the beam generated by the tube at a tube potential 60 kV was measured. The measurements were conducted with a calibrated spherical ionization chamber (model A3, Exradine) placed at a distance of 1 m from the target, at the center of the radiation field size. The X-ray tube current was set to 2 mA. The thickness of aluminum absorbers was gradually adjusted in subsequent measurements until approached the 1st HVL. 1st HVL were estimated using the linear regression equation computed with the current values for the thickness of the absorbers. As a results, the thickness of the 1st HVL was estimated as 2.845 mm Al. According to the correlation between the inherent filtration and 1st HVL suggested in ISO standard, the value of the inherent filtration was deduced as 4.25 mm Al that is rounded to the nearest 0.05 mm by interpolation. Further studies on the effects of the inherent filtration thickness determined in this study will be conducted.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since 2018, Central Research Institute of Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP–CRI) has been operating an X-ray irradiation system with a maximum voltage of 160 kV and 320 kV X-ray tube to test personal dosimeters in accordance with ANSI N13.11-2009 “Personnel Dosimetry Performance- Criteria for Testing”. This standard requires that dosimeters for the photon category testing be irradiated with the X-ray beams appropriate to the ISO beam quality requirements. KHNP-CRI has implemented the fourteen X-ray reference radiation beams in compliance with ISO-4037-1, 2, and 3. When installing the X-ray irradiation system, KHNP-CRI evaluated the uncertainties of dose conversion coefficients for deep and shallow doses, based on “Catalogue of X-ray spectra and their characteristic data – ISO and DIN radiation qualities, therapy and diagnostic radiation qualities, unfiltered X-ray spectra” published by Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB). A CdTe detector (X-123, AMPTEK) with disk type collimators made of tungsten was used to acquire X-ray spectra. The detector was located at 1 m from the center of the target material in the Xray tubes. Six uncertainty factors for the dose conversion coefficients for the fourteen X-ray beams were chosen as follows; the minimum and maximum cut-off energies Emin and Emax, the air density (ρ), the accuracy of the high-voltage of the X-ray tube, statistics of the pulse height spectra and the unfolding method. For example, uncertainty of each quantity for a HK30 beam was calculated to be 0.3%, 2.32%, 0.19%, 1.25%, and 0.13%, and 0.18%, respectively. The combined standard uncertainty for the deep dose conversion coefficient of the HK30 beam was calculated to be 2.67%. The coverage factor corresponding to a 95 percent confidence interval was obtained as k = 1.8 using a Monte Carlo method, which is slightly lower the coverage factor of k = 1.95 for a Gaussian distribution. This seems to result from that two dominant uncertainties, the unfolding uncertainty and minimum cut-off energy uncertainty, follow a rectangular distribution.