
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        1994.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        I am going to survey major topics relating to the title by analyzing the following statistical data. 1 : Global trend of production and import of oil and relating materials 2 : Global trend of major oil production 3 : Capacity of Japanese factory for oil production 4 : Situation of mechanical expression based on raw materials 5 : Change of production amounts of Oil products 6 : Oil production of each items 7 : Imported amounts of oil products 8 : Vegetable oil meals, production, import and global trend 9 : Production of mayonnaise, dressing and edible processing oils 10 : Intake of nutrients, supply of lipids, and consumption of oils 11 : Global production of oleochemicals 12 : Sales amount of oleochemicals 13 : Capacities of fatty acid and fatty alcohol factories 14 : Oleochemical production in 1995 15 : Oleochemical procuction in asia 16 : Production of surfactants for industrial use 17 : Sales amount of detergents and washing materials 18 : Production of soap and synthetic detergent in Japan 19 : Consumption of soap. detergent, and synthetic detergent 20: Relation beween synthetic detergent production and popularization 21 : Biodegradability of soft detergent