변성암복합체, 옥천층군, 조선누층군 및 화성암류에서 지하 지질분포 및 밀도 불연속면을 파악하기 위해 충주호 주변에 있는 256개 지점에서 중력측정을 실시하였다. 부게 중력이상은 옥천층군에서 높은 값을 가지며 조선누층군으로 갈수록 상대적으로 낮은 값의 분포를 보였다. 지하 밀도 불연속면의 평균심도는 약 2.0 km이며, 전반적으로 문주리층과 황강리층이 서창리층보다 중력기반 심도가 상대적으로 얇으며, 옥천계 동측에 위치한 조선누층군이 옥천층군보다 비교적 두꺼운 기반 심도로 분포된 것으로 파악되었다.
The land-cover of two regions of South and North Korea included in one Landsat TM scene was investigated by comparing different seasons and different band data over the multiple land-cover types. The relationships between the intensities of two bands in the 2-D plot are mainly linear in band2 versus band1 and band3 versus band1, polygonal sporadic in band5 versus band1 and band7 versus band1, and almost tri-polarized in band4 versus band3. The 2-D plot of band4/band3 shows the best capability to discriminate different main land-cover such as water, vegetation and dry soil. Some discriminations are not clear between city and dry field, or mountain and plain field in the scene of September. The digital number data of band4 from vegetated zones show stronger reflectance in September rather than April, while other band values tend to be lager in April than in September over each land-cover. NDVI presents high value in both regions in September. However the image of Wonsan area in April suggests weak vigor of vegetation in comparison with Cholwon area. Band ratios are very effective in eliminating the influence of the complex topography. The proper pairing of the band ratio improved the discrimination capability of the land-cover; band5/band2 for dry soil, band4/band3 for vegetation and band1/band7 for the water. The RGB combination of the three band ratio pairs showed the best results in the discrimination of the land-cover of Wonsan, Cholwon and even the Demilitarized Zone.