
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The fuel test loop consisted an in-pile test section (IPS) and an out-pile system (OPS) is an nuclear fuel irradiation test facility installed in HANARO and its operating temperature and pressure are similar to those of commercial nuclear power plant’s. Penetration pipe connecting the IPS and OPS at the reactor concrete wall is supported by pool-wall pipe support. The existing pool-wall pipe support established in the HANARO have insulations even thought the leak tightness is not ensured. So, the need for an isolation of the insulations from the HANARO cooling water makes the existing pool-wall pipe support newly designed. In this study a structural evaluation for the pool-wall pipe support in accordance with the 2001 ASME B&PV Section III NF is implemented. The most critical primary and secondary stress intensities occur at the modified connection area of the main cooling water pipe and plate ring, but those values are less than the allowable stress. It is concluded that the existing pool-wall pipe support could be modified to a newly designed shape having an isolated insulation from a HANARO cooling water.