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        검색결과 27

        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new colored soybean variety ‘Jungmo3005’ was developed as a breeding parent. ‘Cheongjakong’ and ‘Geomjeongkong3’ were crossed in 2000. F1 and F2 populations were grown for 2 years and selected by pedigree method from F3 to F5. The preliminary yield trial (PYT) and advanced yield trial (AYT) were conducted from 2006 to 2007, and regional yield trial (RYT) in 9 regions was conducted from 2008 to 2010. ‘Jungmo3005’ is determinate, white flower, green cotyledon, green spherical seed and yellow hilum. Flowering date and maturing date were July 30 and Oct. 7, respectively. Other quantitative characteristics of ‘Jungmo3005’ were similar to ‘Cheongdu1’, but it was more tolerant to lodging and shattering than ‘Cheongdu1’ at RYT field and indoor test. Although ‘Jungmo3005’ showed symptom of mosaic disease in inoculation test at greenhouse, it had high level of resistance to soybean mosaic virus and bacterial pustule diseases at field. The yield of tofu of ‘Jungmo3005’ was more than that of ‘Cheongdu1’. The mean yield of ‘Jungmo3005’ in RYT was 256kg/10a which was 97% of the yield of ‘Cheongdu1’. ‘Jungmo3005’ is expected to be widely used as a breeding parent to cross with other varieties and lines for creating colored soybean cultivars with tolerance to lodging, shattering and bacterial pustule.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soybean cultivar ‘Seonpung’ was developed for soy-paste and tofu. Suwon 224 and YS1325-3S-2 were crossed in 2003 and selected from F3 to F5 by pedigree method. The preliminary yield trial (PYT) and advanced yield trial (AYT) were conducted from 2009 to 2010, and regional yield trial (RYT) in twelve regions was conducted from 2011 to 2013. In RYT, ‘Seonpung’ was stable in variable environments and a high yield cultivar. ‘Seonpung’ is determinate, white flower, yellow spherical seed and yellow hilum. Flowering date and maturity date were Aug. 5 and Oct. 19, respectively. Plant height was similar to ‘Daewonkong (standard cultivar)’. However ‘Seonpung’ has higher node number (16) and seed weight (25.9g/100-seed weight) than ‘Daewonkong’ (14 and 24.2g/100-seed weight). ‘Seonpung’ is resistant to root rot, and it also has high level of resistance to bacterial pustule and soybean mosaic virus. The yield of tofu of ‘Seonpung’ was 241%, and noticeably lighter, and solidity was higher than ‘Daewonkong’. Soybean malt scent, fermented soybean yield and γ-polyglutamic acid (γ-PGA) of ‘Seonpung’ were 4, 181% and 31.7㎎/g. The yield in adaptable regions was 340kg/10a (21% increase compared to ‘Daewonkong’). ‘Seonpung’ is expected to be cultivated and used widely for soy-paste and tofu. (Registration number: 5931)
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Early maturity of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is an important character for double cultivating system with winter crops such as onion or garlic in southern area of Korea. Soybean cultivars released in the past, especially ‘Keunolkong’ was widely cultivated but it was weak at abiotic stress and low yield potential because of too short growing period and short stem height. ‘Hanol’, a new early maturing cultivar showing better abiotic stress tolerant and higher yield potential, was developed from the cross between SS91408 and ‘Hwaeomputkong’, and released in 2009. ‘Hanol’ is, compared to ‘Keunolkong’, Hanol’s growing period is five days longer and its height is 5cm higher. In addition, it showed better excess-water tolerant and 26.5g 100-seed weight. At regional adaptation yield trials (RYT) in six regions from 2007 to 2009, ‘Hanol’ showed 2.04 tons of seed per hectare, 14% higher than ‘Keunolkong’ (1.80ton/ha). ‘Hanol’ is promising for double cropping system with higher yield.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Doenjang is one of the most favorite traditional food which was produced by the fermentation process of soybean with various microbes such as Aspergillus oryzae, Bacillus subtilis and so on. The aim of this research is to analyse the antioxidant and anti-α-glucosidase inhibitory activities of doenjang made by 9 different cultivar (Daewonkong, Taekwangkong, Daepungkong, Hwangkeumkong, Saedanbaek, Hanolkong, Pungsannamulkong, Cheongja-3 and Cheongdu-1). Doenjang samples were made by traditional manner using rice straw. Each samples were extracted with 40% methanol and extract were used Among them, cheongja-3‘s doenjang showed a significant highest antioxidant and anti-α-glucosidase inhibitory activities because of its anthocyanin. Except for cheongja-3's Doenjang, antioxidant activity had positive correlation with isoflavone content. But no relationship observed between isoflavone content and anti-α-glucosidase activity. The highest anti-α-glucosidase activity was observed in Saedanbaek's Doenjang with highest protein content.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soybean isoflavones include daidzein, genistein and glycitein with their glycosides, and their malonated derivatives are the main polyphenolic compounds that are helpful for human health. Our research objective was to investigate the differentitation of soybean isoflavones contents of breeding populations between yellow and black soybean. Isoflavones contents in soybean are a wide range from 500 to 7000 ㎍/g. In this study, we used Ilmi (Isoflavones content, 3.612 ㎍/g) as male parent and 04GAYT-4 (Isoflavones content, 1,648 ㎍/g) as female parent. From these varieties, we obtained 94 breeding lines (yellow, 48 lines; black, 25 lines; brown, 21 lines) which have isoflavones content range from 1000 to 6000 ㎍/g. Highest isflavone contents of three different breeding lines was yellow seed coated lines (average isoflavone content, yellow 3,046 ㎍/g, brown 2,935 ㎍/g, black 2,813 ㎍/g).
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘소청2호’는 녹색 자엽의 검정콩으로 내재해성이 우수하고 가공용에 적합한 신품종육성을 목표로 숙기가 매우 늦은 대립 검정콩인 ‘밀양78호’와 소립 내재해 도입종인 ‘Peking’을 1996년 인공교배한 YS1262 조합으로 계통육종법으로 선발하였고 계통명은 ‘밀양182호’이다. 꽃은 백색이고 자엽색은 녹색이며, 입형은 장타원형이며 성숙기가 지나면 협의 개열에는 약하다. 성숙기는 10월 2일로 ‘청자콩’과 같이 다소 빠른 품종이며, 경장은 56 cm로 ‘청자콩’보다 10 cm 짧고 100립의 무게는 12.2 g인 소립인 품종이다. 도복에 강하며 포장 재배시험에서 콩모자이크 바이러스병은 다소 발생하였고, 불마름병에 대한 유묘 접종 및 포장반응은 ‘청자콩’과 비슷하나 약한 편이다. 종실성분으로 조단백 함량은 38.8%로 ‘청자콩’보다 다소 낮았고, 종실의 아이소플라본 함량은 2,031㎍/g으로 ‘청자콩’보다 높았다. 청국장 가공적성에서 ‘일품검정콩’보다 발효 정도는 다소 낮으나, 청국장 수율 및 풍취에서 우하였다. ‘소청2호’의 중남부지역 5개소의 평균 수량성은 ha당 2.00톤으로 ‘청자콩’ 대비 7% 증수하였다.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        풋콩용 신품종 ‘상원’은 1997년 황색 대립이고 극조숙인 큰 올콩을 모본으로 하고 일본에서 도입된 Oshimamidori가 교배된 조합이다. 1998년부터 2002년도에 걸쳐 F1 - F5세대를 계통육종법으로 전개하여 풋콩 특성이 유망하여 선발된 YS1309- 2B-4-1-1 계통으로 생산력검정시험에서 수확시기가 빠르고 도복에 강한 대립 풋콩 다수성 계통으로 유망하여 선발된 밀양154호이다. ‘상원’의 그 주요특성은 다음과 같다. 1. 유한신육형이며
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        1. 신육형은 유한신육형, 화색은 자색, 엽형은 환형이다. 모용 및 성숙기의 협은 갈색이며 종피색과 제색은 흑색이고 종실 자엽색은 황색이다. 입형은 장형으로 성숙기가 지나면 협의 자연개열이 다소 나타난다. 2. 성숙기는 10월 3일로 ‘일품’ 검정콩보다 4일 늦으며, 경장은 54 cm로 4 cm 길고, 100립중은 29.2 g으로 ‘일품’ 검정콩 보다 1.6 g 무겁다. 3. 도복에 비교적 강하며, 포장 재배기간중의 모자이크 바이러스병은 다소 발생하였으
        2010.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘대흑’은 밥밑용 특성이 우수한 단경 내재해 다수성 신품종 육성을 목표로 대립 장류용 품종인 대황콩과 단경 내도복 내재해 다수성 계통인 밀양 79호를 1997년 인공교배하여 계통 육종법으로 선발한 YS1298-2B-20-5-1-1-1 계통이다. 계통명은 ‘밀양158호’이고 품종등록번호는 No. 3009이며 주요특성은 다음과 같다. 1. ‘대흑’의 신육형은 유한신육형이며 화색은 자색이고 엽형은 환형이다. 모용 및 성숙기의 협은 갈색이며 종피색과 제색은 흑
        2007.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new garden pea cultivar, Daehyup 2, was developed at the Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute (YARI) in 2006. It was selected from the cross between Olwandu and Sachulwandu in 1996. The preliminary, advanced, and regional yield trials for evaluation and selection of this cultivar were carried out from 2003 to 2006. It has white flower, yellow cotyledon, absent or very weakly curved pod shape and yellow seed color. It was resistant to virus and powdery mildew disease. The 100 green seed weight of Daehyup 2 was 65.5 g, which was 8.9 g heavier than check cultivar. The sucrose and total sugar contents of fresh pod of Daehyup 2 were 11.1% and 12.5%, respectively, which were 3.2% and 4.3% higher than those of Sachulwandu. The fresh pod yield of Daehyup 2 was similar to that of Sachulwandu with 12.16 ton per hectare in the regional yield trials carried out in three locations of Korea from 2005 to 2006.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new black seed coat soybean cultivar, “Heugmi” was developed at the Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute (YARI) in 2006. The goal to breed the black seed coat soybean is to develop the cultivar with high yield, lodging tolerance, resistant to disease such as soybean mosaic virus (SMV), and bacterial pustule and seed size. Heugmi was selected from the cross between Milyang 78, which was late maturing, susceptible to lodging and SMV and with large seed size and green cotyledon, and Milyang 68, which was middle maturing, resistant to lodging and SMV and with middle seed size and yellow cotyledon. The preliminary, advanced and regional yield trials for evaluation and selection of this cultivar were carried out from 2001 to 2006. It has determinate growth habit, purple flower, brown pubescence, black pod color, black seed coat, green cotyledon, spherical seed shape, oval leaf shape and middle seed size (24.8 grams per 100 seeds), and it was 2 days earlier in maturity than the check cultivar Cheongjakong. Heugmi was better in the seed quality of crude protein contents, sucrose and total sugar contents than the check cultivar. It also has been identified to have resistance to SMV which was the troublesome soybean diseases. The average yield of Heugmi was 2.53 ton per hectare in the regional yield trials carried out in seven locations of Korea from 2004 to 2006, which was 8 percent higher than the check cultivar Cheongjakong.
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