국제해사기구 MO에서 추진하는 e-Navigation 전략은 육상 사용자와 해상 사용자에 다양한 해사안전 정보를 제공하기 위한 네트워크와 정보표준이 필요하다고 정의한 바 있으며 대용량, 다종류의 해양공간정보 서비스가 제공될 것으로 예상된다. 그러나 현재 개발 중인 선박과 선박, 선박과 육상 간 통신을 지원하는 선박용 이동통신 기술은 대용량의 공간정보를 전송하기에는 제약이 따르므로, 대용량의 정보를 최적화하고 간소화하는 기법 개발이 요구되었다.
A narrow loop noise bandwidth method is desirable to reduce the error of raw measurements due to the thermal noise. However, it degrades the performance of GPS initial synchronization such as mean acquisition time. And it restricts the loop noise bandwidth to a fixed value determined by the lower bound of the allowable range of carrier-to-noise power ratio, so that it is difficult to optimally track GPS signal. In order to make up for the weak points of the fixed-type narrow loop noise bandwidth method and simultaneously minimize the error of code and carrier measurements, this paper proposes a stepwise-type adaptive bandwidth algorithm for DGPS reference receivers. In this paper, it is shown that the proposed adaptive bandwidth algorithm can provide more accurate measurements than those of the fixed-type narrow loop noise bandwidth method, in view of analyzing the simulation results between two signal tracking algorithms. This paper also carries out sensitivity analysis of the proposed adaptive bandwidth algorithm due to the estimation uncertainty of carrier-to-noise power ratio. Finally the analysis results are verified by the experiment using GPS simulator.