
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 71

        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We investigated the behavioral attractive responses of a lepidopteran larva parasite, Exorista japonica to 10 synthetic herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs). These synthetic HIPVs have been revealed the attractive effect on several parasites. For each of the HIPVs, we asked the following two questions : (1) Which volatiles show the attractiveness to this parasitoid, (2) Whether the attractant directly or indirectly affects the host settlement and parasitism of the parasitoid. To experimentally address these questions, we performed 2 and 4 choice indoor cage tests. E. japonica adults were significantly attracted to benzaldehyde and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol showing higher settlement and parasitic rates on Spodoptera litura of treatments. Compared to the untreated plots, the average parasitism of E. japonica on S. litura larvae in the benzaldehyde treatments increased by approximately 20%.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 고온기 원예작물의 안정 생산을 위해 대형 단동하우스 ‘사계절하우스’를 파프리카 재배에 활용 시 시설 내부 기상 환경 및 파프리카 품종별 생육, 수량, 품질 등을 분석하고 근권냉방 효과 등을 구명하여 파프리카 재배환경 조건을 최적화 하기 위한 기초자료로 사용하고자 수행하였다. 정식 후부터 재배 종료 시점(2020년 5-11월)까지 시설내 평균 적산광량은 12.7MJ·m -2 d -1로, 온실외부의 평균 광량인 14.1MJ·m -2 d -1의 90% 수준으로 나타났다. 일 년중 가장 기온이 높은 7-8월의 온실내 24시간 평균온도는 외기보다 3.04℃ 낮았고, 장마가 끝난 8월 12일 이후에는 평균 4.07℃ 낮게 나타났다. 시설 내 포그 냉방 가동(6월 13일) 이전 일평균 상대습도는 최저 40% (주간 20%) 수준까지 떨어져 작물재배에 적합하지 않은 상태였으나 포그를 가동한 이후 주간 상대습도는 70-85% 수준으로 증가된 것으로 나타났다. 평균 수분부족분(humidity deficit)은 포그 공급전에는 최고 12.7g/m 3 까지 상승하여 매우 건조한 조건이었으나, 포그 공급 후 고온기(7-8월)에 평 균 3.7g/m 3으로 감소하였고, 저온기(10-11월)로 갈수록 다시 증가되는 경향이었다. 주간 잔존 CO2 농도는 전체 재배기 간동안 평균 707ppm으로 나타났다. ’20년 7월 27일부터 11월 23일까지 수확한 파프리카의 품종별 상품수량(kg/10a)은 주황색 품종 ‘DSP-7054’과 황색 품종 ‘Allrounder’이 각각 14,255kg/10a와 14,161kg/10a로 다른 품종에 비해 높았고, 다음으로 주황색 ‘K-Gloria orange’, 황색 ‘Volante’, 적색 ‘Nagano’ 품종 순으로 나타났다. 사계절하우스에서 고온기(8 월)에 생산된 대과종 파프리카의 품종별 과실품질 특성을 조사한 결과, 과고, 과폭, 과실당도, 과육두께에서 품종 간 유의성이 인정되었다. 당도는 주황색 품종인 ‘DSP-7054’와 ‘Naarangi’에서 높게 나타났고, 과육두께는 황색과 주황색 품종인 ‘K-Gloria orange’와 ‘Allrounder’에서 높게 나타났다. 근권 냉방처리 기간 동안 배지내 일평균 온도는 20.7℃로 나타났고, 근권 난방처리 기간 동안 배지내 일평균 온도는 23. 4℃로 나타났다. 근권부 냉난방 처리를 통해 상품수량은 무처리구에 비해 비해 ‘Nagano’ 16.5%, ‘Allrounder’ 1.3%, ‘Naarangi’ 20.2%, 및 ‘Raon red’ 17.3% 증가하였고, 품종 전체로는 16.1% 증가하였다. 근권 냉난방처리에 의해 과실의 경도는 4개 품종 평균 5.7% 증가하였으나 다른 품질 지표에서는 유의성있는 차이가 나타나지 않았다.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Graphene fiber is considered as a potential material for wearable applications owing to its lightness, flexibility, and high electrical conductivity. After the graphene oxide (GO) solution in the liquid crystal state is assembled into GO fiber through wet spinning, the reduced graphene oxide (rGO) fiber is obtained through a reduction process. In order to further improve the electrical conductivity, herein, we report N, P, and S doped rGO fibers through a facile vacuum diffusion process. The precursors of heteroatoms such as melamine, red phosphorus, and sulfur powders were used through a vacuum diffusion process. The resulting N, P, and S doped rGO fibers with atomic% of 6.52, 4.43 and 2.06% achieved the higher electrical conductivities compared to that of rGO fiber while preserving the fibrious morphology. In particular, N doped rGO fiber achieved the highest conductivity of 1.11 × 104 S m−1, which is 2.44 times greater than that of pristine rGO fiber. The heteroatom doping of rGO fiber through a vacuum diffusion process is facile to improve the electrical conductivity while maintaining the original structure.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 PO필름과 PE필름을 온실의 피복재로 적용하였을 때 작물 수량 증대 및 에너지 절감에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 시험온실은 국립원예특작과학원 시설원예연구소 내에 위치한 단동온실(1-1W) 2동(B21, B23)과 2연동온실(1-2W 형) 2동(B15, B16)을 사용하였다. 단동온실의 규격은 폭 7.2m, 길이 30m, 측고 1.5m, 동고 3.6m 이고, 연동온실의 규격은 폭 8m, 길이 40m, 측고 3.1m, 동고 5.8m의 온실로서 이 중 골조로 된 아치형 표준온실이다. 동절기 시험을 위하여 PO 필름(외피 0.15mm, 내피 0.10mm)을 단동과 연동의 온실 피복재로 사용하였으며 대조구 온실로서 PE필름(외피 0.15mm, 내피 0.10mm)을 단동과 연동에 설치하였다. 시험작물은 완숙토마토 ‘해피니스’를 토양재배 하였고 2019년 12월 3일에 정식하여 2020년 4월 30일까지 재배하였다. 온실내부 야간 설정온도는 15℃를 유지하였으며 주간에는 23∽24℃를 유지할 수 있도록 측창 및 천창을 개방하였다. PO필름의 단동 및 연동온실 내부에서의 일사량, 온습도 등을 측정하였고, 재배 기간 동안의 생육량을 조사하였으며 에너지 절감 효과를 조사 하기 위해 피복재별 시험온실의 온풍난방기 연료 소비량을 조사하였다. 조사 결과 단동온실에서의 일사량은 PO필름 온실 에서 PE필름 온실보다 7% 증가하였고 수확량은 20% 증대되었다. 연동온실에서의 일사량은 PO필름 온실에서 PE필름 온 실보다 11% 증가되었고, 수확량은 9% 증가하였다. 또한 온실내부의 일평균 온습도 측정 결과 단동온실은 PE, PO필름 온실이 19.0℃, 19.1℃, 상대습도 75%를 나타냈고 연동온실 은 PO필름 온실이 19.6℃, 상대습도 57%를 나타냈고 PE필 름 온실이 18.8℃, 상대습도 63%를 나타냈다. 연료 소비량은 단동온실의 PO필름 온실이 PE필름 온실보다 12.4% 절감되 었고 연동온실에서는 PO필름 온실이 PE필름 온실보다 11.5% 절감된 것으로 나타났다.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Influenza A virus (IAV) causes respiratory disease in birds and mammals, including pigs and humans. Infection by IAV in pigs increases not only economic losses in the swine industry but also the emergence of novel IAV variants via gene reassortment, which is important due to the susceptibility of both birds and humans to IAV. This study provides serological data obtained during a study to detect IAV infections in pigs in the Republic of Korea during 2018 and 2019. A total of 1,559 samples were collected from 74 domestic pig farms. Hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assays were performed using the A/Swine/Korea/25-13(H1N1), A/Swine/Korea/E102 (H1N2), and A/Swine/Korea/Cy10/2007 (H3N2) viruses as antigens. The HI assay results showed that 266 of the 1,559 samples were seropositive (17.0%). Among these, H1N1, H1N2, and H3N2 comprised 7.3% (114), 6.0% (93), and 8.8% (137) of the 1,559 samples, respectively. Co-infections of H1N1/H1N2, H1N1/H3N2, H1N2/H3N2 and H1N1/H1N2/H3N2 were observed in 2.1% (31), 1.5% (23), 1.5% (24), and 0.8% (13) of the 1,559 samples, respectively. Interestingly, IAV infections were detected in all nine provinces of the country.
        2020.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to provide a basis for raising farm income by increasing the yield and extending the cultivation period by creating an environment where crops can be cultivated normally during high temperatures in summer. The maximum cooling load of the multi-span greenhouse with a floor area of 504 m2 was found to be 462,609 W, and keeping the greenhouse under 32°C without shading the greenhouse at a high temperature, it was necessary to fog spray 471.6 L of water per hour. The automatic fog cooling control device was developed to effectively control the fog device, the flow fan, and the light blocking device constituting the fog cooling system. The fog cooling system showed that the temperature of the greenhouse could be lowered by 6°C than the outside temperature. The relative humidity of the fog-cooled greenhouse was 40-80% during the day, about 20% higher than that of the control greenhouse, and this increase in relative humidity contributed to the growth of cucumbers. The relative humidity of the fog cooling greenhouse during the day was 40-80%, which was about 20% higher than that of the control greenhouse, and this increase in relative humidity contributed to the growth of cucumbers. The yield of cucumbers in the fog-cooled greenhouse was 1.8 times higher in the single-span greenhouse and two times higher in the multi-span greenhouse compared to the control greenhouse.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a controlled atmosphere (CA) storage system is proposed as a storage method for prolonging processing period. Persimmon was placed in CA storage at 0.5oC±0.5 for 92 d. The qualities of the stored persimmons were compared to determine the possibility of extending shelf life. ‘Sangjudungsi,’ which was harvested on October 26, 2017, was applied to the persimmons. In order to compare differences according to size, the persimmons were classified into Size No. 2 (170 g) and Size No. 3 (145 g). In the result, the yellowness of CA-stored persimmons was 26.3% lower than that of cold-stored ones, confirming that after-ripening was delayed. The firmness of CAstored and Size No. 3 persimmon was higher than that of cold-stored and Size No. 2 persimmon. Tannin decreased significantly in cold storage, but it tended to increase in CA storage. The sugar content of Size No. 3 was lower than that of Size No. 2, but there was no difference in tendencies according to the storage method. Weight loss in CA storage was lower than that in cold storage. A comparison of color difference, firmness, sugar content, tannin, and weight loss ratio showed that CA storage was more effective in improving shelf life than cold storage.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Commercial direct refrigerators have good energy efficiency, but are difficult to use for supercooled storage due to their large temperature deviation. Placing insulators and conductors inside the refrigerator could reduce these temperature deviations to within 0.3 degrees, allowing for the supercooled storage. The supercooled storage of salted Chinese cabbages during ten weeks was progressed to compare the other low temperature storages. The nucleation temperatures of salted Chinese cabbage were around -2.5oC and the freezing points were around -0.4oC, so -2oC was selected for the supercooled storage. The growth rate of lactic acid bacteria and yeast at -2oC storage was lower than that at 2oC storage. The reducing sugar was maintained higher due to the growth rate of lactic acid bacteria. The supercooled storage had an effect of delaying the fermentation of the salted Chinese cabbage, which may have the effect of delaying the fermentation of kimchi. This enhancement method of the direct refrigerator was effective for the supercooled storage and would be promising for commercial use.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 고설 딸기 관부(크라운부) 난방시스템을 전기 온수 보일러, 축열조, 순환 펌프, 관부난방 배관 (백색 연질 PE관, 관경 16mm) 및 온도 제어반으로 구성하였다. 관부(크라운부) 난방의 경우 난방 배관을 딸기 관부에 최대한 밀착될 수 있도록 설치하고 배관 위치를 원예용 고정핀으로 고정하였다. 또한 관부 난방시스템의 에너지 효율을 증진하기 위해 축열조 온수 온도를 20~23oC, 관부 온도를 13~15oC로 관리하였다. 관부난방은 전기 온수보일러를 이용하여 20~23oC의 온수를 축열조에 저장하고 순환펌프를 제어하기 위한 온도 센서를 딸기의 관부에 최대한 근접하여 설치하고 온도를 감지함 으로써 관부(크라운부)를 집중적으로 난방하는 방식이다. 시험 온실의 난방 처리는 공간 난방 4oC + 관부난방(처 리 1), 공간 난방 8oC (대조구), 공간 난방 6oC + 관부 난방(처리 2)로 처리하였다. 각 난방처리는 온실 1동에 딸기를 980주를 심었으며, 재배방법은 표준재배법에 준해서 재배하였다. 난방 에너지 소비에 대한 비교시험은 2017년 11월 8일부터 2018년 3월 30일까지 수행되었다. 소비된 누적 전력량은 등유 사용량으로 환산하였고, 등유 소비량은 공간난방 8oC(대조구)의 경우 1,320L (100%), 공간난방 4oC + 관부난방의 경우 928L(70.3%), 공간난방 6oC + 관부난방의 경우 1,161L (88%)로 계측 되었다. 공간난방 4oC + 관부난방(처리 1) 및 공간난방 6oC + 관부난방(처리 2)은 8oC 공간난방(대조구)에 비해 생육 저하, 수확시기의 지연 등이 없이 비슷하게 딸기 수확이 가능하였으며, 29.7% 및 12%의 난방 에너지가 절감되는 것으로 분석되었다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, nitrogen (N)-doped ultra-porous carbon derived from lignin is synthesized through hydrothermal carbonization, KOH activation, and post-doping process for CO2 adsorption. The specific surface areas of obtained N-doped porous carbons range from 247 to 3064 m2/g due to a successful KOH activation. N-containing groups of 0.62–1.17 wt% including pyridinic N, pyridone N, pyridine-N-oxide are found on the surface of porous carbon. N-doped porous carbon achieves the maximum CO2 adsorption capacity of 13.6 mmol/g at 25 °C up to 10 atm and high stability over 10 adsorption/desorption cycles. As confirmed by enthalpy calculation with the Clausius–Clapeyron equation, an adsorption heat of N-doped porous carbon is higher than non-doped porous carbon, indicating a role of N functionalities for enhanced CO2 adsorption capability. The overall results suggest that this carbon has high CO2 capture capacity and can be easily regenerated and reused without any clear loss of CO2 adsorption capacity.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We studied the infection rate of and various metacercariocidal approaches to controlling Gymnophalloides seoi for prevention of human infection in cultured and natural oysters in Korea. The selected survey areas were Aphae-do (Shinan-gun, Jeollanam-do), which is an endemic area for G. seoi, and Tongyeong (Geonsangnam-do), which is the main production area of oysters in Korea. In the Tongyeong area, the metacercariae of G. seoi were not detected in cultured oysters (0/201) or wild oysters (0/134). Seventy-two G. seoi metacercariae were observed in 33 of 265 natural oysters collected from Aphae-do; however, metacercariae were not detected in the cultured oysters (0/1101) purchased from the Daejeon Fish Market. To investigate the viability of G. seoi metacercariae, various metacercariocidal treatments were used with 3.5% saline and oyster juice used as positive controls. The metacercariae survived for 75.4 h in 3.5% saline and 112.6 h in oyster juice. After the metacercariocidal treatment, G. seoi metacercariae were survived for 13.29 min in tap water, < 20 sec in 4.3% vinegar, no effect in a rinse of the whole oyster body in 70°C water for 1 sec, but 1 sec in a rinse of the whole oyster body in 90°C water for 1 sec. The greatest metacercariocidal effect on G. seoi was from rinsing oysters in 90°C water followed by those from treatment with 20% ethyl alcohol, 4.3% vinegar, and tap water. However, we suggest that the most actual prevention to G. seoi human infection is rinsing the oysters with tap water for at least 30 min.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For the vessel export of strawberries, modified atmosphere package (MAP) using polyamide (PA) film and linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) film was investigated to extend the shelf life of strawberries. Because the temperature and relative humidity changes of the MAP were lower than the changes of the control, the weight loss of the MAP were lower than that of the control. The low oxygen level and high carbon dioxide level were effective to decrease the fungal decay rate and to increase the hardness of strawberries. The Hunter’s color differences before and after storage showed no distinct difference between the MAP and the control. The lightness had a tendency to decrease while the redness increased. There were no significant changes of the soluble solids during the storage. The shelf life of strawberries could be extended to 16 days using the MAP considering the weight loss and the fungal decay rate. Thus, this MAP method using PA film and LLDPE film was effective to extend the shelf life of strawberries.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main purposes of this study were to identify the factors affecting the supercooling property and to improve the possibility of supercooling storage of fruits and vegetables. Freezing point and nucleation temperature, moisture content, hardness, sugar content, and pH of nineteen fruits and vegetables were measured and Pearson correlation analysis was performed. Freezing point showed a statistically significant correlation with moisture content and sugar content (p<0.01), while ice nucleation temperature showed a correlation (p<0.05) only for sugar content. In particular, the water content and sugar content did not show any correlation with the freezing supercooling difference (FSD). From the correlation analysis between FSD, aerobic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, yeast, and mold, FSD showed a correlation (p<0.01) with aerobic bacteria. The experiments of the saline solutions inoculated with aerobic bacteria at different concentrations showed FSDs of about 2 for saline inoculated with 9.4 log CFU/mL and about 6 for saline inoculated lower than 5 log CFU/mL. Therefore, the aerobic bacteria concentration was determined to be a key factor affecting the supercooling storage of fruits and vegetables.
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