The bilateral nuclear cooperation agreement provides the basis for technical and economic exchanges and research and development cooperation in the nuclear industry, while also having an important role in the peaceful use of nuclear power. The government of Republic of Korea has signed the supplementary and additional arrangements with the United States, Canada, and Australia to specify detailed procedures necessary for the implementation of the agreement. Currently, items under the bilateral nuclear cooperation agreement (i.e., obligated items) are managed through official documents and e-mails, and it is difficult for the government to systemically track item inventory and identify the person in charge. Another issue is the discrepancy of information between the annual report on obligated items and the report under the import and export procedure. In order to solve these problems, the government is establishing an import and export management system for obligated items to enhance transparency and national reliability in Korea. The ultimate purpose of this project is to not only faithfully fulfill the obligations under the bilateral nuclear cooperation agreement, but also to increase the efficiency of implementation work through systematization of databases and management of obligated items. In this paper, an improved management procedures are suggested by analyzing the required functions and problems. Also, this paper provides a conceptual design that can be applied to the management system for it obligated items by identifying and analyzing practical problems in the import and export management of mandatory items. As a result, key considerations and the conceptual design proposal for the ‘export and import management system for items subject to the nuclear bilateral cooperation agreement’ are derived. The result will be supplemented through continuous discussions with facility operators and the government to be utilized for detailed system design.