
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to establish an online shopping mall marketing strategy based on big data analysis methods. The customer cluster analysis method was utilized to analyze customer purchase patterns and segment them into customer groups with similar characteristics. Data was collected from orders placed over one year in 2023 at ‘Jeonbuk Saengsaeng Market’, the official online shopping mall for agricultural, fish, and livestock products of Jeonbuk Special Self-Governing Province. K-means clustering was conducted by creating variables such as ‘TotalPrice’ and ‘ElapsedDays’ for analysis. The study identified four customer groups, and their main characteristics. Furthermore, regions corresponding to customer groups were analyzed using pivot tables. This facilitated the proposal of a marketing strategy tailored to each group’s characteristics and the establishment of an efficient online shopping mall marketing strategy. This study is significant as it departs from the traditional reliance on the intuition of the person in charge to operate a shopping mall, instead establishing a shopping mall marketing strategy through objective and scientific big data analysis. The implementation of the marketing strategy outlined in this study is expected to enhance customer satisfaction and boost sales.