
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 31

        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we developed Rapid Enrichment Broth for Vibrio parahaemolyticus (REB-V), a broth capable enriching V. parahaemolyticus from 100 CFU/mL to 106 CFU/mL within 6 hours, which greatly facilitates the rapid detection of V. parahaemolyticus. Using a modified Gompertz model and response surface methodology, we optimized supplement sources to rapidly enrich V. parahaemolyticus. The addition of 0.003 g/10 mL of D-(+)- mannose, 0.002 g/10 mL of L-valine, and 0.002 g/10 mL of magnesium sulfate to 2% (w/v) NaCl BPW was the most effective combination of V. parahaemolyticus enrichment. Optimal V. parahaemolyticus culture conditions using REB-V were at pH 7.84 and 37oC. To confirm REB-V culture efficiency compared to 2% (w/v) NaCl BPW, we assessed the amount of enrichment achieved in 7 hours in each medium and extracted DNA samples from each culture every hour. Real-time PCR was performed using the extracted DNA to verify the applicability of this REB-V culture method to molecular diagnosis. V. parahaemolyticus was enriched to 5.452±0.151 Log CFU/mL in 2% (w/v) NaCl BPW in 7 hours, while in REB-V, it reached 7.831±0.323 Log CFU/mL. This confirmed that REB-V enriched V. parahaemolyticus to more than 106 CFU/mL within 6 hours. The enrichment rate of REB-V was faster than that of 2% (w/v) NaCl BPW, and the amount of enrichment within the same time was greater than that of 2% (w/v) NaCl BPW, indicating that REB-V exhibits excellent enrichment efficiency.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Following the previous study, the toxicity of a single subcutaneous administration of the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) and the side effects that may occur at therapeutic doses were confirmed. The Thyrokitty injection (I-131) was administered subcutaneously once at a dose of 0, 2.0, 6.0, and 18.0 mCi/kg, 5 male and female rats per group, and mortality, general symptom observation, and weight measurement were performed for 2 weeks, followed by observation of autopsy findings. There were no deaths, and no statistically significant weight change was observed. Mild hair loss, fissures, and crusting were observed by general symptom observation, but it was not a toxic change related to the Thyrokitty injection (I-131). Gastric atrophy and a decrease in the size of the spleen were observed by the autopsy. As a results of single subcutaneous administration of the Thyrokitty Injection (I-131) to rats at a maximum dose of 18.0 mCi/kg, a decrease in the size of the spleen and gastric atrophy were observed as the dose of the Thyrokitty Injection (I-131) increased, which may be related to the test substance. No abnormal findings related to the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) were observed. Therefore, the approximate lethal dose of the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) was 18.0 mCi/kg or more. In addition, as reported for the treatment of feline hyperthyroidism with radioiodine (131I), side effects of the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) are expected to be extremely rare. Temporary dysphagia and fever may occur, but it will recover naturally. It should be administered with caution in cats with diseases such as urinary system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system and endocrine system, especially with kidney disease. And it should not be used in cats who are pregnant, lactating, or likely. It is expected that the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) can be used for clinical treatment in Korea as a veterinary drug.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Radioiodine (131I) has been used for the treatment of feline hyperthyroidism since the 1990s in the USA and Europe, and it is recommended as the most effective treatment for feline hyperthyroidism because it has a high therapeutic effect, small side effects, and does not require anesthesia. In this study, the pharmacological properties of the Thyrokitty injection (I-131), which is being developed as a treatment for feline hyperthyroidism, using radioiodine (131I) as an active ingredient, was tested. The %cell uptake of the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) in FRTL- 5 thyroid cells was 0.410 ± 0.016%, which was about 18 times higher compared to Clone 9 hepatocytes, and it was decreased by 30.7% due to the competitive reaction with iodine (sodium iodide). In addition, the %cell growth of the FRTL-5 thyroid cells was reduced by 25.0% by treatment with the Thyrokitty injection (I-131). As a result of the tissue distribution test, the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) was distributed at the highest concentration at 0.083 hours (5 minutes) after subcutaneous administration to animals in most organs except the stomach, small intestine, large intestine, muscle and thyroid gland, and it was excreted mainly through the kidneys. The stomach and thyroid gland showed a typical distribution pattern observed when radioiodine (131I) was administered. In addition, about 78.45% of the total amount of excretion was excreted within 48 hours, of which more than 85% was excreted in urine. In conclusion, the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) has the same mechanism of action, potency, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion characteristics as radioiodine (131I) reported in connection with the treatment of feline hyperthyroidism. In the future, using the results of this study, it is expected that the Thyrokitty (I-131) could be safely used in the clinical treatment of feline hyperthyroidism.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 수산물에 사용되는 식용 코팅의 다양한 천연 성분에 대한 소재 및 특성에 대하여 조사하였으며, 화학적 항균 물질 및 항산화제와 물리적 살균 기술을 병합한 허들 기술(hurdle technology)에 대하여 서술하였다. 다양 한 원인으로 인한 식중독 사고가 빈번히 발생하고 있으며 주된 원인은 오염된 식품의 섭취와 관련이 있다. 특히, 식품 중에서도 수산물은 수분함량이 많고 미생물에 오염되기 쉽기 때문에 저장 기한이 짧다. 이에 대한 해결방안으 로 여러 가지 대안들이 적용되고 있는데, 가식성을 가지 고 독성이 없는 장점을 가진 식용 코팅이 주목을 받고 있다. 식용 코팅은 미생물의 성장을 억제하고 수분 손실을 지연시킴으로써 수산물의 품질을 유지할 수가 있다. 또한 항균 물질 및 항산화제를 첨가하거나 물리적인 살균 기술과도 병합할 수 있다. 하지만 식용 코팅과의 병합 처리 기술이 소수 보고되고 있어 다양한 허들 기술에 대한 연구가 필요하다.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates the Gabo Jaedong Jemuljeongnyechaek, which is the recording of the darye executed over a period of a year in 1834 (34th year of reign by King Sunjo) in the latter part of the Joseon Dynasty, two years after the death of Princess Bokon, the 2nd daughter of King Sunjo. Accordingly, we examined the types of darye (tea ceremonies) and the characteristics of the composition of foods at ancestral rites of the royal families of Joseon. Moreover, we also analyzed the cooking methods and characteristics of food terminologies used in the darye. This includes 39 categories of food and ingredients used for tea ceremonies held for one year, on behalf of the deceased Princess Bokon in 1834. The darye for the monthly national holiday was held along with the darye on the 1st and the 15th day of every month. The darye for rising up and the birthday darye were held on May 12th and October 26th of the lunar calendar, being the anniversaries of the death and the birth of Princess Bokon, respectively. The birthday darye and the darye for New Year’s Day, Hansik (105thday after winter solstice), Dano (5th day of the 5th month of the lunar calendar), and Thanksgiving “Chuseok” were held in the palace and at the burial site of the Princess. During the darye for rising up in May and the Thanksgiving darye at the burial site in August, rituals offering meals to the deceased were also performed. The birthday darye at the burial site of Princess Bokon featured the most extensive range of foods offered, with a total of 33 dishes. Foods ranging 13~25 dishes were offered at the national holiday darye, while the darye on the 1st and the 15th of the month included 9~11 food preparations, making them more simplified with respect to the composition of foods offered at the ceremony, in comparison to the national holiday darye. The dishes were composed of ddeok, jogwa, silgea, hwachae, foods such as tang, jeok, jjim, hoe, and sikhae, and grain-based foods such as myeon, mandu, and juk. Foods offered at the burial site darye included 12~13 dishes comprising ban, tang, jochi, namul, chimchae, and jang. Meals offered at the darye had a composition similar to that of the daily royal table (sura). Darye recorded in the Jemuljeongnyechaek displayed characteristics of the seasonal foods of Korea. Jemuljeongnyechaek has detailed recordings of the materials, quantities, and prices of the materials required for preparations of the darye. It is quite certain that Jemuljeongnyechaek would have functioned as an essential reference in the process of purchasing and preparing the food materials for the darye, that were repeated quite frequently at the time.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 영상기반 딥러닝 및 이미지 프로세싱 기법을 이용한 볼트풀림 손상검출 기법을 제안하였다. 이를 위해 먼저, 딥러닝 및 이미지 프로세싱 기반 볼트풀림 검출 기법을 설계하였다. 영상기반 볼트풀림 검출 기법은 볼트 이미지 검출 과정 및 볼트풀림 각도 추정 과정으로 구성된다. 볼트 이미지의 검출을 위하여 RCNN기반 딥러닝 알고리즘을 이용하였다. 영상의 원근왜곡 교정을 위해 호모그래피 개념을 이용하였으며 볼트풀림 각도를 추정을 위하여 Hough 변환을 이용하였다. 다음으로 제안된 기법의 성능을 검증을 위하여 거더의 볼트 연결부 모형을 대상으로 볼트풀림 손상검출 실험을 수행하였다. 다양한 원근 왜곡 조건에 대하여 RCNN 기반 볼트 검출기와 Hough 변환 기반 볼트풀림 각도 추정기의 성능을 검토하였다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 한국에서 발생한 Salmonella로 인한 식중독 사고 는 2018년 9월 학교급식에서 제공된 초콜릿 무스 케이크가 원인이 되었다. 이 연구의 목적은 Salmonella Typhimurium이 인위적으로 접종된 무스케이크와 티라미수에서 3M Molecular Detection Assay 2 –Salmonella와 식품공전에 등재된 방법인 분리배지와 real-time PCR을 비교하는 것이었다. 무스케이크 2종과 티라미수 2종 25 g에 225 mL BPW를 넣고 37oC에서 24시간 동안 증균 배양하 였다. 배양 후, 3M Molecular Detection Assay 2 – Salmonella, 분리배지 그리고 real-time PCR로 분석하였다. 초콜릿 무스 케이크를 제외하고 3가지 방법은 유사한 결 과를 보였다. 초콜릿 무스 케이크에서 분리배지와 3M Molecular Detection Assay 2 –Salmonella는 모든 접종수 준에서 동일한 결과를 나타낸 반면 real-time PCR은 104 CFU/25g수준에서 1번의 양성결과를 제외하고 모두 검출 되지 않았다. 초콜릿 무스에 S. Typhimurium을 102 CFU/ 25 g 수준으로 접종하였을때, real-time PCR를 이용한 검출은 15%에서는 부분적인 음성을 나타냈고, 20-100% 함량의 초콜릿 무스에서는 모두 음성이었다. Real-time PCR 로는 chocolate이 15% 이상 함유된 식품에서의 Salmonella 균 검출이 불가능하였지만, LMAP 기반의 3M Molecular Detection Assay 2으로는 chocolate 농도에 관계없이 검출이 가능하였다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 한국 전통 식품에서 Salmonella Typhimurium 와 Listeria monocytogenes의 검출에 대하여 LAMP에 기 반한 3M Molecular Detection Assay 2 (3M MDA 2)와 식품공전에 등재된 분리배지, real-time PCR의 검출 성능을 비교하고자 하였다. 육회와 육사시미에 100–104 CFU/25 g 의 수준으로 S. Typhimurium와 L. monocytogenes을 각각 접종하였다. Citrobacter freundii와 Listeria innocua는 S. Typhimurium와 L. monocytogene의 검출에 영향을 주는 균으로 사용하였다. S. Typhimurium와 L. monocytogenes만 100–104 CFU/25 g수준으로 접종한 모든 시료에서는 분리 배지, real-time PCR과 LAMP에서 양성으로 검출되었다. C. freundii와 L. innocua를 같이 접종한 경우에서 부분적으로 양성이 나타났다. 육회와 육사시미에 대하여 real-time PCR 보다 3M MDA 2가 더 검출효율이 높음을 알 수 있었다. 분리배지가 가장 검출효율이 높았지만 3M MDA 2와 큰 차 이가 없었다. 배지를 사용하는 방법은 최소 일주일의 시간이 소요되고 PCR의 경우 inhibitor의 영향을 많이 받아 정확한 검출이 어려운 점이 있다. 그러나 LAMP에 기반한 3M MDA 2는 enrichment 후 다음 날 간단한 protocol을 통해 25분 이내로 샘플의 양성 반응을 확인할 수 있어 식중독균에 대해 신속하고 정확한 검출이 가능한 것으로 판단되었다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 한국사회의 다문화 논의에서 중심적인 위치를 차지하는 결혼이주여성의 문제들을 문제화한 것이 다. 바키의 문제재현 분석틀(What problems represented to be: WPR)을 활용하여 특정 시기의 다문화 정 책이 문제로 삼은 것이 무엇이며, 그 문제 재현의 전제와 효과가 무엇인지 고찰하였다. 결혼이주여성의 문 제는 위장 결혼문제, 인권침해문제, 가족해체와 통합의 문제 등으로 재현되어 왔으며, 이러한 문제의 재현 에 상응하여 결혼이주여성은 속물적 기회주의자, 매매혼의 피해자, 가족 형성 및 유지자로서 다루어졌다. 바키의 WPR을 적용하여 보면, 문제화 과정에서 침묵 되어 있던 부분들이 수면으로 드러난다. 결혼에 포함 되는 모험심과 로맨스와 헌신에 관한 이야기, 능동적인 생존자와 주체적인 시민으로 사는 삶에 대한 논의는 재현되지 않은 채로 남겨져 있다. 그들의 목소리와 경험이 간과된 채 통치되어 온 결혼이주여성들에 관한 재현들을 전치시키고, 아울러 경합적인 재현을 탐색할 것이 요청된다. 이러한 맥락에서 결혼이주여성의 주 체성 혹은 에이전시(agency)의 재현에 대한 주목이 필요하다.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to discuss the challenges of welfare in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution by identifying the major problems that have emerged during the development of social welfare. The welfare system has been shaped, developed and changed in order to help us cope with new dangers. The main task of social welfare in the future will be to find solutions to new social problems that have emerged in the post-industrial society and are likely to be deepened through the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The welfare system in Korea is faced with the overlapping tasks of solving all of the problems such as income security, absence of care, labor market polarization and employment instability. Innovations in social welfare services that are combined with advanced technologies are also a challenge. And the most important task for the welfare system is to keep the basic idea of welfare, and that is, to support the future intelligence information society so that it can develop into a people-centered society.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction With the opening of the 4th revolution era, platform business started to come into the spotlight. It was in the early 2000s that academics started full-scale research on platform based on the two-sided market theory but in fact the two-sided market is a business model that has existed around us since before. Examples include credit card industry, real estate brokering, and auctions. These industries are creating value through the interaction of two markets of different needs through a company that provides a specific platform (Rochet and Tirole, 2003, 2006). Recently, with the widespread use of services and products based on high technology, platform business is pouring into our lives at an amazing speed. With a single ID, you can shop, pay for, and receive shipping from a variety of online stores, without having to go through a lot of memberships. You do not have to search every single hotel for the best price, best location. You can even find a room in the house and see the reviews of customers who have stayed there. Compared to traditional pipeline business, one of the key differentiating features of the platform business is a two-sided network effect where consumers and consumers, producers and producers, and consumers and producers interact with each other. This two-sided network effect, with a positive feedback loop, has become a major driver of platform company growth. In the two-sided market, the platform‟s value to any given user largely depends on the size of the users on the other side of the platform due to the indirect network effect (Evans, 2003; Parker & Van Alstyne, 2005). Therefore, increasing the size of one side market, including the issue of „chicken or egg‟, is an indispensable task for the platform managers to maximize platform performance. But more important than increasing the size of one side of the market is transforming the new customers to loyal customers and creating positive feedback loops. This study explores the process of online payment platform users signing up, forming user loyalty, and spreading the loyalty to the sellers and platform providers. More specifically, this study examines (1) what causes the consumers to join the online payment platform at the beginning (2) what are the drivers that lead new members to the active, loyal users (3) whether the loyalty to the payment platform has a positive effect on the attitude toward the sellers (the other side market) and the platform company (platform provider). Theoretical Background and Hypotheses Two- Sided Markets and the Platform The definition of the two-sided market is varied by scholars. Chakravoti and Roson (2006) defines the two-sided market as a market where two different groups of users interact through the platform and the value created at this time is influenced by the indirect externalities of the network. Here, the platform is a physical, virtual, or institutional environment that allows different groups of users to facilitate transactions or interactions. According to Evans (2003), three necessary conditions for two sided platform markets are: (1) there are two distinct groups of customers; (2) there are externalities associated with customer A and B becoming connected or coordinated in some fashion; (3) an intermediary can facilitate that coordination efficiently than bi-lateral relationships between the members of the group. For example, we can think of a credit card company. There is a group of card holders and merchants and the demands of these two groups are very different. There is also a network effect between the two groups. Customers will not use credit cards with fewer merchants. The greater the number of merchants, the greater the benefits the customers have. Likewise, the more cardholders there are, the more profitable the merchants can generate. The intermediary role of the two groups of users to interact is a credit card company. Perceived value and Loyalty to the Online Payment Platform The loyalty to the online payment system can be expressed as the level of participation and commitment the member has over other similar payment systems. O‟Brien and Jones (1995) argue the value perception as an important prerequisite factor in developing brand loyalty; that is, only after the customer has perceived the online payment system as valuable, then would the customer become loyal to the system. The expectations that the perceived value can affect the loyalty to the online payment platform may be explained in terms of “Social Exchange Theory” (Thibaut and Kelly 1959). Within this framework, the customer will remain in the platform only when he or she perceives the value, which is defined as a trade-off between costs and benefits (Woodruff and Gardial 1996) is sufficient. Overall, perceived value of the online payment platform would affect customer loyalty. More specifically, it is expected that non-economic values such as simplicity in account setting, convenience in use will have a more meaningful effect than the economic value including sign-up grant at the stage of attracting new customers. But in the process of new customers becoming active and loyal users, the economic value including mileage points, discount coupons and free trial coupons will play a more important role in addition to this convenience. For example, benefit of being able to use the accumulated mileage or discount coupon on any online store within the platform will make consumers to stay on this payment platform and become loyal customers. Based on such argument, we put forward the following hypothesis. H1: Non economic value has a positive effect on online payment platform loyalty H2: Economic value has a positive effect on online payment platform loyalty. Loyalty Transfer According to Eisenmann et al. (2006), the platforms exhibit two types of network effects: A same-side effect, in which increasing the number of users on one side of the network makes it either more or less valuable to users on the same side; and a cross-side effect, in which increasing number of users on one side makes it either more or less valuable to the users on the other side. In case of online payment platform, it is expected that there will be a positive cross-side network effect. As the number of consumers using a specific online payment platform increases, the number of partner shops participating in the platform will increase, allowing consumers to shop in more diverse online stores. Once customers experienced the value of a specific online payment system, they would insist on paying by this method when shopping online (Parker, Alstein and Choudary, 2016), that is, becoming a loyal customer. Oliver (1999) defines customer loyalty as a deeply held commitment to re-buy or re-patronize a preferred product or service consistently in the future, thereby causing repetitive same brand purchasing. The loyal customers will be among the many online stores selling the same products/services at a same price, shopping at stores that show their favorite online payment system logo, and encouraging friends and family to use the payment system. The frequent transactions will affect consumer‟s attitude towards a certain brand or store and diffuse their loyalty. The customers that are loyal to the payment platform will not only actively try to earn points but also be willing to go and shop at the stores participating in the platform. Some customers may prefer a store among many even though they have not used it before because it belongs to the platform. The loyalty to the platform also can be transferred to the loyalty on the platform provider. Customers will have a favorable attitude when the platform providers do other business (for example, online banking, debit card business, etc.). Given the above, we put forward the following 3 hypotheses. H3: Platform loyalty has a positive effect on the loyalty toward the sellers, the other side market. H4: Positive attitude toward the sellers within the platform has a positive effect on attitude toward the platform company H5: Platform loyalty has a positive effect on the attitude toward the platform company. Conceptual Framework Data Analysis and Results The data used in this study were obtained from a survey of 562 online payment platform users. Data analysis shows that non-economic values such as simplicity, convenience, and platform reliability have a more significant impact on platform loyalty than economic values such as sign-up bonus. However, it was found that economic factors such as mileage points, and discount coupons are more influential factors in the process of converting new members to active users. In addition, loyalty to the payment system has a positive effect on attitudes towards sellers where one can use the means of payment. Also, it can be seen that the customer loyalty to the platform and the favorable attitude toward the sellers make a favorable attitude toward the platform company providing and managing the two-sided market. Conclusion and Discussion This study may contribute to a better understanding of platform business in three particular ways. First, understanding the loyalty diffusion mechanisms within the platform can support platform companies to develop effective strategies to attract new consumers to the platform and to transform them into active users. Second, even though the study uses the data collected from individual consumer level, the findings may provide some inspiration for B2B relationships. For example, as the number of loyal buyers and sellers sharing the platform increases, the value of the platform increases and the platform company can use it as a powerful bargaining power when it comes to third business. Third, the study may help us to understand the role of Platform in two-sided market and how the customer loyalty becomes diffused. Although this study explored the loyalty formation and diffusion using the sample of the major payment systems in Korea, it may be premature to generalize the findings at this stage. It is important to note that there may be negative network effects. They need to be evaluated further through careful research.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to introduce the foods recorded in「Bongjeopyoram」, a cookbook, of which the date of production and author are unknown. This was described in an old document belonging to the Hansan Lee family clan from Chungcheongnam-do and revealed its content and significance in the food culture history of Korea to academia for the first time, A close examination of「Bongjeopyoram」 showed that, as with other cookbooks from the Joseon Dynasty, it started with methods of making alcoholic beverages. This was followed by recipes for different types of food in the following order: rice cakes and confectioneries, jeol-sik (seasonal foods), daily meals, foods made for jesa (ancestral rites) or a feast, food for weddings, and food for sijeol-jesa (seasonal ancestral rites). The book contained a total of 18 types of alcoholic beverages, 11 types of rice cakes and confectioneries, 20 types of daily meals, 28 types of jeol-sik and food for sijeol-jesa, 12 types of food for jesa and feasts, and 37 types of food for weddings, for a total of 126 types of food and beverages.「Bongjeopyoram」 was an ancient cookbook with detailed records on how to carry out jesa, which was an important event hosted by jonggas, or the head family of a family clan, and how to receive and serve guests in the Joseon period. This book is expected to play a valuable role as a guidance with significance as a cookbook of a jongga from the Joseon Dynasty, a time when bongjesajeopbingaek (hosting jesa for one’s ancestors and serving one’s guest) was considered important.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        대표적인 사회적 약자인 장애인들은 범죄의 표적이 되어 가장 기본적인 생존 및 안전의 문제를 위협받는 경우가 많다. 이 글은 발달장애인에 대한 범죄의 심각성을 알리고 범죄 발생의 맥락을 파악하여 범죄피해 예방을 위한 조치들을 마련하기 위한 탐색적 연구이다. 범죄피해에 가장 취약하다고 볼 수 있는 발달장애인 을 중심으로 범죄피해와 관련된 위험 요소들을 탐구하고 이해하는 작업에 초점을 맞추었다. 장애인 대상의 범죄는 반복성, 장기성, 비가시성 등의 특성을 가지고 있으며, 장애의 직접효과, 사회적으로 매개된 장애의 효과, 피해의 촉진, 피해의 유인, 인식된 취약성 등이 범죄피해의 중요한 요인이 되고 있다. 범죄는 가해자, 피해자, 환경의 상호작용 속에서 발생한다. 사회적 관심의 확충을 통하여 장애인 범죄 피해의 가시성을 높 이고, 관련 정보를 축적하고, 위험 요소를 확인하는 등 계속적인 노력이 필요하다. 범죄피해를 최소화하는 실천적 조치를 마련하는 것은 사회적 약자의 삶의 질을 향상시키기 위해서 뿐만 아니라 전체 사회의 질을 높이기 위해서도 반드시 요청되는 작업이다.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Students with disabilities are more likely to be the targets of victimization than their general education peers. Intensive management of violence against students with disabilities in school is necessary. The purpose of this paper is to identify the risk and protective factors of peer victimization and try to find out effective strategies to reduce the violence in school. In order to reduce the incidence of bullying and peer victimization, additional focus is needed on the identification of factors associated with bullying, such as differences between disabled and non-disabled students, social networks, imbalance of power and social fluency, with the intensive supervision on the time and place of high incidence of school violence. In addition, the environmental barriers confronted with students with disabilities are to be recognized in dealing with the cases of school violence. Only by removing these barriers, the harmful consequences of school violence will be minimized.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The topic of school bullying has been seriously reported and discussed in Korea from the mid-1990s, with the several suicidal cases of bullying victims were reported. Korean government has dealt systematically with the problem of school violence and bullying, and established a series of corresponding system that covers prevention, reporting, and follow-up of a school violence act. This study purports to review the development of Korea's school anti-bullying policies and investigate their limitations as a process evaluation. After the School Violence Act was enacted in 2004, several countermeasures has been arranged systematically. The legislation stipulated that victims must report their cases to the school authorities or the police, and school districts are mandated to organize an Autonomous School Violence Solution Committee. The 117 School Violence Report Center was enlarged and School Police Officer program was adopted. The prevalence rate of school violence in Korea had been decreased after 2012. It can be said that the overall occurrence of school violence have reduced but school violence still occurs among a significant portion of students. Even if visible incidence of school violence has decreased, not only the emergence of new types of school violence but also the invisibility and severity of school violence can be strengthened. And in dealing with the school violence cases, the ambiguity of the criteria on the identification of school violence and bullying and arbitrariness of decision making process can be problematized. The judgments on punishment should be made in precluding the arbitrariness of individuals as much as possible and in accordance with the unified detailed instructions. In order to execute the anti-bullying policy more effectively, there is a need to pay attention to the problems that appeared in its policy implementation processes.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Rice is the most important staple food and the consumption is increasing in Europe and America. It is expected that the rice price will be increased due to the unstable supply and demand because of abiotic stress. Experts expect that the rice supply of Korea will be deficient in 2050 for the reason of global warming. Conventional breeding methods need to be supplemented with recent biotechnology to meet the problem such as growing population and climate change. Using rice biotechnology, a number of agronomically important traits and nutritional value have been improved. In this paper, the current situation of rice cultivation and production situation and supply and consumption in the major country were investigated to prepare future food security. Also the research trends of rice biotechnology and kinds of transformed rice as well as safety issues were reviewed by considering the scientific, social and economic values of rice.
        2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There is increased recognition of prisoners’ rights to healthcare and the right to be protectedagainst inhumane and degrading treatment. A prisoner has a right to the healthcare equivalent of any person in their community. This trend has encouraged many correctionalpolicymakers to engage in efforts to improve the levels of correctional healthcare in thecontext of human rights and to establish international standards of correctional healthcare,such as those cited in ‘Making Standard Work’ and ‘Health in Prisons’. This study compressed the issues of the right to healthcare into four parts and applied to the correctional healthcare system in Korea. In Korea, according to the results of the study,the right to healthcare of inmates in correctional institutions is guaranteed to some extent, but the gap between the normative frame and the reality is prominent. First, in the living conditions at correctional institutions, the problem of overcrowding is remarkably noticeable. With respect to ensuring correctional medical resources, a shortage of medicalpersonnel and the inferior state of the sickrooms that do not meet the criteria were found.Particularly, focusing on outside medical care, the issue of correctional medical expenditurehas been highlighted, due to the continuous increase in medical costs. Finally, the efforts for health promotion and treatment of mental health care are merely formalities. In orderto reduce the gap between international standards and actual conditions of correctionalinstitutions and to promote these rights effectively, close cooperation between the responsiblebodies is required.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        지적장애인과 같이 발달상의 장애를 가진 사람들은 육체적 및 정신적 건강에 대한 커다란 건강욕구를 가지고 있으나 건강증진이나 의료보건체계의 접근성 면에서 소외되고 있는 대표적인 건강 취약 집단이다. 이들은 사망률, 기대수명, 이환율 및 비만, 간질, 구강보건, 다중투약 등의 영역에서 심각한 건강격차를 보이고 있으며, 예방과 교육 등 의 건강증진활동 및 보건의료전문가들과의 접촉에서도 많은 장벽에 직면하고 있는 상황이다. 최근 유럽과 미국에서는 지적장애인의 건강격차 해소를 위한 개입의 토대로서 포모나(POMONA) 건강지표 등 지적장애인 건강지표를 개발하였다. 지표들에는 건강 격차의 다중성을 반영하여 건강상태에 관한 항목과 건강행동, 활동, 보건의료의 질 등을 포함하는 건강증진 및 건강관리 접근에 관한 항목이 모두 포함되어 있다. 지적장애 인도 다른 사회구성원과 마찬가지로 건강할 권리가 있으며 건강상의 차이가 발생한다면 그와 관련된 요인의 탐구가 필요하다. 건강감시체계의 활용과 의료체계의 접근성 확보를 통하여 지적장애인의 건강형평성을 증진시키려는 보건의료의 흐름은 우리에게도 시사하는 바가 크다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the changes of hormone levels of serum progesterone (P4) and estradiol-17 β (E2) in sows of Landrace (L), Yorkshire (Y) and F1 (L × Y) (respectively n=3) with excellent ability, and to provide a baseline data for improving reproductive performance. In this experiment, the sows at the age of 12 months or more were used. The sows were fed by two way methods, one is conventional methods and the other is 3 days-flushing feed before estrus. Each pig’s blood was collected in 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 days after the estrus for the analyses of P4 and E2. Serum was separated by centrifugation for 15 min. with 3,000 rpm. Progesterone and estradiol-17β were measured by immunochemical assay (ELIZA test). In conventional feeding, serum progesterone levels were significantly (p<0.01) higher in F1 than in L and Y. No significant differences in P4 concentrations were seen between the L and Y of sows. Serum E2 levels were similar the serum progesterone levels. In the case of flushing feed, the tendency of hormonal changes were similar to conventional methods. But almost of hormonal levels were a little higher than that of conventional methods. P4 level of L and Y in flushing feed were significantly different (p<0.01). Serum E2 level of Y in flushing feed was significantly different among the breeds (p<0.01). These results were similar to the tendency of hormonal changes in general sows and moreover, flushing feed is known to develop the swine production, these results proved the fact of the methods. And these results suggested that more studies about hormonal changes in sows according to seasonal and nutritional factors should be needed.
        2013.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Lactobacillus brevis 340G strain isolated from traditional Korean fermented food (kimchi) produced 15.50mMof γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) after 48 h of cultivation in MRS media containing 1% L-monosodium glutamate(MSG). The culture conditions of Lb. brevis 340G were optimized for GABA production. Lb. brevis 340G was cul-tivated at 30oC in optimized MRS media containing 3% sucrose and 2% yeast extract with 3% MSG, resulting inmaximum GABA production (68.77mM) after 54 h of cultivation. Skim milk fermented with Lb. brevis 340G pro-duced 4.64mM of GABA in the presence of 1% MSG. These results suggest that Lb. brevis 340G could be usedas a starter for functional fermented foods and skim milk fermented with Lb. brevis 340G could be further devel-oped to become functional dairy food fortified with GABA.
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