
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2005.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The APEC Sister Schools Networking (ASSN) project was conceived as a means to respond to ICT challenges to promote human capacity building and to enhance interconnectedness of the school-based population in APEC economies. The project was initiated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand at the 13th APEC Ministerial Meeting in Shanghai, China, and was further developed by the Ministry of Education, Thailand for consideration and endorsement at the 18th EDNET Meeting in Hanoi. The project was funded by the APEC Central Fund and the Thai Government covering participation costs of fourteen travel-eligible economies and of international speakers as well as domestic activities conducted in seven coastal provinces along the Gulf of Thailand and in Bangkok respectively. The ASSN Project was divided into two phases: Phase 1—ASSN Virtual Community and Phase 2—APEC International Youth Camp. The overall aim of the project was to provide an opportunity for students and teachers to learn more about APEC, APEC economies and cultures, to promote friendship, a sense of APEC partnership, cooperation and interrelationship among the APEC youth and teachers while focusing on the Pacific coastal ecosystem.