Sediment microcosm experiments were conducted for 14 and 28 days using Zn spiked sediment to examine chronic toxicity (mortality) of Diporeia spp. as a function of density and time. Mean cumulative Diporeia mortality in 28 day sediment microcosms was 25%
A diffusion - precipitation method was developed to determine acid volatile sulfide (AVS) concentrations in freshwater sediments. This method uses silver nitrate as a sulfide trap solution and the concentration of trapped sulfide is determined gravimetric
Biological and ecological characteristics of Diporeia spp. are described including size, growth, life cycle, energy storage, temperature effect, bioturbation, feeding depth and sediment ingestion of Diporeia. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of organic contam
Benthic organisms dwell in sediment-water interface that contains significant amount of organic and inorganic contaminants. Their feeding behavior is highly related with sediment itself and pore water in the sediments, especially in ease of deposit feeder