Objective: To examine published qualitative studies that can inform occupational therapists about potential intervention targets to improve health outcomes in homeless communities. Methods: A search was conducted for pertinent studies in the following databases: PubMed, Ovid, and CINAHL. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were followed to extract relevant data. Only research published after 2011 in English-language peer-reviewed journals was included. Twelve of the 1,162 identified articles satisfied the requirements for inclusion. Results: Individuals experiencing homelessness had higher levels of food insecurity, mental health conditions, and inadequate management of chronic conditions than those with a stable residence, all of which were successfully treated through occupational therapy. Conclusion: The scope of practice of occupational therapists allows for holistic treatment approaches to address the biopsychosocial health of homeless individuals at all levels of need and suggests that occupational therapy intervention initiatives are appropriate to address occupational justice for this population