Calcitonin (CT) and CT gene-related peptide (CGRP) are well known to regulate blood calcium concentration and osmotic pressure in vertebrates. Although lophotrochozoan CT-like peptides and their receptors have been characterized in several model species, the presence of CT-like signaling systems in gastropods remains unknown. In this study, we identified two CT-like peptides, Hdh-CT1 and -CT2, and their receptors (CTRs), namely Hdh-CTR-L and -CTR-S, in Pacific abalone. Transcripts encoding Hdh-CT1 and Hdh-CT2 precursors were expressed mainly in neural ganglia. Molluscan CT-type peptides including Hdh-CT peptides were similar in length and showed highly conserved two Cys residues forming a disulfide bond in their N-terminal regions. A phylogenetic analysis revealed that gastropod CTRs, including Hdh-CTRs, belong to a large molluscan CTR subfamily. A luciferase reporter driven by cAMP responsive element was stimulated by Hdh-CT1 but not by Hdh-CT2 in Hdh-CTR-L-transfected human embryonic kidney 293 cells. In silico docking model using SWISS-MODEL and HPEPDOCK server showed that the N-terminal residues in Hdh-CT1 are deeply inserted into the binding pocket of Hdh-CTR-L. Taken together, the identification of the Hdh-CT system provides a comprehensive insight into the functional CT-type signaling system in marine gastropods.
본 논문에서는 지오폴리머의 상변화를 관찰하기 위하여 나노인덴테이션 데이터를 가우시안 믹스쳐 모델로 분석하는 방법을 제시 하였다. 지오폴리머는 일반 시멘트 대비 CO2 발생량을 줄일 수 있어 시멘트 대체 재료로써 많은 연구가 이루어지고 있다. 기존 연구들 로부터 최적의 실리콘/알루미늄 비율을 찾았으나 1.8 초과에서 압축강도 저하의 원인은 아직 불분명하다. 본 연구에서는 실리콘/알루 미늄 비율이 재료에 미치는 영향을 조사하고자 나노인덴테이션 실험을 수행하였다. 실험 결과를 가우시안 믹스쳐 모델로 상분석하였 고, 실리콘/알루미늄 비율이 증가할수록 재료가 균질거동을 하는 것을 관찰할 수 있었다. 본 연구결과는 강도저하를 규명하는데 직접 적인 근거로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
In pesticide registration, the most of applicants are manufacturing companies which have richly experience in applying registration. With their experience, registration applications of pesticide shows excellent ratio of pass, but still some of application still fail to pass, and are judged as disqualifications or to be returned for supplement. In 2009, There were 6 items failed in registrational reviews. Two of them were for their active ingredient contents lower than specifications, Other two were for trials conducted wrong, so sent back to applicants to add supplement. But the rest of them, two items showed low efficiency in one trial, and were judged as disqualifications, which mean that ingredient cannot be registered for that target crop forever. Disqualification from low efficiency has highly strict criterion and usually don't have any flexibility to lower efficiency than criteria, unless there was no pesticide available for that pest. The way to remedy this criterion is very delicate and controversial issue, and needs more reconciliation of various views.