We observed the symbiotic star AG Dra for a total of 61 nights between April 2004 and December 2021 using the 1.8-m telescope and the high-resolution Echelle spectrograph BOES at the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory and obtained 355 frames of spectroscopic data to investigate the variations in its spectral lines. Overnight short-term and long-term changes in prominent emission lines are examined. No short-term changes are found in the line profiles. However, the peak intensity of the Hα emission line exhibits very small variation. In the long-term period, many emission lines including He I λ5875, λ6678, λ7065 and Fe II λ5018 are found to vary reflecting the symbiotic outburst activities. It is noted that He II λ4686 and Raman-scattered O VI λ6830, λ7088 are exceptions, where no significant variations are discernible. One of the noticeable lines is the λ5018 line. Its appearance and disappearance pattern are different from other emission lines, and the line is found to appear in outburst states. The Hα and Hβ lines remain very similar in our spectroscopic monitoring campaign.
We present near-infrared light curves of HBC 722 after its the September 2010 outburst. We have been monitoring its near-infrared light curves since November 2010 with Korean Astronomy and Space Science Institute Infrared Camera System (KASINICS). HBC 722 exhibits large changes in optical and near-infrared brightness since its outburst. The J, H, and Ks light curves over about 2.5 years show that in all observed bands HBC 722 progressively became fainter until around April 2011, down to J ~10.7, H ~9.9, Ks ~9.3, but it is getting brighter again. Large scatter in the obtained light curve prevents us from finding whether there is any short timescale variation as reported in other optical observations. The near-infrared color of HBC 722 is becoming bluer since its outburst. The pre-outburst Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) of HBC 722 is consistent with that of a slightly reddened Class II YSO with the exception of the extraordinary IR-excess in the far-infrared region.
We present the detailed description on the fiber techniques adopted in the BOES: the design concepts and manufacturing of the v grooves, the procedures of the fiber polishing, adhering of the fibers to the v grooves, and the axis alignment of the fiber input and exit. The high efficiency and throughput of the BOES imply that the adopted fiber arts and the other optical components were well designed and properly treated. We learned that the relatively low efficiency of the 80 micron fiber comparing with the 200 and 300 micron fibers comes from the seeing and the guiding effects not from the poor fiber handling.
We analyzed the high resolution H,6 line spectra of CH Cygni obtained at the Bohyunsan Astronomical Observatory (BOAO) on April 2004. The temporal changes in the Hβ line profiles are reported. We obtained the equivalent widths of the Gaussian components. Using this we estimated the length of the gaseous nebula which emits the Hβ line and the mass loss rate from the star.
The problem of the collapse of a self gravitating disk is here considered. We show self-similar solutions for the above problem under a modified viscous parameter. Surface density depends on rm in the inner region, where m is -1.6. Therefore growing central mass goes on without mass inflow to the system.
The molecular cloud associated with the H II region S301 has been mapped in the J = 1-0 transitions of 12CO and 13CO using the 13.7 m radio telescope of Taeduk Radio Astronomy Observatory. The cloud is elongated along the north-south direction with two strong emission components facing the H II region. Its total mass is 8.7 × 10 3 M⊙. We find a velocity gradient of the molecular gas near the interface with the optical H II region, which may be a signature of interaction between the molecular cloud and the H II region. Spectra of CO, CS, and HCO+ exhibit line splitting even in the densest part of the cloud and suggests the clumpy structure. The radio continuum maps show that the ionzed gas is distributed with some asymmetry and the eastern part of the H II region is obscured by the molecular cloud. We propose that the S301 H II region is at the late stage of the champagne phase, but the second generation of stars has not yet been formed in the postshock layer.
We performed CCD surface photometry in B,V,R and I filters for three southern spiral galaxies:ESO598-G009,NGC1515 and NGC7456. Isophotal map, luminosity profile, ellipticity profile and position angle profile were obtained for these galaxies using SPIRAL package. The results show that one of the galaxies, ESO598-G009 has relatively large bulge component and changes in position angle due to spiral arms. The NGC7456 has very small bulges; and the isophotal map of the NGC1515 shows that it is a typical spiral galaxy with bar.