As a result of the curation of NIBR Insect Collection (NIBR, 2016), we found a new species and 4 newly recordedspecies, Tropideres distinguendus sp. nov., Acorynus latirostris (Sharp), Illis anna Shibata, Phaulimia confinis Sharp, Choraguscissoides Sharp. The genera, Acorynus Schoenherr and Illis Jordan are also newly recorded to Korean fauna. The newspecies, Tropideres distinguendus is easily distinguished from other species by the tubercles and dorsal pubescence pattern.Phaulimia confinis is similar to P. rufobasis, but easily distinguished from the latter by blackish elytral color and tibialpubescence band. Choragus cissoides is similar to C. cryphaloides, but easily distinguished from the latter by the absenceof lateral carina of pronotum.