Purpose: This study sought to explore current status of children’s swimming pool in Korea and to generate insights regarding safety management of children’s swimming pool. Research design, data, and methodology: The study reviewed literatures including documents of Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and sport facility-related articles. Furthermore, the studycollected additional statistics via search engines. Results: First, numbers of swimming pools have been dramatically increased since 2016 and Korea experienced an increase of 37% from 2010 to 2019. Of the 611 indoor swimming pools, most swimming pools are located in Gyeonggi province with 27.7% (n=169). Seoul and Gyeonggi-do have the highest proportion of swimming pools in Korea. Second, in types of swimming pools, 47.6%(n=291) was children’s swimming pool which is the highest proportion in the nation. Children’s swimming pools are also mostly located in Seoul and Gyeonggi province with 57%. Third, of 372 profit swimming pools, children’s pools show the highest number with 78%(n=291). Conclusions: Children’s swimming pools are picking up faster than the other types of swimming pool. Yet, safety-related studies are still lack. This provides motivations to produce managerial insights from academia and business sectors. Moreover, more studies of legal issues should be conducted. Implications were discussed.
Purpose: This study is to explore which genre of sports culture contents will show the most consistent growth in the future and analyse the development outlook based on those results. Research design, data, and methodology: Case study was used for this research as it seemed to be the most appropriate approach in order to obtain the most complete and meaningful information from a particular phenomenon. A total of 15 participants were chosen to participate in a semi-structured in-depth interview and the recordings were typed out as text. In order to ensure validity and credibility of findings, peer and member check were conducted. Results: As a result, the sports culture content that is most likely to consistently grow in the future is games. Additionally, it is expected that sports culture contents will develop as new categories of sports culture contents emerge, as the evolution of sports culture content occurs through the combination with technology, as well as the activation of sensual sports contents, and the production of sports culture contents utilizing big data. Conclusions: It is concluded that convergence of sport, cultural contents, and technology will promptly progress, and it will promote the development of sport culture contents and related industry.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how sports fans' loyalty is built via CSR activities of professional sports teams. Furthermore, the study sought to suggest the model presenting the process of developing loyalty of sport fans by teams' CSR performance. Research design, data, and methodology: For this purpose, a survey was conducted on 450 professional sports fans through the convenience sampling method. A total of 357 of the data were used for the final analysis. Based on the collected data, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation model analysis were conducted. Results: The results showed that CSR activities contribute to building a positive image of team. Regarding fan identification, team image has also a positive effect on enhancing identification. The finding has supported the notion that attitudinal loyalty is enhanced by fan identification and further attitudinal loyalty significantly influences behavioural loyalty of fans. Conclusions: The results of this study explored the function of CSR of the teams on attitudinal and behavioural outcomes, loyalty. Moreover, the study suggested the constructual model presenting its role on enhancing fans' attitudes and behaviour affecting participation and consumption. Academic and practical implications were discussed for sport marketers and practitioners.
Purpose: This study sought to investigate the critical features of Word of mouth (WOM) advertising and their impact on sport consumer behavior. Research design, data, and methodology: Target population of the study consisted of all sports consumer of the Federation of Special Patients and Organ Transplantation, Tehran (Iran), who had indirectly watched the World Organ Transplant Competition documentary at least once on others' advice. For this purpose, 360 sports consumers of the federation were purposefully selected and they were asked to complete the standard WOM advertising questionnaire of Asda and Ko. Pearson correlation coefficient test and modeling of structural equations were performed using Spss24 and Smart PLS software at an error level of 0.05 used to analyze the data. Results: The findings show that there is a significant relationship between experience and expertise, trust and validity, content richness, and the power of message transmission through WOM advertising and its predictability. Finally, interpersonal relationships and work involvement also had a moderating role in this regard. Conclusions: The general conclusion is that the components of WOM advertising as well as involvement and homophily with the mediating role directly as one of the presuppositions for persuasion. The sports consumer was promoting WOM.
Moving sport tourism refers to travel that combines sport activity and tours to a particular destination. Although moving sport tourism is one of the fastest growing segments of the sport tourism industry, it is still lack of relatedknowledge and academic studies. Hence, this study is conducted to explore the characteristics of moving sport tourism and to provide implications for sport tourism industry and future research. For this, ten participants who regularly participated in bicycle tours for the last 10 years were recruited for this study. The sample consisted of 9 males and 1 female. The average age of the participants was 44.6 years of which all but 2 had a full-time job. The average period of participating in bicycle tour was 7.9 years. For analysing data, content analysis approach was used. Interviews were tape recoded and data were multiple reviewed to identify the similar themes and to categorize them into conceptual constructs. Results suggest two requirements of moving sport tourism(moving and concurrent), three characteristics of moving sport tourism(self-directed, exploring, non-linear, purposive-riding, partial competitive, cultural touring) and two categories of moving sport tourism(full moving sport tourism and partial moving sport tourism). Implications for sport tourism industry and future studies were discussed.