Despite the increasing interest in Deep Borehole Disposal (DBD) for its capability of minimizing disposal area, detailed research about DBD operation system design should be conducted before the DBD can be implemented. Recently, DBD operation system applying wireline emplacement (WE) technique is under study due to its high flexibility and capability of minimizing surface equipment. In this study, a conceptual WE system, and operation procdure is introduced. The conceptual WE system consists of 3 main stations, which from the top are hoisting station (HS), canister connection station (CCS) and basement (BS). In HS, WE is controlled and monitored. The WE is controlled using wireline drum winch and sheaves, and load on wireline is measured using a load cell. HS also has a pressure control system (PCS), which monitors internal pressure of the system, and a lubricator, which act as housing for joint device, allowing the joint device to be easily inserted into the borehole. The joint device is used to connect the disposal canister to wireline for emplacement/retrieval. In CCS, a rail transporter brings a transport cask containing disposal canisters, then the transport cask is connected to the hoisting system and a PCS in the BS. The main component located at canister station are a sliding shielding door (SSD), and a slip. The SSD is used to prevent canister from falling into borehole during the connecting operation and prevent radiation from BS to affect the workers. The slip is located beneath the SSD and is used to hold the disposal canister before it is lowered into the borehole. In BS, PCS is installed to prevent overflow and blowout of borehole fluid. The PCS consists of wireline pressure valve, christmas tree and BOP, which all are a type of pressure valve to seal the borehole and release pressure inside the borehole. The WE procedure starts with transporting transport cask to CCS. The transport cask is connected to lubricator, and PCS. Joint device is lowered down to be connected with disposal canisters, then pulled up to check the load on the wireline. After the check-up, SSD is opened, and disposal canister is lowered into the borehole. When desired depth is reached, joint device is disconnected and retrieved for next emplacement. In this study, the conceptual deep borehole disposal system design implementing WE technique is introduced. Based on this study, further detailed design could be derived in future, and feasibility could be tested.
국가와 시대를 불문하고 역사 교육에 대한 중요성은 항상 강조되고 있다. 이미 한국에서도 역사 교육의 중요성이 강조되고는 있지만 학교 수업만으로 학생들에게 역사를 제대로 이해시키기에는 많은 어려움이 있으며, 또한 학생들에게 수업 참여를 이끌어 내기에도 어려움이 있다. 20년 전부터 게임을 활용한 교육의 효과가 입증이 되었고, 개방적으로 변모해가는 현재 교육계에서는 게임 기반 교육에 대한 수요가 점차 높아지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 기존 게임 기반 교육에 대한 연구를 통해 입증된 효과를 바탕으로 역사적 사고력 향상과 추경험적 역사 체험, 그리고 ESN 보고서에서 소개한 게임 기반 교육의 문제점과 교육의 참여한 교사들의 불편 사항 등을 개선 및 적용하여 상업적으로 개발된 게임을 평가하여 게임 기반 교육에 활용할 방안을 제시하였다. 선정 조건은 뚜렷한 시대 배경과 확실한 고증 및 역사 왜곡의 유무를 기준으로 하였고, 선정한 게임에 대한 평가 지표로 역사적 사고력, 추경험적 역사체험, 장르적 이점, 시간 분할 요소를 사용하였다. 본 논문에서 소개한 게임 외에도 다양한 역사 게임과 개발 단계에서부터 교육을 목적으로 한 기능성 게임을 통해 게임 기반 교육에 대한 수요를 충족시키기를 기원한다.
본 연구에서는 오염된 점토 내 Cs을 제거하기 위하여, 계면활성제의 소수성 알킬사슬의 길이에 따른 Cs의 탈착특성을 연구 하였다. 양이온성 계면활성제로 Alkyl trimethyl ammonium bromide를 사용하였고, 소수성 알킬사슬은 octyl-, dodecyl-, cetyl- 으로 변화시켰다. 소수성 알킬사슬이 길어질수록 montmorillonite 내 계면활성제의 흡착량이 증가하였고, 계면활성제의 층간 흡착으로 층간거리가 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. Cs의 탈착률도 알킬사슬의 길이가 증가함에 따라 향상되었고 cetyl 그룹을 갖는 양이온성 계면활성제는 최대 99±2.9%의 Cs 제거율을 나타냈다.
The Riptortus (stinkbug) has a specialized symbiotic organ, M4 midgut, to harboring symbiont Burkholderia. M4 midgut is located in abdomen and surrounded with insect hemolymph. Recently our group demonstrated that symbiotic Burkholderia showed different physiology after adapting in M4 gut compare with in vitro cultured Burkholderia. And population of symbiotic Burkholderia in the M4 midgut is regulated by special organ. However, the molecular mechanism to prevent spreading and migrating symbiont bacteria to other host tissues from symbiotic organ is not clear. Therefore, we assumed that symbiont Burkholderia are susceptible to host humoral immunity after established infection in M4 midgut to prevent spreading and migrating into the other host tissues through Riptortus hemolymph.
To prove this assuming, we tested the susceptibility and survival rate of symbiont Burkholderia in hemolymph of Riptortus in vitro and in vivo. We also examined the susceptibility of symbiont Burkholderia using purified antimicrobial peptides (AMP), pyrrhocoricin-like, thanatin-like and defensin-like AMPs. Finally, we tested inducing ability for AMPs by systemic infection of symbiotic Burkholderia. Gene expression of purified AMPs was not different after systemic infection of both symbiont and in vitro cultured Burkholderia. Surprisingly, in vitro cultured Burkholderia resisted on bacteria injected hemolymph and purified AMPs but symbiont Burkholderia were highly susceptible in bacteria injected hemolymph and purified AMP. These results suggest that symbiont Burkholderia can't survive in the hemolymph after escaping symbiotic organ. Moreover, humoral immunity of host Riptortus is important to prevent spreading and migrating symbiont Burkholderia into the other host tissue or organ from symbiotic organ.
The resistance levels to carbamate (CB) and organophosphate (OP) insecticides were determined by topical application in 14 field strains of Nilaparvata lugens. The resistance levels to CB and OP were 1.3~47.5-fold and 1.4~14.4-fold higher than a susceptible strain, respectively. A quantitative sequencing (QS) protocol was established to determine the allele frequencies of four acetylcholinesterase point mutations putatively associated with CB and OP resistance. The allele frequencies of the four mutations (G119A, F/Y330S, F331H and I332L) in field strains ranged from ca. 0.0~51.7%, 0.0~88.9%, 2.5~47.7%, 5.1~56.0% and 6.7~57.3%, respectively. The F331H and I332L were tightly linked each other, suggesting these mutations may occur simultaneously. In the correlation analysis, G119A was not well correlated with actual resistance levels (r2= < 0.232), whereas F331H and I332L showed a better correlation with the resistance levels of benzofuranyl methylcarbamates (r2= 0.595). This finding indicates that F331H and I332L mutation frequencies may be used as molecular markers for detecting carbamate resistance in N. lugens. A QS protocol detecting the F331H and I332L mutation frequencies would be employed as a supportive tool for rapid monitoring of CB insecticide resistance levels in N. lugens
Background : The minor saponins produced by the hydrolysis of a major saponins sugar. The minor saponins has high absorption and efficacy compared to major saponin. The acid treatment, heat treatment and fermentation with minor saponin research has been actively conducted. This study was performed in order to investigate the bioconversion of ginsenoside Rg5 of fermented wild ginseng adventitious roots by using lactic acid bacteria. Methods and Results : 20g adventitious roots of ginseng was added to water (10-fold v/w). 10% (v/v) of lactic acid bacteria (Pediococcus pentosaceus HLJG0702[KACC 81017BP]) were inoculated with wild ginseng adventitious roots. For the fermentation process the inoculated samples were transferred to culture room for 1, 3 and 5 days. The fermented samples were dried at room temperature and extracted with 70% ethanol. Extract was concentrated completely at 50 ℃ and Rg5 was analysed by using HPLC. Results showed no significant difference the dry weight of non-fermented and fermented wild ginseng adventitious roots. During the fermentation process, the pH changed from 5.7 to 4.2. HPLC analysis showed higher ginsenoside Rg5 (39.588 mg/g) at 3 days. Conclusion : The fermentation of ginseng root can increase the Rg5 contents and minor saponin composition. This process may be used to enhance the minor saponin thereby increasing in fermented property of wild ginseng adventitious roots.
Background : This study, the fraction for testing the efficacy of the Astragalus extract was concentrated active ingredient. The concentrated fraction was applied to a cosmetic material that Astragalus testing results confirmed that the improved efficacy. Methods and Results : The fractions were performed using an n-butanol solvent for increasing the efficacy of the Astragalus extract, by using the material fractions collected to compare and ultimately an increase in whitening and wrinkle efficacy. The solvent to be used in the fractions was used for the n-butanol good dissolution to the effective substance(Astragaloside, Isoflavonoid). It increased approximately 6.5 times the sample extract and the n-butanol fraction of the Astragalus as a result Astragaloside 15 ppm, 97 ppm respectively analyzed by HPLC equipment, isoflavonoid content was confirmed by an increase in the content of the fractions increased 4.5 times to 280 ppm, 1,260 ppm. Tyrosinase inhibitory effect, respectively IC50 5.70 mg/mL, IC50 1.02 mg/mL to, Collagenase producing ability is IC50 4.88 mg/mL, IC50 0.93 mg/mL with n-butanol fraction was good whitening, anti-wrinkle efficacy than the extract. Sensory evaluation was conducted in the same amount of sample, using a purified Astragalus cosmetics received high marks. Stability evaluation(MTT assay) was checked for more than 100% cell viability at the concentration 2,000 ppm. Conclusion : n-butanol fraction of Astragalus was subjected to a component analysis and In vitro test, it was confirmed an increase active ingredient content. The results of sensory evaluation and stability evaluation, it was confirmed been made to improve qualities as a cosmetic materials.