Background: The foot is a complex body structure that plays an important role in static and dynamic situations. Previous studies have reported that altered foot posture might affect knee joint strength and postural stability, however their relationship still remains unclear.
Objects: The purpose of this study was to identify whether pronated foot posture has an influence on knee isokinetic strength and static and dynamic postural stability.
Methods: Forty healthy young males aged 18 to 26 years were included. Foot posture was evaluated using the Foot Posture Index-6 (FPI-6), and the subjects were divided into two groups according to their FPI-6 scores: a neutral foot group (n = 20, FPI-6 score 0 to +5) and a pronated foot group (n = 20, FPI-6 score +6 or more). Biodex Systems 3 isokinetic dynamometer was used to evaluate knee isokinetic strength and hamstring to quadriceps ratio at three angular velocities: 60°/sec, 90°/sec, and 180°/sec. The static and dynamic postural stability in a single-leg stance under the eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions were measured with a Biodex Balance System.
Results: There were no significant differences between the groups in knee isokinetic strength and static postural stability (p > 0.05), but there was a significant difference in the medial– lateral stability index (MLSI) for dynamic postural stability under the eyes-closed condition (p = 0.022). The FPI-6 scores correlated significantly only with the dynamic overall stability index (OSI) and the MLSI (OSI: R = 0.344, p = 0.030; MLSI: R = 0.409, p = 0.009) under the eyesclosed condition.
Conclusion: Participants with pronated foot had poorer medial–lateral dynamic stability under an eyes-closed condition than those without, and FPI-6 scores were moderately positively correlated with dynamic OSI and dynamic MLSI under the eyes-closed condition. These results suggest that pronated foot posture could induce a change in postural stability, but not in knee isokinetic strength.
We report on our Galactic plane searches for magnetars in the archival Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO) data. We summarize the properties of known magnetars and use them to establish a procedure for magnetar searches. The procedure includes four steps: source finding, spectral characterization, optical counterpart checks, and period searches. We searched 1,282 archival CXO observations, found 32,838 X-ray sources, and selected 25 intriguing candidates using the developed procedure. Although we do not firmly identify a magnetar among them, we significantly reduced the number of targets in future magnetar searches to be done with better X-ray telescopes.