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        검색결과 13

        2021.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        평균연령의 증가에 따른 인구고령화는 현대사회의 공통적 당면과제이며, 이에 따른 퇴행성 근감소증의 발생 및 증가는 이에 대한 새로운 해결책을 요구한다. 근감소증은 단백질의 불균형 및 운동부족, 염증 증가 등 다양한 요소에 의해 발생하므로, 과학적 원인분석을 통한 다각도적 접근이 필요하다. 이는 식품산업의 새로운 블루오션을 창조 할 수 있으나, 현재 국내의 근감소증 개선 식품성분에 관한 연구는 태동 단계라고 할 수 있다. 제품 개발 현황의 경우 단백질을 이용한 제품이 대다수인 반면, 미국의 경우 단백질 유래 원료뿐만 아니라 현미, 갈조류, 사과껍질 등 식물 유래 원료를 이용하여 다양한 제품을 출시하고 있다. 또한, 근감소증 개선 효과가 있는 원료에 대한 특허 출원 은 증가하는 추세지만, 지표성분에 대한 연구는 아직 미비하다. 국내와 비교했을 때 미국을 비롯한 국외 학계 및 산업계는 비교적 많은 연구와 개발을 이루고 있다. 하지만 제품의 소재가 주로 대두단백 및 유청단백 등에만 국한되어 있으며, 운동보조제 위주의 접근으로 인해 제형의 한계가 존재하는 상황이다. 따라서, 근감소증을 개선할 수 있는 다양한 과학적 기작 연구와 함께 소재개발을 통하여 식품 산업의 새로운 시장을 열어갈 선구적 연구가 필요하다.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Salicornia europaea L. (SE) as a halophyte has been widely used as a seasoned vegetable with various biological activities, including anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic activities. In particular, the desalted SE (DSE) has been considered an attractive alternative compared to SE for its anti-obesity effect. 1-Deoxynojirimycin (1-DNJ) is one of the known α-glucosidase inhibitors and has been reported to have similar biological activities with SE. This study reports the anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory activities of DSE fermented by Bacillus velezensis K26 (BVDSE) previously isolated from Korean fermented soybean paste and elucidated to produce 1-DNJ in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and RAW264.7 cells. BVDSE (5%) did not show cytotoxicity in 3T3-L1 cells and inhibited lipid accumulation, which was decreased to 23% in the differentiated cells. BVDSE did not inhibit the release of the pro-inflammatory cytokine, TNF-α, while it remarkedly inhibited IL-6 on lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW264.7 cells. Taken together, these results indicate that the fermentation of DSE with B. velezensis K26 as a 1-DNJ producer has more significant anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory effects than even non-fermented DSE, assuming the synergistic effects by 1-DNJ production from B. velezensis K26, by which it could be highlighted that BVDSE may be considered for use as a functional food supplement.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Previous studies have suggested that rice bran oil (RBO), an edible oil from the byproducts of rice milling, has antiinflammatory effects in inflammation inducing macrophages, known as M1 subsets. Yet the effects of RBO on the counterpart M2 subsets, the “healing” macrophages, were poorly investigated to date. In this regard, recent studies on the molecular/cellular anti-inflammatory mechanisms of dietary components have demonstrated that mitochondrial respiration contributes to macrophage functioning. Therefore, the current study examined whether RBO regulates cytokine secretion by modulating mitochondrial metabolism in wound healing M2 subsets. Palm oil (PO), enriched with medium-chain fatty acids, served as a positive control. C57BL/6 mice were fed a diet containing either corn oil (CO), PO or RBO for 4 weeks, followed by purification of bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) from their tibias and femurs. Cells were further polarized to M2-BMDM, and the expression of M2 marker (CD206) on cellular surfaces were not affected by dietary intervention. In addition, the secretion of anti-inflammatory cytokine (IL-10) in the culture supernatant was not affected by dietary lipids. Oxygen consumption rate, the indicator of mitochondrial respiration in M2-BMDM was not regulated by RBO intervention and PO treatment. Taken together, this study imply that RBO did not intervene both the regulation of inflammatory responses and mitochondrial respiration in M2 macrophages.
        2017.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Previous studies demonstrated that rice bran oil has an anti-inflammatory effect. The current study investigated if the immune responses and energy metabolism phenotypes were affected by rice bran oil. Rice bran oil and palm oil, which served as an experimental control, were treated to RAW 264.7 macrophages respectively, followed by LPS stimulation so as to quantify the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 and TNF-α. The expression of surface markers i.e. CD 80, CD 86 and MHC-classⅡ and mitochondrial metabolism phenotypes were also tested. The data exhibited rice bran oil suppressed inflammatory responses and mitochondrial metabolism were modulated by rice bran oil. These results warrant the necessity for the compositional and/or mechanistic studies to elucidate the details.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Proximate analysis and antioxidant activity of cultivated wild Panax ginseng (CWPG) were investigated to provide fundamental information of CWPG with different ages and to increase its industrial application. Proximate analyses of CWPG with different ages were performed. Extraction of CWPG with different ages was carried out using heatreflux extraction, and their extraction yield, crude saponin content, ginsenoside content, and antioxidant activity were analyzed. Moisture content decreased, but crude fat and crude protein were increased with aging. Extraction yield and crude saponin contents did not show a specific pattern while 5-year-old CWPG revealed the highest extraction yield and crude saponin content. All CWPGs showed typical ginsenoside profiles containing C-K and Rh2 ginsenosides, which are not found in ginseng. The 3-year-old CWPG showed the highest antioxidant activity including total phenolic content, total flavonoid content, and DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities. Moreover, 3-year-old CWPG also revealed the highest acidic polysaccharide content. Therefore, these results suggested that 3-year-old CWPG, which is the cheapest, can be used in industrial application due to its high antioxidant activity and acidic polysaccharide content with similar ginsenoside profile compared to 5- and 7-year-old CWPGs.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is well-known that cultivated wild Panax ginseng has anti-inflammatory effect. However, a comparative study on cultivation period vs biofunctionality is currently lacking. In this study, 70% ethanol extracts of 3-years (yrs)-, 5-yrs-, or 7-yrs-old cultivated wild ginseng were evaluated for their inhibitory effects on RAW264.7 murine macrophages. Specifically, the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (interleukin-6 [IL-6] and tumor necrosis factor-alpha [TNF-α]), the expression of surface proteins (CD80, CD86, and MHC-II), and the phagocytic properties were investigated. RAW264.7 cells were induced by 500 ng/mL of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and treated with 0.1, 1, and 10 ppm of samples. LPS-induced IL-6, TNF-α and surface proteins in all samples were downregulated in a dose-dependent manner. Both IL-6 and TNF-α were significantly reduced at 10 ppm of the 7-yrsold sample compared to 10 ppm of 3-yrs- and 5-yrs-old samples. CD80 and CD86 were also reduced at 10 ppm of all samples, and there was no difference among samples. The phagocytosis has no difference except in 10 ppm of 3 yr-old sample. The results suggest that cultivated wild ginseng extract has anti-inflammatory effect without decreasing phagocytosis.