우리나라 해양생태계의 현황을 조사 및 분석하여 해양을 지속하게 이용할 수 있도록 하며 해양생태를 보전하고 관리할 수 있 도록 국가 해양생태계 종합조사를 해양수산부의 위탁을 받아 해양환경공단에서 진행하고 있다. 국가 해양생태계 종합조사는 주요 조사정 점을 설정하여 한반도 주변 해역의 생태계 변화를 조사하고 있지만, 정점이 연안을 중심으로 설정되어 근해역 등 조사범위 확대가 필요 한 실정이다. 한편 해양수산부 항로표지과에서는 항로표지 인양점검 시 부착생물의 사진을 촬영하여 제공함으로써 국가 해양생태계 종합 조사를 지원하고 있지만, 해양환경공단과 협의하여 지정된 등부표에 한해서 부착생물 사진을 제공한다. 이에 항로표지를 국가 해양생태 계 종합조사의 정점으로 활용할 수 있도록, 항로표지 및 등부표 인양점검 시 딥러닝 기반의 영상처리 알고리즘을 활용하여 부착생물의 정보를 생성하는 연구를 진행했다. 항로표지를 국가 해양생태계 종합조사의 정점으로 활용한다면 항로표지의 활용 가치를 제고하고 우리 나라 근해의 이상 해황 및 생태계 변화를 분석할 수 있는 기초자료로 활용할 수 있다.
In 2001, about 20 years after the introduction of the standard buoys, the natural environment and maritime traffic flow changes in the waters near Korea and the necessity of improvement of the AtoN (Aids to Navigation) maintenance was suggested. The IALA provides guidelines for maintenance and management of AtoN, and Korea provides guidelines for the management and operation of standard buoys by means of the Enforcement on the AtoN laws. The objective of this study was to investigate the installation status and the repair status of the standard type buoys by sea area in order to improve the management and operation of the steel standard buoys. In addition, a survey was conducted on the improvement of the steel buoy fouling and the improvement of the lifting inspection cycle towards on the AtoN managers and producers of the representative authority by sea area. In the case of LL-26 (M) buoy type, the standard type buoy installation status of Korea in 2017 was 57.1%, and the LL-26 (M) type was 58.9% showing the highest repair rate. According to the results of the survey on buoys fouling, 51.2% were caused by the attachment of shellfish, and 43.2% were caused by bird feces. The results of the survey on the improvement of the regular buoy inspection cycle showed that the measures are to maintain the current inspection period of 2 years regardless of the characteristics of the sea area (water depth, inside and outside port, buoy size, etc.).
IMO introduced the concept of e-Navigation and proposed MSPs(Maritime Service Portfolios) concept to reduce marine accidents, to improve efficiency of ship operation, port operation, and ship operation technology. Korean e-Navigation defines S1 ~ S5 services, as the service concept focused on domestic e-Navigation service corresponding to IMO MSPs, and is constructing a system as an ongoing project. S2 service (onboard system remote monitoring service) among the concepts of Korean e-Navigation services, is a service concept that judges the emergency level according to risk if an abnormal condition occurs during navigation, and provides corresponding guidance to accident ships based on emergency level. The purpose of this paper is to provide a basic architecture proposal of Korean e-Navigation S2 service navigation safety module, based on the S2 service operation concept. To do this, we conducted a questionnaire survey to ask experts with experience with sailors, to respond to the subjective risk experienced by sailors considering effects of anomalies, including equipment failure relative to sailing and navigational safety. Risk level for each abnormal condition was classified. The basic algorithm design of the navigation safety module is composed of safety index (SI) calculation module based on results of questionnaire and expert opinions, safety level (SL) determination module according to safety index, and corresponding guidance generation module according to safety level. To conduct basic validation of basic architecture of the navigation safety module, simulation of the ship anomaly monitoring was performed, and results have been revealed.
Common Maritime Data Structure (CMDS) is commonly used by shore and ship users in e-Navigation data domain. In the overarching of e-Navigation architecture, IHO uses S-1XX, a digital exchange standard for next-generation marine information, as data exchange standard. The current CMDS has the advantage of intuitively recognizing the overall structure of e-Navigation. However, it has disadvantage in that it does not allow stakeholders to easily understand benefits that e-Navigation can provide when implementing e-Navigation. In this study, the direction of improving existing system for effective e-Navigation implementation was proposed considering RCOs (Risk Control Options) with expected composition of ship/ shore/ communication system by sector.
IMO introduced e-Navigation concept to improve the efficiency of ship operation, port operation, and ship navigation technology. IMO proposed sixteen MSPs (Maritime Service Portfolio) applicable to the ships and onshore in case of e-Navigation implementation. In order to meet the demands of the international society, the system implementation work for the Korean e-Navigation has been specified. The Korean e-Navigation system has five service categories: the S2 service category, which is a ship anomaly monitoring service, is a service that classifies emergency levels according to the degree of abnormal condition when a ship has an abnormality in ship operation, and provides guidance for emergency situations. The navigation safety module is a sub-module of the S2 service that determines the emergency level in case of navigation equipment malfunctioning, engine or steering gear failure during navigation. It provides emergency response guidance based on emergency level to the abnormal ship. If an abnormal condition occurs during the ship operation, first, the ship shall determine the emergency level, according to the degree of abnormality of the ship. Second, an emergency response guidance is generated based on the determined emergency level, and the guidance is transmitted to the ship, which helps the navigators prevent accidents and not to spread. In this study, the operational concept for the implementation of the Korean e-Navigation system is designed and the concept is focused on the navigation safety module of S2 service.
Localized atmospheric conditions between multi-reference stations can bring the tropospheric delay irregularity that becomes an error terms affecting positioning accuracy in network RTK environment. Imbalanced network error can affect the network solutions and it can corrupt the entire network solution and degrade the correction accuracy. If an anomaly could be detected before the correction message was generated, it is possible to eliminate the anomalous satellite that can cause degradation of the network solution during the tropospheric delay anomaly. An atmospheric grid that consists of four meteorological stations was used to detect an inhomogeneous weather conditions and tropospheric anomaly applied AWSs (automatic weather stations) meteorological data. The threshold of anomaly detection algorithm was determined based on the statistical weather data of AWSs for 5 years in an atmospheric grid. From the analytic results of anomaly detection algorithm it showed that the proposed algorithm can detect an anomalous satellite with an anomaly flag generation caused tropospheric delay anomaly during localized atmospheric conditions between stations. It was shown that the different precipitation condition between stations is the main factor affecting tropospheric anomalies.
Extreme tropospheric anomalies such as typhoons or regional torrential rain can degrade positioning accuracy of the GPS signal. It becomes one of the main error terms affecting high-precision positioning solutions in network RTK. This paper proposed a detection algorithm to be used during atmospheric anomalies in order to detect the tropospheric irregularities that can degrade the quality of correction data due to network errors caused by inhomogeneous atmospheric conditions between multi-reference stations. It uses an atmospheric grid that consists of four meteorological stations and estimates the troposphere zenith total delay difference at a low performance point in an atmospheric grid. AWS (automatic weather station) meteorological data can be applied to the proposed tropospheric anomaly detection algorithm when there are different atmospheric conditions between the stations. The concept of probability density distribution of the delta troposphere slant delay was proposed for the threshold determination.
IMO에서는 선박온실가스 규제를 위해 2013년부터 현존선의 선박에너지효율관리계획인 SEEMP (Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan)의 시행을 강제화하고 있다. SEEMP에서 권고하는 에너지절감기술 가이드라인은 크게 하드웨어적인 장비의 탑재 및 개조 또는 소프트웨어적인 기술을 통한 연료유 절감효과로 구분된다. 신조선의 경우 하드웨어적인 기술구현이 용이하지만 현존선의 경우 운항상 제약으로 인해 소프트웨어적인 에너지 절감기술 구현이 적용되고 있다. IT기반의 선박에너지절감 시스템 성능평가를 위해 해상시험을 수행 하였고, 시스템 적용 전후의 항차데이터를 이용하여 연료유 절감효과를 비교·분석 하였다. 또한, SEEMP에서 자발적인 사용을 권고하고 있는 선박 경제운항 지표 (EEOI, Ship Energy Efficiency Operation Indicator) 분석을 통한 성능평가 결과를 제시하였다.
선박온실가스 규제를 위한 SEEMP (Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan) 기술 중 선박에너지절감을 위한 조치는 하드웨어 적인 장비를 선박에 탑재하여 구현하거나, 인적교육 및 운항패턴 개선 등과 같은 소프트웨어적인 방식으로 구현 가능하다. 선체저항개선을 위 한 기술 중 하드웨어적인 장비 개조를 통해 구현되는 기술은 현존선에 적용하는데 장비의 규모 등에 의한 제약이 발생한다. 반면 소프트웨어 적인 에너지절감기술의 구현은 저렴한 도입비용과 하드웨어적인 방식에 비해 높은 에너지 절감효과를 보이며, 선종에 크게 구애받지 않고 적 용이 용이하다는 장점을 가지고 있어 IT 기술을 이용한 선박에너지절감기술이 요구되어지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 IT 기반의 선박에너지절감 기술을 검증하기 위하여 대표적인 3개 선종에 대한 실선 모델링 기반의 선박조종시뮬레이터를 이용한 육상시험을 수행하였다. 시뮬레이터를 이용한 성능검증 방법은 6개의 다양한 환경조건에서 에너지절감기술 적용 전후의 운항결과로부터 에너지절감효과를 비교·분석하고, 해상상태 에 따른 구간별 비교결과를 통해 IT기반 에너지절감시스템의 성능평가를 수행하였다. 벌크, 컨테이너, VLCC 선종을 이용한 육상시험 결과 컨테이너선의 연료절감률이 가장 크게 나타났고, 육상시험 대상선박 모두 선박에너지절감시스템 사용전과 비교하여 연료절감효과를 보였다.
A ship-to-ship (STS) lightering operation takes place in order to transfer cargo (e.g. crude oil or petroleum products) between an ocean-going ship and a service ship alongside it. Instrumental measurements to accurately determine the relative speeds and distances during the approach between the vessels would benefit the operational safety and efficiency. A velocity information GPS (VI-GPS) system, which uses the instantaneous velocity measures from carrier-phase Doppler measurement, has been applied in a field observation onboard a service ship (Aframax tanker) approaching a ship-to-be-lightered (VLCC) in open waters. This article proposes to apply VI-GPS as the input sensor to a guidance and decision-support system aiming to provide accurate velocity information to the officer in charge of an STS operation. A method for precise velocity measurement using VI-GPS was described and the measurement results were compared each other with the results of Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) and VI-GPS that showed the concept of a guidance and decision-support system applying VI-GPS with the field test results during STS operations. Also, it turned out that VI-GPS has sufficient accuracy to serve as an input sensor from the field test results.
Radio waves including GPS signals, various TV communications, and radio broadcasting can be disturbed by a strong solar storm, which may occur due to solar flares and produce an ionospheric delay anomaly in the ionosphere according to the change of total electron content. Electron density irregularities can cause deep signal fading, frequently known as ionospheric scintillation, which can result in the positioning error using GPS signal. This paper proposes a detection algorithm for the ionosphere delay anomaly during a solar storm by using multi-reference stations. Different TEC grid which has irregular electron density was applied above one reference station. Then the ionospheric delay in zenith direction applied different TEC will show comparatively large ionospheric zenith delay due to the electron irregularity. The ionospheric slant delay applied an elevation angle at reference station was analyzed to detect the ionospheric delay anomaly that can result in positioning error. A simulation test was implemented and a proposed detection algorithm using data logged by four reference stations was applied to detect the ionospheric delay anomaly compared to a criterion.
GPS anomaly has increased according to the degradation of satellite performance, and many GPS users could be exposed to any kinds of error-included signals without any previous notice when unscheduled error occurred. RSIM (Reference Station Integrity Monitors) is a typical monitoring method to broadcast PRC (Pseudo Range Correction) for users. However, there were some cases that the receiver detected the anomalous satellite's signal even though it was unhealthy set, consequently it occurred a large range error. Then it is important to monitor the integrity of GPS signal and it is needed to devise the correction method of pseudorange by eliminating error-occurred PRN for notification to GPS users when it is monitored that the anomaly occurred. This paper proposes the basic concept of how to correct the pseudorange. The paper also shows the analysis results of PRN10 GPS anomaly occurred on day 39 in 2007 with corrected results by eliminating anomaly satellite (PRN10). The proposed correction method shows decreased pseudorange error range compared to the case when the anomaly satellite were used.
The Kinematic GPS is well known to provide a quite good accuracy of positioning within an level. Although kinematic GPS assures high precision measurement on the basis of an appreciable distance between a reference station and an observational point, it has measurable distance restriction within 20 km from a reference station on land. Therefore, it is necessary to make out a simple and low-cost method to obtain accurate positioning information without distance restriction In this paper, the velocity integration method to get the precise velocity information of a ship is explained. The experimental results of Zig-zag maneuver and Williamson turn as the ship's maneuvering test, and other experimental results of ship's movement during leaving and entering the port with low speed were shown. From the experimental results, ship's course, speed and position are compared with those obtained by kinematic-GPS, velocity integration method and dead reckoning position using Gyro-compass and Doppler-log.
The long-period gravity wave, the wave period from some ten seconds to some minutes, induces not only the big sway of a ship moored and berthed in the harbor due to the horizontal long-distance motion of a water but also strong exfoliated flow and vortices near the harbor entrance. They muse serious problems on the safety navigation of vessels entering and leaving the harbor, but this gravity wave has not been searched sufficiently yet. Then it is quite important to reveal the characteristics of this long-period gravity wave ana to solve various problems induced by this wave. The long-period gravity wave measurement system with arrayed buoys installed the kinematic GPS was already proposed, which provides the precise propagating direction of the long-period gravity wave. In this paper, the observation results of the wave measurement system are shown by the MUSIC method And the propagating wave direction was estimated precisely enough in comparison with other results used other method.