
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There are many collected phonetics which came from The Annotation of Classics in Jiyun. In The Annotation of Classics, the nature of Yinqie (音切) is very complex. There are some Yinqie not labeling phonetics for the prefixes. In Yinqie not labeling phonetics for the prefixes, some noted phonetics for variant, some noted phonetics for synonym, some noted phonetics for approximate character in form, some noted phonetics for notes and commentaries, some noted phonetics for original character. Of course, there are some Fanqie (反切) which noted phonetics for synonym in Jiyun. In the paper, we have specially discussed the Fanqie (反切) which noted phonetics for synonym in Jiyun. We divided the collected phonetics into two categories. We gave some examples for every category.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        『광운(廣韻)』 의 입성운(入聲韻) 반절을 음운 자질에 근거해 성모와 주요모음, 운미의 자질 대응 관계를 분석한 연구를 살펴보면, 반절상·하자가 피절자와 일정한 대응 관계를 이루는 것을 알 수 있다. 본 연구는 『광운(廣韻)』의 음성운(陰聲韻) 반절을 분석하였다. 음성운은 운미가 모음이거나 없는 글자로 개미운(開尾韻), 서성운(舒聲韻)이라 한다. 입성운과는 구분되는 음성운 반절에서도 반절상·하자가 피절자와 일정한 대응 관계를 보이는지 확인하였다. 성모는 『광운(廣韻)』 자모(字母)의 조음자(articulator)에 기반하여 대응 관계를 분석하고, 운모는 운두(韻頭), 운복(韻腹), 운미(韻尾)를 나누어 호(呼), 등(等), 섭(攝)을 통해 대응 관계를 살펴보았다.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고대 운서의 반절 주음(注音)은 음가가 아닌 음 범주를 반영한 것으로, 반절의 표 음방식은 반절 상·하자 음운 자질에 근거하여 분석해야 한다. 음운 자질에 근거해 반 절 상·하자의 성모와 주요모음, 운미의 자질 대응 관계를 분석했고, 반절 상·하자가 피절자와 일정한 대응 관계를 이루는 것을 발견하였다. 반절 상·하자는 각 성모의 조 음자가 대응하며, 주요모음의 개구도가 대응하고, 운미는 V-C(Vocal-Cords), Lab(La bial), Cor(Coronal), Dor(Dorsal)의 자질이 다양하게 대응했다. 이러한 분석으로 반절 상·하자가 각 성모와 운모를 나타내면서도 서로 대응 관계를 이루는 유사 음운이 되 도록 고려했다는 결론에 이를 수 있으며, 반절 상·하자는 피절자의 음을 표기하기 위 해 선별된 최적의 쌍으로 정교하고 치밀한 관계에 있다는 것을 확인하였다.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fanqie (反切) is a traditional method of indicating the pronunciation of a Chinese character by using two other Chinese characters, one having the same consonant as the given character and the other having the same vowel (with or without final nasal) and tone. There are seven problematic aspects regarding Fanqie (反切) phonetic notation of polyphonic characters in The Grand Chinese Dictionary, 漢語大詞典. The first, the cited Chinese characters used as phonetic notations are wrong; the second, the attributions of phonological status about some polyphonic characters are not correct; the third, one or two phonetic notations are missing among several pronunciations of the polyphones; the fourth, the materials for phonetic evidences are neglected; the fifth, the evidences of some ancient sounds are lagging because of not finding the earliest evidence in citing ancient sound; the sixth, the main sounds and the secondary ones are reversed; and the last, the selected Chinese characters are not appropriate in some Fanqie phonetics.
        1998.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to introduce prosthetic discipline and ambulation training after hemipelvectomy due to osteosarcoma. Over the past years, when the malignant bone tumors occurs in the extremities amputation is not enough to prevent a part recurrence and distal transformation resulting in fatal prognosis. On the other hand, these procedures could bring about a difficulty in rehabilitation in curing patient who have had hemipelvectomy. However the recent development of chemotherapy and diagnostic facility have permitted the orthopedic surgeons to many try amputations for the treatment of the malignant bone tumors. Unfortunately, there has not been many researches on hemipelvectomy. Since there is no studies found on hemipelvectomy either. Therefore, we introduce successful procedures for rehabilitation through the ambulation training for patients who have had amputation. One of our patients, who is an eighteen years old male, has had hemipelvectomy on the eighteenth of June in 1997 after his anticancer treatment over 12 times. He has had physical therapy of prosthetic ambulation training at the department of rehabilitation medicine Yonsei University Medical Center from the fifteenth of October to December '2nd in 1997.