
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper, based on cultural memory theory, examines how the digital game Black Myth: Wukong reconstructs and perpetuates cultural memory by integrating classic narratives with interactive storytelling. It first elucidates the core concepts of cultural memory, analyzing how Journey to the West serves as a cultural stabilizer. Through Sun Wukong’s rebellious spirit and adventure-driven narrative, it engraves Chinese cultural values deeply within collective memory. Next, an interactive storytelling perspective is introduced, highlighting how new media transform audiences from passive recipients to co-creators of cultural memory through immersion and engagement. Taking Black Myth: Wukong as a case study, this paper deconstructs its multilayered narrative structure and the modern reimagining of cultural symbols, such as the “six senses,” to demonstrate how the game endows the classic text with renewed cultural significance. Finally, it examines the game’s technological innovations and market performance to argue the complementarity between interactive storytelling and classic narratives, revealing the potential of digital media to drive cultural memory’s transmission and innovation, offering a new perspective for future cultural dissemination.