
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Based on corpus linguistics, synchronic and diachronic linguistics, lexicology, pragmatics, sociolinguistics and other theoretical knowledge, this paper makes a dynamic and in-depth study of the “Gou” popular neologisms. Under the guidance of corpus linguistics, this paper makes a statistical analysis of the word family of “Gou”, summarizes the growth of the number of members of the word group, the high frequency use of the word family, the syllable structure of the members of the word family, etc., and shows the changing characteristics of the word group in various aspects. Using the methods of etymology investigation and dynamic tracking, this paper analyzes that the word family of “dog” is a process in which many new words of “xxgou” type are derived from the original use of “single dog”, and gradually expand to 128 members. Under the guidance of lexicology theory, by means of semantic analysis, this paper sums up four referential meanings of "Gou" from the referential meaning of [+ animal] to [+ human], and then, through generalization, it derives four referential meanings of [+ identity], [+ profession / profession / field], [+ state], [+ stress / tension], [+ preference], [+ behavior / thing], [+ aversion], [+ behavior / thing]. Under the guidance of pragmatics theory, this paper explores the word family of “Gou” and summarizes the characteristics of the morpheme “Gou” of the family of words with the characteristics of quasi affixation, trisyllabic structure of words and single part of speech of members of the word group.