In this study, we analyzed the characteristics of six waterfront users who are currently being used to select indicators for waterfront development. It can be classified into urban type, inland type and coast type according to the place where waterfront space is located. These waterfront design elements include accessibility, public activity, and waterfront characteristics. Waterfront environment involves selecting the elements for considered and examined these with resepect to the goals of the study. In terms of accessibility to most waterfronts, it is analyzed that users who are located within 30 minutes' distance of walking are most likely to use it. As shown in the satisfaction survey of this study, the unsatisfactory satisfaction of water quality and quantity was found to be low in Unam pond, and the result shows that the overall satisfaction of waterfront space is also low. In the case of Chunggye Chun, the results of the survey on weekdays showed that the office workers, such as the offices located in the surrounding area, were mainly resting places. In the case of Naesungchun, it is possible to select the indicators that can help the direction of the festival as a survey on the users during the festival period. In this study, waterfront location, purpose of use, characteristics, environment, and subdivision are presented as indicators to be considered when developing the waterfront. It is expected that the proposed indicators will be able to determine the direction of development by reflecting characteristics of users.
최근 국내 대표적인 플로팅건축물인 세빛섬의 운영 정상화로 플로팅건축물에 대한 이미지가 매우 긍정적인 방향으로 개선되었다. 플로팅건축의 특장점은 특별한 공간체험(29.9%) > 랜드마크(27.6%) > 수해양문화 향유(21.5%) > 관광 및 개발의 거점(16.0%) > 지구온난화 에 대비하는 친환경성(4.8%) 순으로 나타났다. 플로팅건축물은 일반인들에게 특별한 공간체험을 제공하며 차별화된 이미지를 가지고 있다. 따라서 플로팅건축물의 공간디자인마케팅은 특별한 공간을 매개로 지자체나 기업이 주민이나 고객들과 아이덴티티와 이미지를 교환하는 형 태로 일어난다. 이때, 건축물이 지닌 기본적인 공간 속성에 방문객들의 공간수요를 반영한 프로그램 선정과 사업주체 및 운영주체의 일원화가 중요하다. 플로팅건축의 프로그램은 상업시설이나 문화시설, 친수공간 확보 조건을 활용한 마리나시설이 적절하며, 향후 플로팅건축 시장도 활성화될 것으로 전망된다.