
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2000.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The title of this essay seems to suggest the name of one particular philosophy in world history. When we speak of ‘stoicism,’ it is the name of universal philosophy that is a part of the education of every self-consciousness. While it is generally admitted that Yeats is a very great poet indeed, it is not easy enough to decide in what ‘greatness’ consists. At first, I wondered whether remained anything of to say about Yeats by the many aspects and contexts in which Yeats could be considered. I came to choose the topic-stoic stature and wisdom. I found myself that these two were so closely connected as to form one problem I must treat as a whole. Hegel's idea of thought is as follows, when I refer to thought, the stage of self-consciousness reaches here is the stage of thought. In other words, thought also means the liberty of self-consciousness. Thus freedom and will become identified. Stoic liberty represents this identity of thought and will. In the first place, I limit myself to the relationship between thought and will. Because Yeats who have toiled with language knows that the autonomy of the will confer the value that “hallows” human life. In the second throughout later poetry-especially, 「The Municipal Gallery Revisited」 Yeats’s society is a small community of autonomous spirits. In fact it is through the will to preserve the individual in the deed and make it meaningful. Based upon a mutual greatness and of a mutual glory, the later poems about persons attempts to create a community of autonomous individuals―“the individual who is a world.” Yeats’s humanity results in art. According to Eliot, ‘the wisdom is essential in making the poetry, and it is necessary to apprehend it as poetry in order to profit by it as wisdom.’ The wisdom of a great poet is concealed in his work. But it is through his discipline and stoic of the will and mind that Yeats could sing a song celebrating human endeavour.