Clothing, as a signsystem, implies many different meanings according to different circumstances. Korean fashion designers’ designs also imply various meanings. Therefore, the purpose of this study is the exploration of Korean fashion designers’ design characteristics through Greimas’ Semiotic Square. As sublimity is the most representative characteristic of modern fashion design, this study discusses the in-depth aesthetic meaning innated in Korean fashion design through the semiotic square proposed by Greimas. To fulfill this goal, Korean fashion designers were sought after on the internet; consequently, four Korean designers became subjects for the analysis. Their collections were analyzed according to predefined criteria adopted and modified from previous studies. Sublimity characteristics were applied to Greimas’ and Floch’s semiotic squares for further interpretation. Results of the study indicate that sublimity, which is typically found in Korean fashion designs, varies depending on different points of view. In terms of culture, this study discovered a relationship of contrariety between sublimity and beauty. This finding opposes the theory of Greimas’ semiotic square, in which sublimity stands as a contradictory of the technician. According to the culture industry theory, suggested by Held, the technician is an implication of sublimity. Through a technician, sublimity may pose as a complementarity or implication of beauty. Finally, sublimity might substitute beauty as well; furthermore, it constitutes practical valorization in the semiotic square of Floch. Moreover, the artist present as a ludic valorization stands as a contradictory, while art, serving as a utopian valorization, enacts as a contrary.
그레마스의 기호 사각형과 구조생성기호학은 언어는 물론 비언어 텍스트 분석에도 유용하기에, 이를 활용하여 스타크래프트를 분석해보고자 하였다. 가장 1차적으로 필요한 작업이 게임 텍스트에 대한 분절이었는데, 본고에서는 크리스티앙 메츠의 거대 통합체 이론과 원칙을 차용하여 게임 텍스트 분절의 기준을 삼았다. 스타크래프트의 기호 사각형을 도출한 결과 스타크래프트는 전쟁이라는 의미축을 중심으로 하여 생산과 파괴라는 기본적인 의미범주를 통하여 의미를 생성하는 것으로 파악되었다. 이러한 의미작용체계에 대한 분석은 향후의 설화수준, 담화수준에서의 의미작용체계분석과 맞물려 총체적인 스타크래프트의 의미생성과정을 파악하는데 디딤돌이 될 것으로 기대된다.