
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Goldwork embroidery is the art of embroidery using metal threads. As well as being used as a decorative element of religious clothing, flags, performing costumes, uniforms, and badges, goldwork embroidery is also used in many current designer collections. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the techniques and materials of goldwork embroidery and the formative characteristics and socio-cultural values of goldwork embroidery from its beginning to the early 20th century. For this study, various embroidery works, costumes, museum portraits, and literature were analyzed. The results are as follows. First, the transition of goldwork embroidery was divided into 4 categories: The beginning of goldwork embroidery; the golden age of goldwork embroidery; the maturity of goldwork embroidery; and various goldwork embroidery (depending on the materials used, usage, and design features). The earliest extant example is the “Maaseik fragments” in Belgium dating from the late 8th to early 9th centuries. Until the 15th century, the Church was the most important patron of goldwork embroidery; however, after the 15th century, goldwork embroidery was produced on costumes. Second, the social-cultural values of goldwork embroidery (based on transition and formative features) were classified as expression of divinity, instrument of governance, desire to be approved, and tools of self-expression. Through this study, it is evident that there have been many advances in both technique and technology over time. Furthermore, patterns of usage and social-cultural values of goldwork embroidery have changed significantly.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this paper is to estimate economic value of multi-functionality roles including landscape and so on, which grassland in Jeju possesses, using Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Method (DC-CVM). Grassland is life cultural heritance of regional residents in Jeju. It has functions like development of favorable landscapes, maintenance of cultural heritage, and recreation/relaxation. Expectation from regional visitors shows that the existence and inheritance value of grassland is higher than we expected. According to the research that we had done from the people that had agreed to contribute grassland. moreover the public commercial value of grassland was not only 397~419 billion won but also it will increase an economic gain in every year in Jeju. Therefore, preserving grassland that has multi-functional roles and values can lead to huge economic value in the future in Jeju. Moreover, farm households which are located in the grassland conservation area would be supported 15~31 billion won in every year for grassland conservation but it is only 4~8% of the economic value of grassland i.e. 3,971~4190 billion won. Thus, grassland preservation policy and plan can raise green-tour commercial value of Jeju area as a long-term inside measurement. Those will have to be propelled continuously.