We have performed CFD simulation and analyzed flow and concentration fields for the basic data of the ventilation system for removing pollutants which were produced in a lecture room. The flow patterns indicated differently according to the arrangement of openings and the concentration distribution of pollutants were showed higher and lower because of the effect of that flow patterns. In the case of arranging the openings to the upper and lower side, the stagnation appearance of flow formed in the interested space. In the case of arranging the openings to the right and left side, the stagnation of high concentration pollutants appeared in the middle area of the interested space. On the increasing exhaust velocity, the distribution of pollutants appeared similar to the normal case, but the concentration of pollutants were lower.
This paper aims to find the characteristics of concentration distribution of coastal urban air pollutants. For this purpose, It was used the daily meteorological data and the hourly concentration data for O3 and NO2 in Busan metropolitan city from 1994 to 1996. It was investigated the annual and monthly distribution of ozone and nitrogen dioxide concentration at each site in Busan, and also investigated the characteristics of concentration change of air pollutants with time under the sea breeze.
As a results, the concentration of nitrogen dioxide and ozone tend to be increased every year and nitrogen dioxide concentration is higher than ozone concentration at all sites in Busan. The concentration of ozone is high in summer season and low in winter season, but the concentration of nitrogen dioxide have a reversed trend. The monthly peak concentration of ozone occurred in April and September, while the monthly minimum concentration of nitrogen dioxide occurred in August. Their trend were identified by sites near the coastline than sites stands apart from the coastline. The sea breeze occurred annual mean 81 day in Busan from 1994 to 1996. The main wind direction of sea breeze was classified into southwesterly and southeasterly. In case of southwesterly, It was pronounced the south wind and southwest wind. In case of southeasterly, the occurrence frequency of east wind was high. Especially, the concentrations of urban air pollutants, such as ozone and nitrogen dioxide, were high on time which the sea breeze flow, and the areas that ozone concentration was high moved from outside part to central part of city with time.
In costal urban such as Busan, the wind direction of sea breeze is influenced the change of ozone and nitrogen dioxide concentration on time which the sea breeze flow at each site and also influenced the change of air pollutants concentration of sites on the pathway of sea breeze.