이 논문은 절연유를 정제하여 SF6 가스를 용해시켰을 때 절연유의 수십 MHz대의 고주파 절연파괴 전압과 유전특성에 관해서 연구한 것이다. 1)절연유에서의 고주파 전류는 전압의 1/2승에 거의 비례하여 증가한다. 2)전원주파수가 증가함에 따라 고주파 절연파괴는 주파수의 제곱에 역비례하여 감소하는 현상을 나타내고 AC절연파괴의 전압때보다 약 35%정도가 감소한다. 3) 용해된 기체의 압력을 증가시킴에 따라 고주파 절연파괴 전압은 원만하게 증하한다. 4)전원주파수의 증가에 따른 유전정접(tan δ)은 거의 지수 함수적으로 증가하고 유전률(ε)은 [0.6% MHZ]의 기울기로 삼소하는 경향을 나타낸다. 5) SF6 가스를 용해시켰을때 절연파괴 특성은 Air 또는 Ar을 용해시켰을 때 보다 약 25% 정도 향상되는 특성을 나타낸다.
The formation potential and pathway of less-chlorinated PCBs, including mono- and di-chlorinated biphenyls, was investigated when PCBs contained in transformer oil were dechlorinated by commercial treatment. Potassium hydroxide with polyethylene glycol (PEG-600) was used for dechlorination of PCBs, and its destruction efficiency to whole 209 congeners of PCBs was 97.1% on average, ranging from 95.6% to 98.2%. Homologue of mono-CBs showed the negative destruction efficiencies, while those of highly-chlorinated ones through tri- to deca-CBs showed better efficiencies than about 99%. In particular, mono-chlorinated biphenyl in meta-position (#2) was about 34-47 times enriched after dechlorination, thus the reactivity seemed to be in the order of ortho-, para-, and meta-chorinated biphenyl. Co-planar PCBs' dechlorination efficiency was averaged as high as 99.4%, but 3,4,4',5-TeCB (#81) showed a relatively lower efficiency than others' in one case. Not only sodium metal but also alkaline metal such as potassium was thought of affecting the formation or enrichment of mono-chlorinated biphenyls produced by Wrutz-Fittig reaction as intermediates and products.
The dechlorination processes and efficiencies of PCBs contained in transformer dielectric oils were investigated on three commercial-treatment companies. Alkaline dispersion method was used for dechlorination of PCBs mainly using molten metallic sodium or potasium hydroxide with PEG, and its dechlorination efficiency to whole congeners of PCBs was 98.94% on average. Homologues of highly-chlorinated biphenyls showed better efficiencies than those of less chlorinated ones, especially mono-chlorinated biphenyl in para-position (#2) was about 37 times enriched after chemical treatment. Co-planar PCBs' dechlorination efficiency was averaged as high as 99.78%, but 3,3',4,4'-TeCB was relatively low as 96.5%. It was suggested for better dechlorination efficiency to remove the water in transformer oil prior to chemical reaction and to stir the reagents more rapidly when using alkaline dispersion method.
Practical disposal of transformer insulation oil laden with PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) by a chemical treatment has been studied in field work. The transformer insulation oil containing PCBs was treated by the required amounts of PEG (polyethylene glycol) and KOH, along with different reaction conditions such as temperatures and times. The reaction of PEG with PCBs under basic condition produces arylpolyglycols, the products of nucleophilic aromatic substitution. Removal efficiencies of PCBs in insulation oil before and after chemical treatment were examined.
The removal efficiency of PCBs was very low at lower temperatures of 25 and 50℃. Under the reaction condition of PEG 600/KOH/100℃/2hr, removal efficiency of PCBs was approximately 70%, showing completely removal of PCBs containing 7~9 chlorines on biphenyl frame which appear later than PCB IUPAC Number 183 (2,2',3,4,4',5',6-heptaCB) in retention time of GC/ECD. However, when increasing the reaction temperature and time to 150℃ and 4 hours, removal efficiency of PCBs reached 99.99% without any formation of PCDDS/PCDFs during the process. Such reaction conditions were verified by several official analytical institutions. In studying the reaction of PEG with PCBs, it confirmed that the process of chemical treatment led to less chlorinated PCBs through a stepwise process with the successive elimination of chlorines.