
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to understand the effect of installing highway rest areas reflecting continuous driving time as a factor that can affect drowsy driving. METHODS : In this study, various models were tested for representing the effect of reducing accidents of highway rest areas. Among the various models including negative binomial, a series of the zero-inflated models reflecting accidents, the zero-inflated model showed the best suitability. RESULTS : According to the results of the zero inflated negative binomial model, installation of highway rest areas was found to have an accident reduction effect of approximately 11.93%. This is somewhat lower than the accident reduction effect estimated in previous studies. In addition, variables related to continuous driving time were found to affect accidents caused by drowsy driving. CONCLUSIONS : Basically, by using the continuous driving time index, a vehicle that has been driving continuously for more than 2 hours or if the continuous driving time is increased for more than 2 hours, the probability of accidents increases. However, in the case of trucks, a more in-depth study is needed on whether an increase in trucks induces defensive driving of other vehicles and this causes a reduction in accidents. Thus, it is necessary to use the variable cautiously for the highway rest area installation plan.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : In this study, the installation of drowsy rest areas and accidents are analyzed. The factors that affected the accidents caused by drowsy drivers in rest areas are analyzed to improve the safety of rest areas. METHODS : By comparing and analyzing the installation status of the rest areas for drowsy drivers, the accident status were analyzed. The logistic regression model was used to analyze the factors that affect accidents in the drowsy rest area. RESULTS : Most rest areas were installed below the installation criteria. Several accidents occurred when the vehicle entered the drowsy rest area. These rest areas had a short entry ramp, and no safety facilities were installed. The logistic regression model showed that the risk of an accident is lowered when the deceleration lane is longer than 215 m. Additionally, the risk of an accident is lowered when the rest area is installed in the straight section or the curve section, wherein the curve radius is greater than 2 km. CONCLUSIONS : In this study, we evaluated the installation status of the rest areas for drowsy drivers by comparing installation elements. Most rest areas for drowsy drivers were installed at different lengths of the ramp. Some of these were installed on the slope or curved sections of the road. We analyzed the accident status and developed an accident modal using the logistic regression model to identify the factors that affect accidents. It will be necessary to analyze accidents in drowsy rest areas continuously to improve safety for drowsy drivers.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: In this study, design elements of rest areas for drowsy drivers are classified and appropriate criteria for each design element are presented. METHODS : By comparing and analyzing the design criteria for rest areas, the most appropriate installation criteria were suggested by considering the driving patterns of rest area users. RESULTS: As a result of the study, elements influencing the design of rest areas for drowsy drivers are suggested such as installation location and installation type. In addition, proper separation distance between resting areas was suggested considering vehicle flow, users’fatigue and physiological needs. Other criteria for rest areas were also suggested. CONCLUSIONS : Proper safety facilities were not installed in rest areas because appropriate criteria were not established. In this study, design elements were derived and installation criteria were designed so that rest areas could be used safely and conveniently.