In this study, 5-story structures were designed in accordance with KBC2009 for inelastic time history analysis of RC IMRF. Bending moment-curvature relationship for beam and column was identified with fiber model and bending moment-rotation relationship for beam-column joint was calculated with simple and unified joint shear behavior model and moment equilibrium relationship for the joint. The hysteretic behavior was simulated with three-parameter model suggested in IDARC program. The analytical results showed that the inelastic shear behavior of the joint could be neglected in the structural design for seismic design category C but the structure of category D did not satisfy the criteria of FEMA 356 for collapse prevention performance level.
본 논문에서는 푸쉬오버해석을 통해 철근콘크리트 중간모멘트골조의 반응수정계수를 확인하기 위하여 5층 구조물을 KBC2009에 맞게 구조설계 하였다. 보 및 기둥 부재의 휨모멘트-곡률 관계는 화이버 모델로 확인하였으며 보-기둥 접합부 모멘트-회전각관계는 Simple and Unified Joint Shear Behavior Model과 보-기둥 접합부 모멘트 평형관계를 이용하여 확인하였다. 푸쉬오버해석 결과보-기둥 접합부 비탄성 전단거동을 무시하는 경우 구조물의 강도가 과대평가 되었다. 반응수정계수는 내진설계범주 C에 대하여 설계한경우 평균 7.78, 내진설계범주 D에 대하여 설계한 경우 평균 3.64로 평가되었다.