
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Heaney’s poems seem to build on a tripartite cyclical structure which comprises home-leaving, wandering and home-coming. This structure is thought to symbolize explorations for identity and for the limitlessness and profundity of the universe. And also, this tripartite cyclical structure is thought to symbolize perfection and holiness. And this structure symbolizes the embracement of the dynamic and cyclical phenomena of our life. In Death of A Naturalist and Door into Dark the poet explores his own identity or his community's one; in Wintering Out, he shows the resistant spirit against the violence of Northern Ireland. In North, the persona finally recognizes that he should leave his home community stricken with violence in order to live in peace and to be a free artist. Field Work and Station Island, I think, belong to the stage of wandering: Field Work shows his new aspect as a naturalist, attempting to settle down in Wicklow, the new shelter. Station Island shows the last destination of his wandering, identifying himself with Sweeney, the symbol of the free artist and finally he comes to fly as a free universal artist. The poetical works since The Haw Lantern show some aspects of journey back; The Haw Lantern lays out a new blueprint for the Irish Republic as a conscientious country; and Seeing Things searches for the Irish spiritual omphalos that the Irish people has been dreamed of, by experimenting a new-style poetry for expressing light, song, freedom and equality. My last conclusion is that, although Heaney who had explored his own and his community's identities could not but leave his home country to write poems in peace and wander in a sense of sin, he has moved toward Uisneach: the perfection and holiness-full Irish utopian land and also the omphalos of Irish psyche.