Most of the predictions using machine learning are neutral predictions considering the symmetrical situation where the predicted value is not smaller or larger than the actual value. However, in some situations, asymmetric prediction such as over-prediction or under-prediction may be better than neutral prediction, and it can induce better judgment by providing various predictions to decision makers. A method called Asymmetric Twin Support Vector Regression (ATSVR) using TSVR(Twin Support Vector Regression), which has a fast calculation time, was proposed by controlling the asymmetry of the upper and lower widths of the ε-tube and the asymmetry of the penalty with two parameters. In addition, by applying the existing GSVQR and the proposed ATSVR, prediction using the prediction propensities of over-prediction, under-prediction, and neutral prediction was performed. When two parameters were used for both GSVQR and ATSVR, it was possible to predict according to the prediction propensity, and ATSVR was found to be more than twice as fast in terms of calculation time. On the other hand, in terms of accuracy, there was no significant difference between ATSVR and GSVQR, but it was found that GSVQR reflected the prediction propensity better than ATSVR when checking the figures. The accuracy of under-prediction or over-prediction was lower than that of neutral prediction. It seems that using both parameters rather than using one of the two parameters (p_1,p_2) increases the change in the prediction tendency. However, depending on the situation, it may be better to use only one of the two parameters.
With the spread of smart manufacturing, one of the key topics of the 4th industrial revolution, manufacturing systems are moving beyond automation to smartization using artificial intelligence. In particular, in the existing automatic machining, a number of machining defects and non-processing occur due to tool damage or severe wear, resulting in a decrease in productivity and an increase in quality defect rates. Therefore, it is important to measure and predict tool life. In this paper, v-ASVR (v-Asymmetric Support Vector Regression), which considers the asymmetry of є-tube and the asymmetry of penalties for data out of є-tube, was proposed and applied to the tool wear prediction problem. In the case of tool wear, if the predicted value of the tool wear amount is smaller than the actual value (under-estimation), product failure may occur due to tool damage or wear. Therefore, it can be said that v-ASVR is suitable because it is necessary to overestimate. It is shown that even when adjusting the asymmetry of є-tube and the asymmetry of penalties for data out of є-tube, the ratio of the number of data belonging to є-tube can be adjusted with v. Experiments are performed to compare the accuracy of various kernel functions such as linear, polynomial. RBF (radialbasis function), sigmoid, The best result isthe use of the RBF kernel in all cases